Photo: All That I AM - A message from Jesus "I shall not dwell on the well-known facts of My Ministry, but I shall bring to your remembrance, again, that at the close of this Earth life, you are going to experience the Joy of the Ascension. Oh, how can words describe to blessed hearts incarcerated in flesh, the FREEDOM that is to be yours, the Joy that when there enters within your Consciousness a thought or a design by which to benefit the race, time nor space nor anything can limit your instantaneous accomplishment! "From One who has passed consciously, in the full waking outer consciousness of daily life under the brilliant sun at noon, and in the presence of those whom I loved more than life itself, into the Home of My Father - let Me, please, convey to you that all of the suffering, all of the discipline, all of the trials, all of the renunciation of this earth life, are worth that instant when the pull of earth can no longer bind your purified soul, and you know FREEDOM! "Let Me remind you that, in your association one with another, you can prepare for this hour, and the most subtle of your tests will be LOVE! For instance, in My Own Case, there was Mary, who had taken Me as an Infant and in the Glory of that Aura raised My Small Form, and throughout all My Ministry welcomed and accepted every lifestream that I chose to bring home, upon My Word that they were of the Father's Kingdom, sweet John, who breathed not a breath for himself from the instant that I called him, and Peter and James and all the others whom I knew were not equipped without My Consciousness and My Presence to live in the Fullness of Life, and yet at that moment when the Call came, I had to decide between the pull of love and the Call of the Presence. "Who among you, facing such a choice would know which was the greater service? There are some I know who would say, 'It is better that I stay with My own, lest they fall by the wayside,' and yet, if I had done that, the world would not have the public example of an Ascension, which has been the hope of the Christian world since that time. I tell you, dear friends, that is not an easy decision. "Your Call will come, each one! Prepare you for that hour, for that which you love most will be closest to you, and the subtle feeling had best be handled long before that day. In the constant leaving of your every decision to your Presence - 'Not My will, but Thine be done,' you are building that momentum, you will not suffer such a tug of the heart, and you will save yourself much agony and much uncertainty. "I Love you, each one, with a Love that is Deep and Sincere, and it is not based on what you are, or on what you have been, but it is based on what you shall become, for I have seen you in the Heart of the Father and knowing the Glory you had with Him before the world was, I but anticipate the hour of your full Manifestation of that Glory while you yet walk the earth. Let us no longer be backward-looking, through two thousand years of time, for the miracles that can be accomplished today! The world groans with pain and agony, with sickness and disease, and death, and corruption - and you, alone, are the hope of the world! Were I to have incarnated again and again every hundred years, up to the present hour, I would have denied YOU the OPPORTUNITY to become that which I AM, and there is no Christ Being who does not allow the development of His fellowmen into greater Glory. "I IMPLORE YOU, in the Name of the Father of all Life, to set into action those calls by which every one of you may walk to restore man to remember his natural estate. If you love Me, DO THAT WHICH I HAVE DONE, and this will be your answer to My Words spoken this hour." "In the Name of the Father, in the Name of Supreme Consciousness, and in the Name of the Great Holy Spirit of Life, I give to you the Blessings of Love, and the Love of every Brother and Sister who has become the Freedom which I AM."
  Universal Service of Light
All That I AM - A message from Jesus

"I shall not dwell on the well-known facts of My Ministry, but I shall bring to your remembrance, again, that at the close of this Earth life, you are going to experience the Joy of the Ascension. 

 how can words describe to blessed hearts incarcerated in flesh, the FREEDOM that is to be yours, the Joy that when there enters within your Consciousness a thought or a design by which to benefit the race, time nor space nor anything can limit your instantaneous accomplishment!

"From One who has passed consciously, in the full waking outer consciousness of daily life under the brilliant sun at noon, and in the presence of those whom I loved more than life itself, into the Home of My Father - let Me, please, convey to you that all of the suffering, all of the discipline, all of the trials, all of the renunciation of this earth life, are worth that instant when the pull of earth can no longer bind your purified soul, and you know FREEDOM!

