Photo: Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit is Speaking to them. Supreme Seraphim Loyalatia: Your seer of old, who I was a guide spoke true, “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.” Indeed, for all who read this, let those with ears hear what the Spirit is speaking to them. Christ Michael: Peace be upon you all Indicative to the understanding of labeling and concepts I have a few words to speak to refresh the souls of the weary by means of the springs of the waters of life. "If you abide in me and my words live in you, you will be able to commune freely with me, and then can my living spirit so infuse you that you may ask whatsoever my spirit wills and do all this with the assurance that the Father will grant us our petition." Fellow brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, let us speak of concepts and interpretations therein. Interpretation, especially spiritual interpretation, can be viewed in many different aspects, especially according to ones abilities of understanding. Take for instance the human life that was lived as Jesus, and see how if you ask ten people in regards to what this meant to them, you will more than likely receive ten different interpretations on what it is that they think that they know in regards to this. The beauty of this is that when this is done with your inner guide, all things will be made plain according to your level of understanding. It may mean many different things to many people, but in the end it is the wisdom of Godly understanding and this interpretation in light of God’s Pure Eternal truth that will translate it personally for you. When you receive spiritual information and give over to interpretation, it is never meant to be stagnant and final, but rather meant to be living, ever expanding and growing. Humans have books to record history, but it is human life lived in the human experience, lived in accordance to God’s will that is the true testament to a realization and ever expanding illumination of God. That is true revelation, not papers or pages in a book or a singular perspective or view point on an experience of what God is. So too when your consciousness expands, so too does the understanding of spiritual matters. Spirituality is really gauged based on one’s ability to discern and contact spirit through meditation and silence from the external picture shows of life. Shifting from the mind to the heart Ask yourself this: Do I take in everything with spirit, with my inner guide in the spirit of non-judgment and love, or do I take everything at face value and process it with mind intellectually. The reason I speak many times in parables is to allow those who hear me speak the ability search and find that the true interpretation that lies within themselves through mediation on these truths. Confusion can only arise when recipients of such spiritual information are unable to understand that all knowledge comes from within. That true understanding and Godly wisdom comes from the divine fragment of the Infinite Paradise Spirit within them, and revelation, especially pure revelation, comes from the spirit translated to those who are ready to receive it in spirit. When you have an elevated state of Consciousness and you realize that you are a part of Infinity and Unity, no longer separate, then you realize that all of the outward searching and all of the contact with the celestials and angelic beings has one mean and one end. All of the lessons from your celestials and teachers and all of the perspectives, channels, books, transcripts and teachings are tools for guiding you to realize that you hold a piece of Paradise within your own being waiting to be discovered. You are the greatest gift you have ever searched for. No one can really teach you this, but you can be guided to some degree. You must traverse this path with purity and love and this is what many consider to be the mystery of God. It is the limited human mind that holds God as a mystery, but pure spirit is waiting patiently for each and every one to realize that it is a cosmic delusion and misconception to believe that Spirit is far off and unreachable. You must live this and through your personal experience and your ever living and expanding growing faith you will find God if you truly desire to do so. Then and only then will you find that all understanding comes from within you and not without. No one can teach you how to find God, you must first comprehend that God is pure thought via energy and pure infinite love manifested in consciousness. This illumination of the grid, so to speak, is knowing that you are the One that you have always been searching for. You hold God and Spirit within your very beings. Even though it has been labeled as many concepts, given names, Spirit is One and it simply just IS. God is pure consciousness Consciousness is the way that you see the world, the way that you interpret concepts from spirit and elaborate through experience to make reality actuality. God concepts and universe principles You cannot shout at someone to understand this pure truth, everyone who realizes this has to want to see God in their heart. People on earth may continually look outwardly for great change, for a savior to save them from their own creations or for spaceships to land and take them away yet what goes unremembered is how many times God’s Spirit has sent prophets and those endowed with the understanding of spirit and knowledge of God consciousness in their very beings to try to elevate the collective people. The story Moses, as many of you have knowledge of biblical facts can be taken literally and processed intellectually or as concepts left to spirit to interpret. Moses made contact with God or his "I AM presence" at the burning bush, went to free the Hebrew children from the oppression of Egypt, led them from the oppression of slavery and the collective consciousness that held them in bondage, and still they refused to go or to see to the promise land or pure consciousness of the God. All but two had the faith perception to actually make it to that place of peace. The mountain where Moses spoke openly with the Father is where he received pure consciousness that did not and could not exist in the Hebrews mentality at that time, so what did Moses do? In that most elevated state of consciousness he reasoned that God is Love, so it was written on stone tablets not made by hands to first know love you will not do these ten things – Thus the ten commandments came to a hardened people urging them to remember what love is. Take these