
Greetings to all of you here !

This is St.Germain speaking,, the Ascended Master, and today I shall submit to you another message here.

earth in hands
Since the previous one - several matters have been running meanwhile. Much activity is on earth - of course in the background too. Are you sure they all were in the background?

No, at least as in front of everything as well many matters are happening which need to be looked at more precisely.

Look at it thorougly since many matters are changing here on earth - being shoved into the forefront which still had been hidden by the cabalistic part of the PTW in the past.

The cabals are losing more and more all their control about what is happening on earth here. Just- please - imagine they do not own any more enough money - nor possible means to pay those assistants to them being put into place in order to hide and cover everything - be it of all governance, military forces, police or banks.

It is being increasingly difficult for them to cover up all their schemings and keeping these locked up.
Much is running… much ! Have some precise looks - news from the press are not exactly true according to their real and truthful facts of verity.

All the news announced by Media release or on Television - they all are controlled vastly by the cabals themselves. This is the very last bulwark of theirs which has to be destroyed.

Since when this has been done they will be deprived from holding up the lid any longer on any true news .

All the main media - particularly the big ones controlling everything that has to be spread furtheron in the huge landscape of media - they have to be crushed to pieces.

All preparations to do so are being dealt with now. Since if the head is chopped off its body will no longer contain any life there - and all the minor media processing news will cease to obtain any more bits of news nor pieces of information which were handed down to them by the big ones formerly. They then will have to do research themselves - looking and going through matters by themselves solely in the duration of which they will recognize that quite often there those news handed down to them were not matching real and true facts of verity in the past.

Among everything it is the matter too now that NESARA will appear to come to the forefront more and more.

For the time being it is being limited to certain media viz. those which are not able to raise so much interests from their readers nor onlookers. It is running more in the background since there are certain sites of conveying news pushing some definite and true matters/news slowly to the surface.

And such pieces of information will be spreaded all the more - be it via facebook or twitter or any other alternative media channels too.

Thus it will pervade in slow motion where it is meant to go viz. to the top where all main media will cease to be controlled any longer - it is there - where then there is no more any head of them viz. that one which has controlled everything up to now.

This will be the appropriate moment for all people to do research on their own and become accordingly aware of the fact that all information given to themearlier actually had been manipulated. And this in order to manage and direct processes in order to be of service to the cabals.

Those which control all media always will control much!

That you know yourselves - reading much in the print-media or listening to radio or television news - you take up all information - pondering and elaborating it and make up your very personal and private views and opinions on basis of everything which is being reported to you.

Did you everquery yourselves in any way that everything what you see or hear … might be entirely wrong ? Did you ever inquire whether everything listening to or watching might not be true at all ?

Or could not be according to the real facts and thus in accordance to verity but had been manipulated before in such ways in order to be of service to those only having incited such kind of manipulation ?

Yes I may give you here some amazing tool here so that you may obtain some sort of clearance in order to find out what is right and what is wrong here.

Not only applicable on levels of medial conveyance of information
yet for the scope of interchanging opinions and information between people as well.t.

Everyone of you is in possession of such a tool which is your soul - taking place in your heart and awaiting you there as it is there where you may be able to get into contact with it!

It may also act like some “lies detector” for you - yes this is your very heart and your soul! Start working with them - yourm hert and your soul - make use of these tools and try them out.

However it will need some training too - since it is alike some other of your muscles which has to be trained accordingly. As much more it is being used the stronger and more pronounced it will become and be a great help with all your discernment.

Start as from now on with such training - and examine always what is being told you. Try to sense with your heart what is being said to you and once your feeling of response to it is a good one you will know the particulat information is of coherent nature.

Your heart will resonate to it with the specific piece of information telling you this message is right for you.

However in case if you feel in your very heart not quite well with some specific information - please, in such case think it over again- try to take it up again into your heart and sense into it a 2nd time and you will become aware of it - there is some sort of feeling changing into some different way … in which case you may derive from this different feeling that the particular information may be completely a false one or at least in parts not corresponding to the truth.

Do you comprehend this I am telling you? All of you have this sort of great ability - as it is built into you from the start expressing itself here in such a way. It always has been and will be some part of yourself and especially it is your soul too as the latter one offers so many abilities to you.

And this I am telling you because in the Time of Moment to come you will have to count solely on your very soul since then it will take over some most essential tasks which is the main core of this my message today.

It is quite clear to me that many people hope that NESARA is the topic to be continued here today - still - I want to point out here that NESARA is much more - much more !

NESARA also is “FREEDOM” and this will start with you - starting from your inner hearts and that is why I want to bring such fact nearer to you too as it concerns your very soul and heart

This is the very consequence of everything - once you are free in your inner heart you will be free in your mind too and having gained both parts in such very sense of it - you will be able to create your very own reality.