"Let Me remind you that, in your association one with another, you can prepare for this hour, and the most subtle of your tests will be LOVE! 

For instance, in My Own Case, there was Mary, who had taken Me as an Infant and in the Glory of that Aura raised My Small Form, and throughout all My Ministry welcomed and accepted every lifestream that I chose to bring home, upon My Word that they were of the Father's Kingdom, sweet John, who breathed not a breath for himself from the instant that I called him, and Peter and James and all the others whom I knew were not equipped without My Consciousness and My Presence to live in the Fullness of Life, and yet at that moment when the Call came, I had to decide between the pull of love and the Call of the Presence.

"Who among you, facing such a choice would know which was the greater service? There are some I know who would say, 'It is better that I stay with My own, lest they fall by the wayside,' and yet, if I had done that, the world would not have the public example of an Ascension, which has been the hope of the Christian world since that time. I tell you, dear friends, that is not an easy decision.

"Your Call will come, each one! 

Prepare you for that hour, for that which you love most will be closest to you, and the subtle feeling had best be handled long before that day. In the constant leaving of your every decision to your Presence - 'Not My will, but Thine be done,' you are building that momentum, you will not suffer such a tug of the heart, and you will save yourself much agony and much uncertainty.

"I Love you, each one, with a Love that is Deep and Sincere, and it is not based on what you are, or on what you have been, but it is based on what you shall become, for I have seen you in the Heart of the Father and knowing the Glory you had with Him before the world was, I but anticipate the hour of your full Manifestation of that Glory while you yet walk the earth. 

Let us no longer be backward-looking, through two thousand years of time, for the miracles that can be accomplished today! The world groans with pain and agony, with sickness and disease, and death, and corruption - and you, alone, are the hope of the world! 

Were I to have incarnated again and again every hundred years, up to the present hour, I would have denied YOU the OPPORTUNITY to become that which I AM, and there is no Christ Being who does not allow the development of His fellowmen into greater Glory.

"I IMPLORE YOU, in the Name of the Father of all Life, to set into action those calls by which every one of you may walk to restore man to remember his natural estate. 

If you love Me, DO THAT WHICH I HAVE DONE, and this will be your answer to My Words spoken this hour."