things in with spirit my sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. Messages will continue to be sent and will continue to be sent, but so many people are missing the point and have missed the point for far too long as they continue to look outwardly for great changes and manifestations for their needed salvation. Blessed are the pure in spirit for they will see God, indeed. Why do you look for another prophet or God knowing man when He is all around you in every man woman and child? The only thing that keeps those who have not this realization are all of the things such as the preconceived notions and judgments that the separated self has put in Pure Spirits place that keep them from seeing. Let those who have an ear hear what the spirit is speaking to them. When the collective consciousness is raised and all can come together in agreement and realize that they are not separate, that you are all ONE. When all can stop fighting over interpretations of spiritual matters and stop bickering on the duality of right and wrong, when all can come to the realization that striving for materialistic endeavors does not bring lasting happiness and many begin to start searching for the peace within and stop looking for it without - Then your world will be truly transformed and can come together to co-create in Unity the kingdom of God. My return is meant to occur in the hearts of all men I have indeed stood up, and to those who have received this I have received those of mine into myself, the purity of this Consciousness, which all were created in and need only remember fully. When this spirit and pure consciousness operates within you, then and only then can you understand that Christ Consciousness prepares you to ascend inward to the pure absolute oneness with God’s pure love on Paradise. All of these things when they are fully spiritually understood, will dawn realization that all of the perceptions that one sees through human eye’s, the perceptions that you all see with human vision, are reflections of you, teaching tools painted on the slides of life that help you all receive greater awareness. Ask yourself this? When you look from your eyes do you see God in everything, do you see purity of consciousness? Do you see love, mercy, non-judgment? Do you see with hearts overflowing, the love of God in action in everything, or do you see something else? If there is anything other than this existent in your consciousness then you are still on the path of remembering the pure consciousness of Spirit within. Once you find that fragment of the Paradise Father within you, the peace that surpasses all understanding overflows within your heart, and truly your cup will runneth over, and truly you will see God in every single thing. When you look into another’s eyes, you will see reflections of yourself. So many are still striving to understand spirituality on earth in its awakening state amidst the illusion of oppression that has held so many in chains for so long, so I call you all to unite in the Fatherhood of God where every man woman and child is looked upon as yourself. Many are realizing that they have had the ability and endowment to make change and that oppression exists only in a collective mind. The grid of collective consciousness is being helped by spirit, purity, love, mercy and grace through the collective intensive efforts of those who understand and can make sense of spirit. In those collective efforts of those combining and joining their voices, these efforts of spiritual focus multiplied by intentions with celestial and angelic support will break the chains of ignorance that has so long held this sphere in captivity of ignorance, delusion and illusion. Focus on receiving everything in love and leave the spirit within to decipher the rest. If it resonates with your personal reality then you will begin to understand as it integrates. If it does not resonate, then simply dismiss it and move on to greater truth, for not one child can define God, nor could one ever tell you what He is, you must experience this for yourself. Judgment exists only in a separated consciousness Judgment does not exist in Christ consciousness or God consciousness. As you ascend inward further and further to God’s pure consciousness and God’s pure love you will realize that if you speak judgment of another in any way, you will eventually realize that these things are reflections of yourself to teach you what you must remove from yourself to progress further to pure consciousness. I spoke of this when I asked those who judged the speck in their brother’s eye to look at the rafter in their own. For far too long the children of this sphere, the collective on this sphere, have been unable to realize that God is pure love, and have tried to define Him. Free will in action and through ignorance, illusion and delusion man “falls” from pure consciousness and finds himself in a state of ignorance and seeming separation. As you outwork your own freewill choices to grace and mercy, which flows freely from God, the only thing that will keep you from fully experiencing God, to experience peace, love and purity of consciousness is the thinking you know through Ego or the separated state of being. This will hold you back through every judgment, word, action and deed. If the spirit of God is in operation in you it will perk up to gleaning truths and begin to resonate. Spirit through a loving heart and inward searching with the Father within will confirm whether something is truth or error. God hears all children crying out to Him, and is beckoning all His children home to the purity of love without judgment or condemnation. There has to be light or pathway to follow inward to find that light that is in each and every one of you, or how else would you know the way? There is no judgment, fear, condemnation, - only love, peace, purity and abundance in the kingdom of God. All other things brought forth in opposition of these things are error, especially if someone is claiming them in the name of spirit. Allow these words to sink into your spirits and allow these steps being taken on behalf of error to resonate and integrate within you. Truly through your own personal relationship with the Father within you, you will find all the answers you seek, for this is the great adventure of the Cosmos. The road map and the destination are within you. I love you all so very much my brothers and sisters, and as always I leave you in my peace.
Universal Service of Light
Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit is Speaking to them.

