2nd.Edited Version;
In these times of a Earthly Duel Function, which the 1st part is defeating the DC. and the 2nd is Ascension. So we need all the help we can get then to be able to also Ascend into the higher 4D & then into 5D. Some think that this Duel Function Process that is occuring is just a gift and all we have to do to get there is to except it. But my friends it is much more than that, yes it is a gift and yes you should be thankful to God for this gift but it dosen't end there. We have already won the War against the DC. but that is only half of our Mission. All who wish to partake of this wonderious gift of Ascension must not only give thanks but must be involved in it to the greatest extent. By that I mean it must be a constant up grade of our consciousness which is what the term Ascension is all about and then to share with our brothers what some call cosmic consciousness or better yet Christ Consciousness. I prefer Christ-consciousness because that is exactly what we must do while here in 4D we must learn to be like Christ Michael the Father and Jesus-Sananda the Christ his 1st Evolutionary Son who became a god.
Some of the Starseeds and light-workers think that all they have to do to get there is follow the Divine Plan and just go along with it and don't pay to much attention to the DC and there Fear games, that they are shoving on us as they fall to there demise. But that is only part of the duel function of the Divine Plan, we must also do our home work of raising our consciousness on a daily basis above all of the worlds crazyness and negativity that surrounds us. And there are many ways in which to do this and each light-worker must find the one way that best works for him or her and go for it. But if it dosen't work then we must drop it and go find the program that does work for us. And when that one dosen't work anymore then we must drop it and move on again, for there is many levels we must traverse here in the 4th Dimension for those who are now Awake. And for that matter all Dimensions require completion of each level before we can then move on up to the next level and there are many levels plus the Holy Spirit will help us to decide that and make sure that we keep moving on up.
There are many programs to choose from according to where you are now in your Awakening process and where you want to be. Of course we all want to be already there in 5D on the new Earth, which is said to be Heaven-like. But you can't get there from here, we are told. So how fast do you want to get there, slowly or at top speed. If you want to get there quickly or quicker but without taking the dangerous short cuts some try to take, well you can enroll yourself into the highest programs that have been sent down to us, mostly from the Spirit Realm, ''as above so below'' but also there are some good programs from our ET Allies. Its all up to you. The best but maybe not the fastest programs are also sometimes the hardest programs you can enroll in and the more Spiritual it is, the more they inform about God the Father, or Source or the Creator and the Holy Trinity, the stronger or for sure it is. And if you want to be sure that you don't fail or get on the wrong track, then pick the highest program that you can handle safely. Some like the occult, they feel somewhat attracted to it and that is partly Spirit based but that will keep them going in a circle because the occult is only in-part spiritual but not totally in sink with the Spirit-reality that we are now in, so we have to be careful not to get too cought up into these occult things to much for they will not lead you there, to where you really and truly want to be. For they reside in the Gray erea of light and dark powers.
They do speak of God the Father and Jesus the son some what but don't know there true names and do not give much correct details of the Spirit Realm.But there are higher programs that do go into great details about the higher Truths of the Spirit Realm. I will give some more details of them here below, like I have done before on my other blogs and explain them a bit more. This info below is from the book ''A Course in Miracles'' teachers manual by Jesus-Sananda. I will give more explanations to those words or sentences that I fell needs it, in [ - ] to help light-workers to better understand what is being said. This is some of the highest Spiritual material I have found on this planet in the last 50+ plus years. It is a bit heavy even for me for it comes from Jesus-Sananda who is a very old soul, the 1st to evolve to god status and he is a super genious. So don't feel bad if you don't get the message the 1st time, just read it over and over again til you get it for it will take some time,I had to do this myself even though I have been studying the ACIM material for over 18 yrs and about Jesus and teachings for over 50 yrs in the ''Urantia book''. If you have questions leave them in the comments.
''Jesus is the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit; [ Which means he bonded with his H.S. and became a Christ, a god. ] whom he called down upon the earth after he ascended into heaven, or became completely identified with the Christ, [ Christ means ''the anointed one'' ] the son of God as He Created him. The Holy Spirit being a Creation of the One Creator, creating with him and in his likeness or spirit, is eternal and has never changed. He was ''called down upon the earth'' in the sense that it was now possible to except him and to hear his voice for God and has therefor taken form. This form is not his reality, which God alone knows along with Christ, his real son, who is part of him.