"In the Name of the Father, in the Name of Supreme Consciousness, and in the Name of the Great Holy Spirit of Life, I give to you the Blessings of Love, and the Love of every Brother and Sister who has become the Freedom which I AM."
Photo: He answered me and said, "The Most High made this world for the sake of many, but the world to come for the sake of only a few. But I tell you a parable, Ezra. Just as, when you ask the earth, it will tell you that it provides a large amount of clay from which earthenware is made, but only a little dust from which gold comes, so is the course of the present world. Many have been created, but only a few shall be saved." I answered and said, "Then drink your fill of understanding, O my soul, and drink wisdom, O my heart. For not of your own will did you come into the world, and against your will you depart, for you have been given only a short time to live. O Lord above us, grant to your servant that we may pray before you, and give us a seed for our heart and cultivation of our understanding so that fruit may be produced, by which every mortal who bears the likeness of a human being may be able to live. For you alone exist, and we are a work of your hands, as you have declared. And because you give life to the body that is now fashioned in the womb, and furnish it with members, what you have created is preserved amid fire and water, and for nine months the womb endures your creature that has been created in it. But that which keeps and that which is kept shall both be kept by your keeping. And when the womb gives up again what has been created in it, you have commanded that from the members themselves (that is, from the breasts) milk, the fruit of the breasts, should be supplied, so that what has been fashioned may be nourished for a time; and afterwards you will still guide it in your mercy. You have nurtured it in your righteousness, and instructed it in your law, and reproved it in your wisdom. You put it to death as your creation, and make it live as your work. If then you will suddenly and quickly destroy what with so great labor was fashioned by your command, to what purpose was it made? And now I will speak out: About all humankind you know best; but I will speak about your people, for whom I am grieved, and about your inheritance, for whom I lament, and about Israel, for whom I am sad, and about the seed of Jacob, for whom I am troubled. Therefore I will pray before you for myself and for them, for I see the failings of us who inhabit the earth; and now also I have heard of the swiftness of the judgment that is to come. Therefore hear my voice and understand my words, and I will speak before you." The beginning of the words of Ezra's prayer, before he was taken up. He said: "O Lord, you who inhabit eternity, whose eyes are exalted and whose upper chambers are in the air, whose throne is beyond measure and whose glory is beyond comprehension, before whom the hosts of angels stand trembling and at whose command they are changed to wind and fire, whose word is sure and whose utterances are certain, whose command is strong and whose ordinance is terrible, whose look dries up the depths and whose indignation makes the mountains melt away, and whose truth is established forever— hear, O Lord, the prayer of your servant, and give ear to the petition of your creature; attend to my words. For as long as I live I will speak, and as long as I have understanding I will answer. O do not look on the sins of your people, but on those who serve you in truth. Do not take note of the endeavors of those who act wickedly, but of the endeavors of those who have kept your covenants amid afflictions. Do not think of those who have lived wickedly in your sight, but remember those who have willingly acknowledged that you are to be feared. Do not will the destruction of those who have the ways of cattle, but regard those who have gloriously taught your law. Do not be angry with those who are deemed worse than wild animals, but love those who have always put their trust in your glory. For we and our ancestors have passed our lives in ways that bring death; but it is because of us sinners that you are called merciful. For if you have desired to have pity on us, who have no works of righteousness, then you will be called merciful. For the righteous, who have many works laid up with you, shall receive their reward in consequence of their own deeds. But what are mortals, that you are angry with them; or what is a corruptible race, that you are so bitter against it? For in truth there is no one among those who have been born who has not acted wickedly; among those who have existed there is no one who has not done wrong. For in this, O Lord, your righteousness and goodness will be declared, when you are merciful to those who have no store of good works." He answered me and said, "Some things you have spoken rightly, and it will turn out according to your words. For indeed I will not concern myself about the fashioning of those who have sinned, or about their death, their judgment, or their destruction; but I will rejoice over the creation of the righteous, over their pilgrimage also, and their salvation, and their receiving their reward. As I have spoken, therefore, so it shall be. "For just as the farmer sows many seeds in the ground and plants a multitude of seedlings, and yet not all that have been sown will come up in due season, and not all that were planted will take root; so also those who have been sown in the world will not all be saved.

No Worries,Dispensation

No worries,everything is surely just all right,

No worries, nothing 5D is really out of sight.

No worries mate, come take me by the hand,

No worries, it’s never too late to understand.

No worries,good day mate she’ll be all right,

No worries, we’ll make it through the night.

No worries, let’s forget what’s on our minds,

No worries, it’s never too late, we’re not blind.

No worries, 4D things aren’t what they seem,

No worries, it’s time to release our 3D steam.

No worries, Ascend,nothing can get in our way,

No worries, it’s just another 3D scattered day.

No worries, all things will eventually change,

No worries, just wait & things will get strange.

No worries mate, mutating ,it’s Murphy’s law.

No worries, what goes up must stand very tall.

No worries mate, yes ,in 5D we’re all one,

No worries mate, the 3D end time has begun.

No worries mate, we’re all in this 4D together,

No worries, 4D Ascending is bound to get better.

No worries, some of us can & do see the light,

No worries, our guides will get us through the night.

No worries, 5D Dispensation is the right thing to do,

No worries, Love and Light will always follow you.

By Rev.Joshua Skirvin...12/14/12

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  • Yes, I agree,devi, there's no looking back. And what better example could we have on or about Ascension than the Master himself who did it, showing us the way on a one way system.Who knows what it will bring. L&L,Adinai

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Have a nice week...
Thanks..take care.....
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