Supreme Seraphim Loyalatia: Your seer of old, who I was a guide spoke true, “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he w
ill live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.”

Indeed, for all who read this, let those with ears hear what the Spirit is speaking to them.

Christ Michael: Peace be upon you all

Indicative to the understanding of labeling and concepts I have a few words to speak to refresh the souls of the weary by means of the springs of the waters of life.

"If you abide in me and my words live in you, you will be able to commune freely with me, and then can my living spirit so infuse you that you may ask whatsoever my spirit wills and do all this with the assurance that the Father will grant us our petition."

Fellow brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, let us speak of concepts and interpretations therein.

Interpretation, especially spiritual interpretation, can be viewed in many different aspects, especially according to ones abilities of understanding.

Take for instance the human life that was lived as Jesus, and see how if you ask ten people in regards to what this meant to them, you will more than likely receive ten different interpretations on what it is that they think that they know in regards to this.

The beauty of this is that when this is done with your inner guide, all things will be made plain according to your level of understanding.

It may mean many different things to many people, but in the end it is the wisdom of Godly understanding and this interpretation in light of God’s Pure Eternal truth that will translate it personally for you.

When you receive spiritual information and give over to interpretation, it is never meant to be stagnant and final, but rather meant to be living, ever expanding and growing.

Humans have books to record history, but it is human life lived in the human experience, lived in accordance to God’s will that is the true testament to a realization and ever expanding illumination of God.

That is true revelation, not papers or pages in a book or a singular perspective or view point on an experience of what God is.

So too when your consciousness expands, so too does the understanding of spiritual matters.

Spirituality is really gauged based on one’s ability to discern and contact spirit through meditation and silence from the external picture shows of life.

Shifting from the mind to the heart

Ask yourself this:
Do I take in everything with spirit, with my inner guide in the spirit of non-judgment and love, or do I take everything at face value and process it with mind intellectually.
The reason I speak many times in parables is to allow those who hear me speak the ability search and find that the true interpretation that lies within themselves through mediation on these truths.

Confusion can only arise when recipients of such spiritual information are unable to understand that all knowledge comes from within. That true understanding and Godly wisdom comes from the divine fragment of the Infinite Paradise Spirit within them, and revelation, especially pure revelation, comes from the spirit translated to those who are ready to receive it in spirit.

When you have an elevated state of Consciousness and you realize that you are a part of Infinity and Unity, no longer separate, then you realize that all of the outward searching and all of the contact with the celestials and angelic beings has one mean and one end.

All of the lessons from your celestials and teachers and all of the perspectives, channels, books, transcripts and teachings are tools for guiding you to realize that you hold a piece of Paradise within your own being waiting to be discovered.
You are the greatest gift you have ever searched for.

No one can really teach you this, but you can be guided to some degree. You must traverse this path with purity and love and this is what many consider to be the mystery of God.

It is the limited human mind that holds God as a mystery, but pure spirit is waiting patiently for each and every one to realize that it is a cosmic delusion and misconception to believe that Spirit is far off and unreachable.

You must live this and through your personal experience and your ever living and expanding growing faith you will find God if you truly desire to do so.

Then and only then will you find that all understanding comes from within you and not without.

No one can teach you how to find God, you must first comprehend that God is pure thought via energy and pure infinite love manifested in consciousness.

