Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from the Crystalai Council
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

When the Body reaches this ability to utilize the highest frequencies to unite the atomic, spiritual and light bodies in oneness, the body can then transmute into light. First the body goes into levitation and then ascension, where the physical  body will literally transfigure,. First the phsyical body  will transmute into a light form that still holds strucutre and then it will transmute completely into light and then it will transfigure and go into DARK MATTER where you are an orb, and that is what Biological PHYSICAL Ascension is about. This is when you do not leave behind a physical body with a piece of consciousness in it when we travel. This is not Astral Projection. This is true Physical Orbing.

It may be a while before very many can learn to take all of their atoms with them but we were given these teachings early in case any thing went wrong in 2012 when the Invader Races planned on trying their hardest to pull Earth into the Phantom Matrix and the One 'World Order Agenda which would eventually anihilate the Human Angelic Raceline from the Universe forever. That is the reason the Guardians have worked so hard to bring these teachings to Earth.

And now that we did survive the Invader's attempt to inhale our planet, we can continue to learn to Orb and Ascend naturally by 2022.

The plan was even if we couldn't learn to Slide out of this dimension in our physical bodies, we would be given a host plasma ship that would form around our bodies to host our bodies into the higher dimensions.

It turned out that the Plasma Blanket was placed around our bodies-- the entire Solar Body of our Fifth Dimensional Merkaba Body to keep us safe from the Invader Races attempts to keep us phase locked.

We can now take advantage of this Cosmaya Space Ship that is hold ing us in the Divne Frequencies of Plasma, Hydrolaise, atomic radiation energies that would allow us to ascend if we tune into them.


Now, that we have the Cosmaya Ship Plasma Blanket locking us in a safe harmonically balanced location that is out of the reach of the Phantom Matrix, we are still in the Evolutionary period when the pieces of Earth that could not be saved from the Jehovian Seals that placed it in reverse spin are shattering in Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis, Lightning, Ice Melts, etc.

The Silver Seed Evac plan was to have these Plasma Ships in place to be able to move bodies into the Safe Places when these catastrophies took place. It is possible that things could get bad enough or good enough by 2017 that the Emerald Covenant would begin landing for the purpose of taking us on their Plasma Ships.

Those bodies who have not raised their frequencies to the level where they could be Silver Seed Evac ready would die as normal, but those who are taken upon the ships would have enough of their quantum left to be taken to an inbetween place for healing.

It is still possible that many of us will be invited to orb with the help of a host-- meaning a starfleet from the Emerald Covenant.

FULL SPECTRUM OF LIGHT and how it translates into the BRAIN

If you look at the chart that shows the colored areas of the brain and the colored areas of the full spectrum of light, you will see that the yellow area is the visible light area and that visible light translates in the brain to that which is visible in the third dimension. The blue flame areas of the brain and the pink white light versions of the brain are the areas that we use to connect to our Fifth Dimensional self and to the Mind of God area.

When we use frequencies to keep focused in the Blue Light area of the Brain, we reman in a state that is always above and beyond worldly beliefs and worries. It is a state of luxury.

When we use frequencies to connect the secondary circuitry, the seed atom and the pineal gland into the Pink White Light through the Medulla Oblangata, we have moved to the state of BLISS. In this Mind of God State of Bliss we live in Eternal Oneness with the Mind of God. This is where we go to manifest our new reality.

The reason we practice the light transformation by using a light such as the candle is because we can observe this phenomena taking place. We can actually perceive our body becoming the Blue Hologram or the Blue Sphere first, and then when we continue to move into the candle within out blue body we will see the entire room around transform into this DARKNESS. This is the Dark Matter where you are an orb.

When we talk to Entities who have already transformed to light, they will tell us that they can see that we have in fact turned into orb, or that they can see us levitating. So, there are many realities that are already happening because we are already in the fifth dimension. However, have not developed the ability to perceive of these realities because we are looking for third dimensional signs of the reality rather than the fifth dimensional signs.

When we continue to use the light in the candle, we are practicing walking through the full spectrum of light, which means the white room of the Mind of God. Once we walk through that diamond door in to the White Room and then turn around, our body becomes the blue body. Once we are in the Blue Body we can practice levitating because we actually move our bodies into a higher dimension that allows our body to be in a new standing wave pattern that does not contain gravity. Gravity is just an illusion or a part of the hologram that we think we are living in.

We can also practice moving beyond the hertzian frequencies where we hear physical words and tones into the infra red spectrum where we hear and see a reality that has actually turned into a NEGATIVE of the picture that we are developing in God's Mind. When we practice becoming the Digital Camera we begin seeing the Blue Hue around everything in our world and then we begin seeing the Violet Sphere that allows us to remove space and time and walk into it. We can also practice activities such as looking at a card and learning to see the back of the card actually rise up behind the card to allow us to See what numbers are on the back of the card. This would be Infra Red Vision.
After than we move from the Visible Light Spectrum into the Invisible Light Spectrum in order to begin seeing the Inner Earth and the Cloud Cities and Earth all morphing into one new Ascension Earth.

This is the true Manifestation of redesigning our minds to work in Oneness with the Mind of God through the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound.

We are now getting in contact with our organic structure

Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from the Crystalai Council
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from the Crystalai Council
Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

There are many pieces to the process of Ascension. Each one of the pieces is a part of how we learn to tune out of the Five Senses and into the other Seven Senses.

We have been told that we must RAISE OUR FREQUENCIES. Most people don't know how to do that so we created Music that does it for you. The frequencies are created by taking Consciousness into the higher Harmonics Universes and blending them together in a certain way that creates Frequencies that allow us to Transmute our Bodies and our Realities beyond the Third Dimensional Five Senses.

We are learning that there are many more realities beyond the ones that we behold with the Five senses. That perception is only a very small part of the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound.

So, we created the Music to allow you to connect your consciousness into the Christic Consciousness of the 12th Dimension and the Cosmic Consciousness of the 14th Dimension, and then also out into the Pre Light and Sound Fields beyond those and then clear out into the NEW COSMAYA of the 13 Cosmos which connect to the Infinity of other Cosmos in the Source Field.

Now, you can begin enjoying the feeling of all of those other sound fields besides the Hertzian range of Audible Hearing. This means that this teaching does not come from the Solfege teachings. It comes from the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse, which is beyond the Earth's Matrix and even beyond our old Cosmic Matrix. The Frequencies of this teaching come from the Grand Yanas of the Pre Light and Pre Sound creating a new reality from the Source Field of Infinite Consciousness.

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything Health Related
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better."
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better."
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