The Holy Spirit described throughout the course as giving us the answer to the Separation and bringing the plan of atonement to us [ atonement means to correct ,to make a change ] ,establishing our particular part in it and showing us exactly what it is. He has established Jesus as the leader for carrying out his plan sense he was the first to complete his part perfectly. All power in Heaven and earth is given him and he will share it with you when you have completed yours.[ which means when you have completed the Ascension course into 5D ] The Atonement principle was given to the Holy Spirit long before Jesus set it in motion.[ this was on Penticost along with the ''Spirit of Truth'' ]
The Holy Spirit is described as the remaining communication link between God and his separated sons. In order to fulfill this special function, the Holy Spirit has assumed a dual function. He knows because he is a part of God; he perceives because he was sent to save humanity. He is the great connection principle; the bringer of true perception, the inherent power of the vision of Christ. He is the light in which the forgiven world is percieved; in which the face of Christ alone is seen. He never forgets the Creator or his creation. He never forgets the son of God. He never forgets you. And he brings the love of your Father to you in an eternal shining that will never be obliterated because God has put it there.
The Holy Spirit abides in the part of your mind that is part of the Christ mind. [ the Christ mind is a super materal, super imposed over our brain.] He represents yourself and your Creator, Who are One. He speaks for God and also for you, being joined with both. And therefore it is He Who proves them One. . He seems to be a voice,for in that form He speaks Gods Word to you. [ He speaks to us in sounds, of tones and clicks, when we make the correct decision] . He seems to be a guide through a far country, for you need that form of help. He seems to be whatever needs you think you have. But he is not deceived when you perceived yourself entrapped in needs you do not have. It is from these he would deliver you. It is form these that he would make you safe.
You are his Manifestation in this world; [ H.S. is our other self when we bond with him ] Your brother calls to you to be his voice along with him. Alone he cannot be the helper of Gods son, for he alone is function-less. But joined with you he is the Shining Savior of the world.Who's part in its redemption you have made complete. He offers thanks to you as well as him ,for you arose with him when he began to save the world. And you will be with him when time is over and no trace of dreams or spite in which you dance to deaths thin melody. For in its place the hymn to God is heard a little while. And then the Voice is gone,no longer to take form but to return to the eternal formlessness of God.'' [ when we completed our mission and then die the body, we depart from him but an essence of his being will always be with us on our eternal journey to perfection and Love, to become Christ and as J.C. did.]
There is no death because the son of God is like his Father. Nothing that you do can change eternal Love. Forget your deams of sin and guilt, and come with me instead to share the resurrection of Gods son. And bring with you all those he has sent to you to care for, as I care for you... J.C.
I hope this helps to complete our mission and function so we can Ascend someday into 5D from where we are now in 4D. This is a large part of the Awakening process and this Spirit-reality program is the best that I have found so far. I was inspiried by my higher self and the Holy Spirit to write this blog which all can do when they bond with the H.S.. Leave comments below if they are positive, we are all one, in the family of God.
Adonai Rev. Joshua
In this manner, a line of least resistance to soul growth may be established for each disciple upon the lighted path...My own soul ray is the 3rd....and my complete ray structure is 3-7-4-6-7 (Soul-persona-mind-emotions-physical.)
Please read this extract from Master DK's excellent commentaries about the matter of service, from the soul perspective, in esoteric philosophy...:
"2. The second characteristic is a willingness to let others serve as seems best to them, knowing that the life flowing through the individual server must find its own channels and outlets, and that direction of these currents can be dangerous and prevent the rendering of the intended service. The server's efforts will be turned in two directions:
i. To the task of helping others to "stand in spiritual being", as he himself is learning to stand.
ii. To aiding the individual to express his service in his chosen field as he desires to express it, and not as the onlooking helper deems that he should do it.
One point might here be made clear. The task of those who are working under the Law of Service, is not exerted primarily with that group in the world today which is working under the effect of that general response to which we earlier referred (workers for the relief of the poor, etc.). These effects are easily shepherded into those acitivities which, en masse, work out as philanthropic endeavour, as educational experiments, or social efforts in the life of the community. The name of those who thus respond is legion, and the will to serve in this particular way needs no impetus. The remarkable response to the many recent campaigns to goodwill, definitely evidenced this. But the work of the new type of server is directed towards those who are establishing soul contact, and who can therefore work under the new incoming Aquarian Law. This centers around the capacity to stand, not only in spiritual being, but together with others, working with them subjectively, telepathically and synthetically. This distinction merits attention, for one can easily waste effort by entering fields already well handled from the point of view of the attainment of the units in that field." end quote..