This illumination of the grid, so to speak, is knowing that you are the One that you have always been searching for. You hold God and Spirit within your very beings. Even though it has been labeled as many concepts, given names, Spirit is One and it simply just IS.

God is pure consciousness

Consciousness is the way that you see the world, the way that you interpret concepts from spirit and elaborate through experience to make reality actuality.

God concepts and universe principles

You cannot shout at someone to understand this pure truth, everyone who realizes this has to want to see God in their heart.

People on earth may continually look outwardly for great change, for a savior to save them from their own creations or for spaceships to land and take them away yet what goes unremembered is how many times God’s Spirit has sent prophets and those endowed with the understanding of spirit and knowledge of God consciousness in their very beings to try to elevate the collective people.

The story Moses, as many of you have knowledge of biblical facts can be taken literally and processed intellectually or as concepts left to spirit to interpret.
Moses made contact with God or his "I AM presence" at the burning bush, went to free the Hebrew children from the oppression of Egypt, led them from the oppression of slavery and the collective consciousness that held them in bondage, and still they refused to go or to see to the promise land or pure consciousness of the God.

All but two had the faith perception to actually make it to that place of peace.
The mountain where Moses spoke openly with the Father is where he received pure consciousness that did not and could not exist in the Hebrews mentality at that time, so what did Moses do?

In that most elevated state of consciousness he reasoned that God is Love, so it was written on stone tablets not made by hands to first know love you will not do these ten things –

Thus the ten commandments came to a hardened people urging them to remember what love is.

Take these things in with spirit my sons and daughters, brothers and sisters.
Messages will continue to be sent and will continue to be sent, but so many people are missing the point and have missed the point for far too long as they continue to look outwardly for great changes and manifestations for their needed salvation.
Blessed are the pure in spirit for they will see God, indeed.

Why do you look for another prophet or God knowing man when He is all around you in every man woman and child?

The only thing that keeps those who have not this realization are all of the things such as the preconceived notions and judgments that the separated self has put in Pure Spirits place that keep them from seeing.

Let those who have an ear hear what the spirit is speaking to them.

When the collective consciousness is raised and all can come together in agreement and realize that they are not separate, that you are all ONE.

When all can stop fighting over interpretations of spiritual matters and stop
bickering on the duality of right and wrong, when all can come to the realization that striving for materialistic endeavors does not bring lasting happiness and many begin to start searching for the peace within and stop looking for it without - Then your world will be truly transformed and can come together to co-create in Unity the kingdom of God.

My return is meant to occur in the hearts of all men

I have indeed stood up, and to those who have received this I have received those of mine into myself, the purity of this Consciousness, which all were created in and need only remember fully.

When this spirit and pure consciousness operates within you, then and only then can you understand that Christ Consciousness prepares you to ascend inward to the pure absolute oneness with God’s pure love on Paradise.

All of these things when they are fully spiritually understood, will dawn realization that all of the perceptions that one sees through human eye’s, the perceptions that you all see with human vision, are reflections of you, teaching tools painted on the slides of life that help you all receive greater awareness.

Ask yourself this? When you look from your eyes do you see God in everything, do you see purity of consciousness? Do you see love, mercy, non-judgment?
Do you see with hearts overflowing, the love of God in action in everything, or do you see something else?

If there is anything other than this existent in your consciousness then you are still on the path of remembering the pure consciousness of Spirit within.

Once you find that fragment of the Paradise Father within you, the peace that surpasses all understanding overflows within your heart, and truly your cup will runneth over, and truly you will see God in every single thing.

When you look into another’s eyes, you will see reflections of yourself.

So many are still striving to understand spirituality on earth in its awakening state amidst the illusion of oppression that has held so many in chains for so long, so I call you all to unite in the Fatherhood of God where every man woman and child is looked upon as yourself.

Many are realizing that they have had the ability and endowment to make change and that oppression exists only in a collective mind.

The grid of collective consciousness is being helped by spirit, purity, love, mercy and grace through the collective intensive efforts of those who understand and can make sense of spirit.

In those collective efforts of those combining and joining their voices, these efforts of spiritual focus multiplied by intentions with celestial and angelic support will break the chains of ignorance that has so long held this sphere in captivity of ignorance, delusion and illusion.

