by Trish LesageSooner or later, once a person is on the path of ascension long enough, they may become a vegetarian. This happens naturally, and the person may experience the following:The person may not desire meat at all anymore. Since meat is a lower vibrational food, the body does not feel like it needs it anymore neither. When a person's energy vibration increases throughout the process of ascension, they may instead find themselves craving higher vibrational foods such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.In addition, a person who is far enough along the path of ascension may also begin to experience digestive problems when consuming meat. They may feel nauseated, have heartburn or acid reflux, aching and pains in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, etc.A person who has proceeded far enough along the path of ascension eventually feels at one with not only humanity but with the entire animal kingdom and all of nature. Animals are loved and respected as intelligent beings and as their sisters and brothers. As a result of this, the person may experience emotional issues while consuming meat. For example, they may feel a strong wave of sadness or even be brought to tears while consuming meat. The thought of consuming a being that was once alive and then killed for consumption becomes difficult to bear. Compassion for the animal that is being consumed may also be experienced.Eventually the whole concept of a reality system having been created in which humans and animals need to kill one another in order to survive may begin to bother a person who is far along the path of ascension. The whole system of violence and brutality of the 3rd dimension Earth becomes harder and harder to bare. Wanting to live in a place that is in a high enough dimension in which society does not kill others in order to survive may become a strong desire. This
should come as no surprise, as it has been said that in the higher dimensions beings consume pure energy or light rather than food. Similar to this would be the 3rd dimension Earth equivalent of getting enough exposure to sunlight in order for the human body to contain enough Vitamin D.Therefore, if you are on the path of ascension, and all of the sudden, you find yourself not desiring meat anymore, you now understand why. Our energy vibration is increasing, and we eventually do not need to consume the lower vibrational foods any longer. We begin to crave foods that are more in alignment with our increasing energy vibration.About The Author:Trish LeSage is a best selling author on Amazon and is a writer of magazine articles on Metaphysics, self-empowerment, spiritual awakening, ascension, and body-mind-spirit topics. She is the author of three books: "Meditations For Past Lives, Starseeds, Soul Mates and Beyond", "Manifesting Success In Relationships, Career, and Business Via Numerology ", and "Traveling To Parallel Universes ". More information about her work is available on her website at
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"It morphs pretty much instaneously, pretty cool footage AE. 😲"
Very well said, Eddie and I agree. I do not tell others how to eat because each person is responsible for themselves. People who live in areas of drought and war have a very limited supply of food and what they can eat...would it be wrong for them to eat meat if that's all they can find it? I'd feed my child meat before I'd watch him starve.
My mom had a kidney disease and she was very limited in what she could eat and drink so I know what you're talking about. Most vegetables were too high in potassium so she could eat very little of was always so hard to find foods she could eat.
I believe everything on earth should be honored...plants, animals...everything. I wish we could all subsist on light but until that happens we still have to consume food for our bodies to function.
Take care and blessings, Eddie, good to see you over here.
A vegetarian diet is the more holy choice...but some metabolisms and bodies cannot function on only vegetarian products.
For example I eat a few eggs a day.I don't consider eggs to be vegetarian but my protein sources are limited by Kidney problems.. and eggs is a good safe protein I can digest.i have to avoid many vegetarian sources of protein due to high potassium content.-- legumes nuts.
I consider milk to be vegetarian but I can only digest a small amount of that.
I feel what you eat is all our own business and each person has to find what works for them.
There is violence in every step of the way in eating.. does a plant also have a life within?
Are bugs and insects and other creatures injured in our procurement of food?
From another angle all is MAYA--- the illusory body---a being incarnated in a Maya body is forced to disturb another being enclosed in a Maya body..
Maya cannot harm Maya--- emptiness cannot harm emptiness.
Thank you, Luke but I do not know if I can stand to watch it. My great grandfather had a farm so I witnessed a lot of things most people never do though he loved and took care of his farm animals they were for food. I know how terribly animals can be treated.
I hope those who are not vegetarians do watch the film and see where their foods come from...maybe it will change their mind.
Luke, baby...apparently we have to fall to the point where there is nowhere else to go but up. Yes, it is a mess but when the new age is fully realized it will be because man understands that violence and greed is not the way. What we have to do is worry about ourselves and spread the good word whenever there are perceptive ears willing to listen.
I've never heard of the movie you mention but will be sure and check it out.
Silly man...I never for a moment thought you were anything but a vegetarian. ;)
This always gives me a chuckle...
Huh? Luke, I believe every word you say...cough! <3
LOL Poor little pup...I hope he made it.
Luke, sweetie pie [yum], if you want to eat a cheeseburger that's fine with me. I am in no position to judge anyone for how they eat let alone anything else they may choose to do. ;)
Such a beautiful image, Feather... I've awakened I've gotten to the point where eating meat is repugnant to me and that's why I can relate to this article. I wish I would've raised my children as vegetarians but did not know any better at the time.
I'm glad you liked it,'re more than welcome. :)