The family of humanity upon the earth plane has been fluctuating in and out of darkness and light for endless earth time.  In the last century, we humans began to remember our beginning as being part of the Source and cried out for our Creator, asking for Light.  It was an anguished cry from the souls.  The answer finally came in August 1987 with a rare planetary line-up and was called the Harmonic Convergence.  This was a great gifting from our Creator, which set in motion the possibility of Ascension, both individual and planetary.  At the highest levels, the decision had been made that Planet Earth would not perish but the incarnate souls on our world would be required to take much responsibility for the cleansing and purification process necessary for the ascension to take place.  This has drawn great attention of beings from all parts of our galaxy. 


In the ordering of the Universe, all is in operation according to cycles, carefully orchestrated by varying Councils of great unseen beings that dwell in the higher dimensions.  There are many different kinds of cycles – planetary, solar, galactic, cosmic, and       universal – serving many different purposes that move in a kind of cosmic dance.  There are cycles of motion, cycles of time, cycles of evolution and cycles of devolution.  Nothing is stagnant in the Great Beyond.


Within the Universe, our whole Milky Way Galaxy has its own evolutionary plan of progression that has been tied to the evolutionary plan of our Planet Earth.  Just as our planet and solar system move along an orbital path around the sun, our Milky Way Galaxy also follows a path around its center, called the Galactic Core This Galactic Core is also known as the Great Central Sun.




We’ve all heard about the Golden Age that is to come.  It is a glorious hope and dream that we passionately hold and believe in bringing forth into our reality.  What is this really and how do we do that?  How do we get there?  It is not at all easy for us humans to break the chains of the past and the old programming.  It is a struggle that we are engaged in right now.  So as a planetary    population, we will move through a series of steps designed to take us there. 


The first one on this path, which we are now beginning, is the laying of the foundations of the Unity Consciousness for the planet.  Religious discriminations of both the past and the present have served to divide us rather than unite us.  It is important to remember that the teachings first given by Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha were pure.  It is all the misunderstandings and interpretations and/or deliberate distortions of these teachings by certain self-serving individuals that have placed us where we are today.  If we are to attain the ultimate goal, the people must move beyond the narrow focus of religion and expand into higher levels of consciousness. 

Here are some of the things you can do to start expanding your consciousness.


Raise Your Frequency

Remove Negative Programming

Awaken your 7 Major Chakras

Bring in more Love into your Heart


Forgiveness ( Of Yourself & Others)

Release Fears (Fear is the opposite of Love)

Be in touch with Nature, Plant, Animal and Mineral Kingdoms. 

Many Blessings Devara ThunderBeat


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