Focus on receiving everything in love and leave the spirit within to decipher the rest.
If it resonates with your personal reality then you will begin to understand as it integrates. If it does not resonate, then simply dismiss it and move on to greater truth, for not one child can define God, nor could one ever tell you what He is, you must experience this for yourself.

Judgment exists only in a separated consciousness

Judgment does not exist in Christ consciousness or God consciousness.

As you ascend inward further and further to God’s pure consciousness and God’s pure love you will realize that if you speak judgment of another in any way, you will eventually realize that these things are reflections of yourself to teach you what you must remove from yourself to progress further to pure consciousness.

I spoke of this when I asked those who judged the speck in their brother’s eye to look at the rafter in their own.

For far too long the children of this sphere, the collective on this sphere, have been unable to realize that God is pure love, and have tried to define Him.

Free will in action and through ignorance, illusion and delusion man “falls” from pure consciousness and finds himself in a state of ignorance and seeming separation.

As you outwork your own freewill choices to grace and mercy, which flows freely from God, the only thing that will keep you from fully experiencing God, to experience peace, love and purity of consciousness is the thinking you know through Ego or the separated state of being. This will hold you back through every judgment, word, action and deed.

If the spirit of God is in operation in you it will perk up to gleaning truths and begin to resonate.

Spirit through a loving heart and inward searching with the Father within will confirm whether something is truth or error.

God hears all children crying out to Him, and is beckoning all His children home to the purity of love without judgment or condemnation.

There has to be light or pathway to follow inward to find that light that is in each and every one of you, or how else would you know the way?

There is no judgment, fear, condemnation, - only love, peace, purity and abundance in the kingdom of God.

All other things brought forth in opposition of these things are error, especially if someone is claiming them in the name of spirit.

Allow these words to sink into your spirits and allow these steps being taken on behalf of error to resonate and integrate within you.

Truly through your own personal relationship with the Father within you, you will find all the answers you seek, for this is the great adventure of the Cosmos.
The road map and the destination are within you.