You are being freed from any control - be it from part of economics, governance, or even simply from all the cabals having set their production-machines of money into motion decades ago which are now about to implode altogether.

And this is the very point where NESARA will being brought into the game now.

However, what will be the use of it all if you do not have established any links to your very being of I AM?
What does riches will be of use in such a case - what will be the use of happiness if you are not able to sense happiness in your inner heart’s core? And this is the very reason of my message today .

All that matters regarding you - it is your heart and your soul or is it?

No, of course this is not all that matters but … still it is there where everything has to start and end as well (as it will circle around all the globe once … like being done in maths with issues of sinus - cosinus / tangens - cotangens by the unduly remarks of the English translator here) .

I do know many people find it most difficult when dealing here with terms of heart and soul still those ones having had the gift of experiencing their own souls and hearts - they know what we have tried to convey to you all over previous decades.

Please try to understand it in the real sense of it and try to integrate it into your inner heart and your very soul as there is the place of your very strength and of your I AM.

Once you have the full grasp and conscious inner knowledge about it - you will have conceived quite a lot! At such point there is no longer any need for you to read spiritual books nor do meditations on hours - no - also no need for further courses any more !

All you need is just a little rest - a litte trusting from your part and then what is left to be done by you is just a bit more of practising.

Try to do it regularly - starting with 5 minutes ( give me five minutes more - only 5 minutes more …some old fashioned song it is) then proceed forward with it to the duration of 10 minutes and finally 20 minutes.

Do feel into your heart and try to find out how it makes you feel and then you may walk along such lines while reading messages i.e. channeled ones - find out by the resonance of your heart whether it is coherent or not.

If it turns out not being in such a way of good resonance - just put that very message aside.

Still in case you feel well and in harmony with your heart’s sensation - recapitulate it - reading it again and attempt to sense its energy in it as there are so many various sorts of it albeit in written or audio-ones like this one here.

However there is much more in messages spoken and that is why we find it so valuable that you not only read the written scrips but listen to the very messages too.

You have to comprehend that many pieces of information are flowing through voices of our channels here - be it from this one or other ones - to all of you:
Contents of messages are but only one part of such audio messages - still flowing via the voice of our channels are our energies as well and here it is the matter of myself being the Ascended Master of St. Germain and additionally (may we disclose this fact too?) those of Lady Gaia.

She sends her energies too always being so much connected to this channel and in order to make him integrate all energies in much an easier way. Yes and added hereto also is the energy of this channel and such is the bundled stream of energies flowing through his mouth into the open here.

Human bodies are built up in such fantastic ways that all energies are being conveyed on at once. Sensitive human ones have been able to conceive this fact in the full sense of it. Such conveyance of information will entail much more than if you are reading the messaged text only and solely.

Well, to read down this text only - will be done fast - one may peruse it superficially in order to find whether there is anything essential in it earlier being not known until then.

Yet it never will display the same kind of quality like an audio-message. It does not matter who will submit any message as long it is some being of light in which case It will be filled with much positive energy of light always attempting to reach your heart right away.

As long as your heart will have been opened up to the receipt of it - you will be able to sense this most wonderful energy - spreading out all along your heart’ inner core - which again you may sense as some kind of burning or dragging pain - or just feel it like a most pleasant and relaxed feeling in it.

It will spread far along from your heart into your breast and over all your body too.Just imagine you are listening to the voice of my channel with your eyes closed and become aware how this energy is being stretched out in your heart ever more and then throughout all of your body enveloping it with all this wonderful energy today submitted by us to you.

There are more Ascended Masters and Archangels adding their very own energies to this message as well in order to establish something like a collaborational and mutual network here.

We want to open up your heart with our today’s message - telling you that you have arrived - arrived at your very oneselves - YOUR I AM - in all your magnificence ! Do you become aware of such a fact in its very essence ?

It is not us solely - the Ascended Masters, Archangels or else Beings of light - that are needed here! It is the very you ones needed here in some special sense of it - particularly you. As you are the most import addition to all there is.

Please comprehend and understand when taking up this kind of knowledge in your heart and go through the visualization entailed herein - then you will know what is the kind of yourselves like and perceive the magnificence of your human nature.

It is this kind of energy vibrating in our message here that will assist you to open up yourselves. It is truly “wonderbar” this kind of energy may open up - especially your door - your very portal through which you may go forward.

Will my words here be clear to you finally? This great wonderful portal which we mentioned so many times before … it has been in your very heart all the way !

