Ascension Science - Update
All beacons so far indicate flagged items unfolding according to the master plan – imminent ascension (god, for once no cosmic time zone business). The hosts of heaven have relentlessly reiterated that dec 2012 is not an end to itself but a new beginning and a portal will be open for about a year until 2013 for those who are ready. A tint of sporadic scribes/team members have gone as far as completing exhilarating test runs in full scope/color in our anticipated crystal cities. Random echoes indicate improved ability to accommodate related upheavals as well as declining apathetic moments.
After such a cruel blast of energies from the Lgate & Co, it is just about time for a respite/`soak test’ as we continue to drop the shackles (misconstrued idea with respect to agenda: how, when… – anxiety resulting thereof). Ascension should not be considered as a `team corner’ but rather as a continuous/expansive progression of consciousness culminating in wholeness/oneness.
Planet Earth`s free will status makes it difficult for the Spiritual Hierarchy to predict/influence the timetable of these anticipated events the way we would have so dearly desired. This phenomenon has resulted to some diversity in the content/interpretation of channel messages – incongruence (discernment is the master key).
To stay in sync with this transmission, we may have to review the process in terms of frequency spectrum – bands/channels. We are graduating from our present 3D frequency band to something higher – 4D, 5D…; and of course with inherent benefits (changing our radio band from AM to FM reception yields enormous gains: superior quality/bandwidth, stereo, void of statics…). Activating our higher perceptions, recalibrating to 5D resonance would enormously enhance our multidimensional fields.
We will eventually graduate and at the opportune moment to our corresponding new bands/channels with respect to the healing work so far accomplished modulated by our `light body process` interplay – first wavers & Co.
Ascension can be likened to our classical astral travel trips/roves but this time around carrying our physical bodies along. Those that are conversant with this practice fully well know that just after entering the astral travel mode their intentions instantly catapults them to wherever they so desire to travel to.
Although this exercise is called a travel, in reality it is just an instant transformation for you don`t go anywhere. The kingdom as we all know is here and now – 3D, 4D, 5D... is all here around/inside us; all we need to do is shift/change our frequency and we will find ourselves in the corresponding space. *A Dog for instance (dogs do perceive a higher frequency band than humans) would bark at the passage of a spirit in our presence although we would not notice any foreign energy – spirits dabble in 4D; and can playfully move articles around when they lower their vibrations. In a like manner, ETs/Ships would lover their frequency to indicate their presence although would face a hard time being physically present here due to our collective low vibrations – toxic environment.
Drilling a bore hole to the center of the Earth would not lead us to the city of Telos; but rather tuning to Telos` frequency band would put us in direct contact with say Adama’s clan.
All planetary systems in the universe harbor multiple dimensions. This is to say that planet Earth incorporates our present 3D world as well as 4D, 5D (Eden, Agartha, Telos, Hollow earth, Crystal City, Shambhala, ET Ships around our orbit…) and more; this fact is valid for the other planets as well. Apollo11 astronauts did not encounter 3D life on the Moon but nevertheless were profoundly overwhelmed when they stumbled on some ET colors portraying active higher dimensional activities.
Energy downloads serve as a catalyst to boosting our LQ, for in their absence we would require eons to accomplish our stipulated agenda. The recent pivotal session being the proverbial lion’s gate which is intended to serve as the culmination treat/final act – fine tuning the process that would lead to the activation of our DNA to full capacity (the rediscovering of our real/divine nature).
I have heard that all the light bulbs will not be simultaneously connected, we will incrementally occupy our new gestalt - move into our new state one step at a time to avoid over-exposure. Once we hit the last step - cross the threshold; answering the call/going through our ascension portal will be very liberating (we will not envy/regret leaving behind previous 3D thrills, we may revisit in our new outfits by recalibrating but may not be able to water our flowers/garden). Our individual portals also harbor the ascension portal - it is holographic, it takes off from our inner heart center to merge with the gates.
The spectrum of Light has been on an upward climb here in 3D and in particular after the 1987 Harmonic Convergence; those involved in the ascension project have seen their LQs hit first-time highs. The light anchored/broadcasted by lightworkers has been influencing the field of the masses, including those that have elected/insisted in staying/promoting darkness. These laggards will find it very difficult to cope with the progressing LQ of emerging planet earth and sad enough will inevitably be catapulted to other appropriate planetary systems that match their fields. Nevertheless, they are blessed to have taken this incarnation during Gaia`s transition.
The recurrent issue of what will happen to our siblings/pets when we shift is not going to be such a dilemma, for our expanded consciousness will unveil the big picture hence our attachment will shift while giving them the opportunity to progress on their own (this relationship – cooperation will be similar to the one we presently experience/enjoy with the higher-ups). A hand full of lightworkers have of late been affirming the intention to return to 3D after their transition - to teach the masses (in a bid to protect/tutorial their loved ones) as a result of their limited understanding of the master plan/part of the illusion we are presently engulfed in. Once the veil is lifted their heart-mind will be fully activated and only unity/oneness will prevail thereby elimination all remnant separatism/attachment. This paragon is also valid for our `Animals`
Keep the flames burning, the light shinning - Balancing as highlighted in `Grid work’ and Co; this way our synergy will speedily manifest our future Station/Home. By the way, our sealed contract leaves us with no options other than to Surrender. We are being urged at this point in time to take heart as we struggle with what is taking place in our lives (personal/collective reality); taking into consideration that our mission mandate has very few slots left for free will choices - the roles we now play must take place within the general guidelines of our closing script.
[*Note from Isis: When my dog Galahad was a puppy AA Michael would test his ability to know when he was near. Galahad would growl and his hair stood straight up.]