I love you all so very much my brothers and sisters, and as always I leave you in my peace.
Photo: Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit is Speaking to them. Supreme Seraphim Loyalatia: Your seer of old, who I was a guide spoke true, “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.” Indeed, for all who read this, let those with ears hear what the Spirit is speaking to them. Christ Michael: Peace be upon you all Indicative to the understanding of labeling and concepts I have a few words to speak to refresh the souls of the weary by means of the springs of the waters of life. "If you abide in me and my words live in you, you will be able to commune freely with me, and then can my living spirit so infuse you that you may ask whatsoever my spirit wills and do all this with the assurance that the Father will grant us our petition." Fellow brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, let us speak of concepts and interpretations therein. Interpretation, especially spiritual interpretation, can be viewed in many different aspects, especially according to ones abilities of understanding. Take for instance the human life that was lived as Jesus, and see how if you ask ten people in regards to what this meant to them, you will more than likely receive ten different interpretations on what it is that they think that they know in regards to this. The beauty of this is that when this is done with your inner guide, all things will be made plain according to your level of understanding. It may mean many different things to many people, but in the end it is the wisdom of Godly understanding and this interpretation in light of God’s Pure Eternal truth that will translate it personally for you. When you receive spiritual information and give over to interpretation, it is never meant to be stagnant and final, but rather meant to be living, ever expanding and growing. Humans have books to record history, but it is human life lived in the human experience, lived in accordance to God’s will that is the true testament to a realization and ever expanding illumination of God. That is true revelation, not papers or pages in a book or a singular perspective or view point on an experience of what God is. So too when your consciousness expands, so too does the understanding of spiritual matters. Spirituality is really gauged based on one’s ability to discern and contact spirit through meditation and silence from the external picture shows of life. Shifting from the mind to the heart Ask yourself this: Do I take in everything with spirit, with my inner guide in the spirit of non-judgment and love, or do I take everything at face value and process it with mind intellectually. The reason I speak many times in parables is to allow those who hear me speak the ability search and find that the true interpretation that lies within themselves through mediation on these truths. Confusion can only arise when recipients of such spiritual information are unable to understand that all knowledge comes from within. That true understanding and Godly wisdom comes from the divine fragment of the Infinite Paradise Spirit within them, and revelation, especially pure revelation, comes from the spirit translated to those who are ready to receive it in spirit. When you have an elevated state of Consciousness and you realize that you are a part of Infinity and Unity, no longer separate, then you realize that all of the outward searching and all of the contact with the celestials and angelic beings has one mean and one end. All of the lessons from your celestials and teachers and all of the perspectives, channels, books, transcripts and teachings are tools for guiding you to realize that you hold a piece of Paradise within your own being waiting to be discovered. You are the greatest gift you have ever searched for. No one can really teach you this, but you can be guided to some degree. You must traverse this path with purity and love and this is what many consider to be the mystery of God. It is the limited human mind that holds God as a mystery, but pure spirit is waiting patiently for each and every one to realize that it is a cosmic delusion and misconception to believe that Spirit is far off and unreachable. You must live this and through your personal experience and your ever living and expanding growing faith you will find God if you truly desire to do so. Then and only then will you find that all understanding comes from within you and not without. No one can teach you how to find God, you must first comprehend that God is pure thought via energy and pure infinite love manifested in consciousness. This illumination of the grid, so to speak, is knowing that you are the One that you have always been searching for. You hold God and Spirit within your very beings. Even though it has been labeled as many concepts, given names, Spirit is One and it simply just IS. God is pure consciousness Consciousness is the way that you see the world, the way that you interpret concepts from spirit and elaborate through experience to make reality actuality. God concepts and universe principles You cannot shout at someone to understand this pure truth, everyone who realizes this has to want to see God in their heart. People on earth may continually look outwardly for great change, for a savior to save them from their own creations or for spaceships to land and take them away yet what goes unremembered is how many times God’s Spirit has sent prophets and those endowed with the understanding of spirit and knowledge of God consciousness in their very beings to try to elevate the collective people. The story Moses, as many of you have knowledge of biblical facts can be taken literally and processed intellectually or as concepts left to spirit to interpret. Moses made contact with God or his "I AM presence" at the burning bush, went to free the Hebrew children from the oppression of Egypt, led them from the oppression of slavery and the collective consciousness that held them in bondage, and still they refused to go or to see to the promise land or pure consciousness of the God. All but two had the faith perception to actually make it to that place of peace. The mountain where Moses spoke openly with the Father is where he received pure consciousness that did not and could not exist in the Hebrews mentality at that time, so what did Moses do? In that most elevated state of consciousness he reasoned that God is Love, so it was written on stone tablets not made by hands to first know love you will not do these ten things – Thus the ten commandments came to a hardened people urging them to remember what love is. Take these things in with spirit my sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. Messages will continue to be sent and will continue to be sent, but so many people are missing the point and have missed the point for far too long as they continue to look outwardly for great changes and manifestations for their needed salvation. Blessed are the pure in spirit for they will see God, indeed. Why do you look for another prophet or God knowing man when He is all around you in every man woman and child? The only thing that keeps those who have not this realization are all of the things such as the preconceived notions and judgments that the separated self has put in Pure Spirits place that keep them from seeing. Let those who have an ear hear what the spirit is speaking