Now, there are quite numerous portals here in this Galaxy and again all around earth which we always are flooding and with you via those portals - still such ones are pure portals of energies i.e. all energy originating from our central sun.

These are being led through these kinds of portals and on to earth with all upon her including human people which too are being flooded by such energies.

However still more of importance is that one in your very hearts - still mentiond in recent messages through this channel or be it by AARaphael, AAMichael and now by me - I am repeating it again:


Without this very key of yours - you will not be able to pass through your portal of ascension. Many of you humans have arrived just on the threshold of their personal portal cut perfectly to all their needs.

The next question of mine is the following one:

Do you want to look solely at this personal portal of your ascension now?
Being on its threshold you query yourselves what has to be done now ?
Again such a metapher not telling you here what to do with it.

And It is so easy: just understand that it is your soul being actually your very portal of ascension.
If your soul will integrate itself in some particular wayby reaching out with your vibration onto some certain level the portal will open up and will thus start connecting you to your personal process of ascension.

Take care of such information and try to fully comprehend it. We are not allowed to give you too many pieces of information here as it is left to your awakening consciousness to find and acknowledge what is hereby meant by us.

Well, you are quite right too, it may also happen that one or the other channel my convey to you something that matches to his very personal views as well.

We - anyway - always arrive at your end by the use and help of some channel whether it is the one here or someone else speaking to you.

Messages and information are always elaborated together with all the knowledge being in the mind of each and every channel .

And speaking of this very channel in such respect he has a lot of it regarding this subjects still there is even some additional one which for the time being is not yet accessible to him.

That is why you have to interprete and supplement it here too - you have to comprehend it also with your inner hearts since this channel has done so in his very way for his own inner heart and he has accordingly gained some clear knowledge about it.

However, for all of you here listening to and reading this message this might not be the same case - not entirely - but this will not affect anything of the matter here.

Let me tell you : just simply sense yourselves into this message deeper and deeper and you will become aware of your own real truth - that very one which your soul knows of.

Since your soul will resort to some different way than which the soul of this channel has chosen.

Thus parts of the information differ here also in some way because eachone here listening or reading this message here may have selected for him-/herself some entirely different path of ascension which in all certainty will turn out to be quite some other one than that of your neighbour or of this channel here.

We all - eachone of us and for him-/herself - are quite some individual creatures of our All Creator - our Father of “All-There-Is i.e. and accordingly eachone of us has his-/her very personal and specific plan of ascension.

Some will decide not to ascend altogether.

And such decision will be always be respected and honoured since eachone of you may and is allowed to proceed along his personal road.

Yes, and there are those in great doubts - being not sure whether they belong into what group - now, just query yourselves - ask your heart and feel into it.

Are you in this group of ascension or not? Just ask ! Feel into the inner core of your hearts and you will be notified whether there is some positive or negative response to it!

Since it is only you being able to respond to your own specific questioning here.

No one here on earth may proceed with this way of communication with your very own soul but you. No one else is connected to your own soul but you as you are part of it - solely.

And left there is that part of you having achieved ascension already.

They have communicated already by many past messages since several have preceded you in the past. They did comprehend what they had to do - they passed through their portals and have ascended.

And what are these ones doing over there having preceded
you ? This might be of interest to you and will be explained mor detailed by AAMichael with some of his messages later on.

All those predecessors do fulfil some essential task and function.

They are preparing the way - being forerunners in order to prepare everything for you as subsequent followers to them. And now they are awaiting you - and this since some time already.

They all wish that you follow since they want to proceed onward - wanting to go on building up the new earth over there and on ascension too.

As ascending solely will not suffice. There are still more changes to come and to appear over there and those are the ones which have to be conducted and established by humans solely on their own.

Yes, there is a whole lot ofsociety structures to be founded now - right from scratch. And much is to be done so that New Earth may obtain her various new structure too. Do you understand what I am meaning ?

Please, return once more to my previous message in which I mentioned these facts already - yes - and AAMichael too added some matters to it to human mankind in his last message here.

Yes, we are collaborating very closely in a mutual way by adapting various information to each other, balancing - supplementing and repeating all its pieces again and again.

It is our overall intention to make our messages
affixed ones to your human minds and hearts!

Now, my dear and beloved humans, again I submitted to you quite a number of information - please, take all that is most important to you and for you: All that I informed you about your soul and that it is your inner heart which is where your soul is living !

This is the most essential part of ascension actually.

There is no further need of books, no channeled messages nor this kind of audio-message you are listening into - that which only matters and needed is your heart and your soul both being the very great and divine keys to ascension.

Heat and Soul ! And it is my special challenge to all of you here : please start here and nowhere else !

I do love you with all my heart - and I shall return to you next week again !
I AM the Ascended Master St. Germain


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