to them. When the collective consciousness is raised and all can come together in agreement and realize that they are not separate, that you are all ONE. When all can stop fighting over interpretations of spiritual matters and stop bickering on the duality of right and wrong, when all can come to the realization that striving for materialistic endeavors does not bring lasting happiness and many begin to start searching for the peace within and stop looking for it without - Then your world will be truly transformed and can come together to co-create in Unity the kingdom of God. My return is meant to occur in the hearts of all men I have indeed stood up, and to those who have received this I have received those of mine into myself, the purity of this Consciousness, which all were created in and need only remember fully. When this spirit and pure consciousness operates within you, then and only then can you understand that Christ Consciousness prepares you to ascend inward to the pure absolute oneness with God’s pure love on Paradise. All of these things when they are fully spiritually understood, will dawn realization that all of the perceptions that one sees through human eye’s, the perceptions that you all see with human vision, are reflections of you, teaching tools painted on the slides of life that help you all receive greater awareness. Ask yourself this? When you look from your eyes do you see God in everything, do you see purity of consciousness? Do you see love, mercy, non-judgment? Do you see with hearts overflowing, the love of God in action in everything, or do you see something else? If there is anything other than this existent in your consciousness then you are still on the path of remembering the pure consciousness of Spirit within. Once you find that fragment of the Paradise Father within you, the peace that surpasses all understanding overflows within your heart, and truly your cup will runneth over, and truly you will see God in every single thing. When you look into another’s eyes, you will see reflections of yourself. So many are still striving to understand spirituality on earth in its awakening state amidst the illusion of oppression that has held so many in chains for so long, so I call you all to unite in the Fatherhood of God where every man woman and child is looked upon as yourself. Many are realizing that they have had the ability and endowment to make change and that oppression exists only in a collective mind. The grid of collective consciousness is being helped by spirit, purity, love, mercy and grace through the collective intensive efforts of those who understand and can make sense of spirit. In those collective efforts of those combining and joining their voices, these efforts of spiritual focus multiplied by intentions with celestial and angelic support will break the chains of ignorance that has so long held this sphere in captivity of ignorance, delusion and illusion. Focus on receiving everything in love and leave the spirit within to decipher the rest. If it resonates with your personal reality then you will begin to understand as it integrates. If it does not resonate, then simply dismiss it and move on to greater truth, for not one child can define God, nor could one ever tell you what He is, you must experience this for yourself. Judgment exists only in a separated consciousness Judgment does not exist in Christ consciousness or God consciousness. As you ascend inward further and further to God’s pure consciousness and God’s pure love you will realize that if you speak judgment of another in any way, you will eventually realize that these things are reflections of yourself to teach you what you must remove from yourself to progress further to pure consciousness. I spoke of this when I asked those who judged the speck in their brother’s eye to look at the rafter in their own. For far too long the children of this sphere, the collective on this sphere, have been unable to realize that God is pure love, and have tried to define Him. Free will in action and through ignorance, illusion and delusion man “falls” from pure consciousness and finds himself in a state of ignorance and seeming separation. As you outwork your own freewill choices to grace and mercy, which flows freely from God, the only thing that will keep you from fully experiencing God, to experience peace, love and purity of consciousness is the thinking you know through Ego or the separated state of being. This will hold you back through every judgment, word, action and deed. If the spirit of God is in operation in you it will perk up to gleaning truths and begin to resonate. Spirit through a loving heart and inward searching with the Father within will confirm whether something is truth or error. God hears all children crying out to Him, and is beckoning all His children home to the purity of love without judgment or condemnation. There has to be light or pathway to follow inward to find that light that is in each and every one of you, or how else would you know the way? There is no judgment, fear, condemnation, - only love, peace, purity and abundance in the kingdom of God. All other things brought forth in opposition of these things are error, especially if someone is claiming them in the name of spirit. Allow these words to sink into your spirits and allow these steps being taken on behalf of error to resonate and integrate within you. Truly through your own personal relationship with the Father within you, you will find all the answers you seek, for this is the great adventure of the Cosmos. The road map and the destination are within you. I love you all so very much my brothers and sisters, and as always I leave you in my peace.
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  • Thanks for the comments .I am glad you all like them. Universal service of light is my favorite for Ascension.And thanks for the pic. Its very true and very simple. Listen to the one who speaks of Love, for every where Love is all around. moody blues. Adonai

  • Thank you thank you thank Rev Joshua. OMG! This message is aimed directly at me. I knew this to be true and I do my best to try to explain thee! This lesson is something one has to find on there own. This is confirmation for me, I posted a message on my facebook page today and this is most of what wrote about. I was wondering if I should post things I couldn't explain. Now I know that I am doing the right thing, to spread love, light and peace. I don't often get a response, but I continue to post it anyway just the way God intended for us to do.

    Much Love and Light to you!


  • Thank all of you for your kind remarks. I wasn't planing to post anymore  long blogs because people don't have time to read them. But this was so good and inspiring that I thought I had to do it. I find there is only a certain number of people who are into this Ascension Quest event in a spiritual way. The most want to hear about it in the  space brothers terms. Each to his own, but this stuff has power in it to send us moving faster and stronger into 4D. The others will have to catch up later when thy discover the spiritual info and truths that will lead them to work on discovering themselves by Forgiveness and then self "Love"which leads to 5D Ascension.L&L,Adonai

  • Excellent summary to be sharing at this time.



  • very well said ,thanks for the reminders, Bob

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