In this day full of Light, Love and Freedom of the Violet Flame, we give continuation of the posts about the Ascended Mater Terminology. Today, with the explanation of the Christ Presence:
Christ Presence
The Holy Christ Presence — also known as the Higher Mental Body, Holy Christ Self, Higher Self, or the Guardian Angel — is the Divine Mind that is aware of the Perfection of the God Presence, but is also aware of the imperfections and requirements of the outer self. This Christ Mind does not accept any imperfection of the outer human self, but remains Pure and Perfect.
The Holy Christ Presence is endowed with the Discriminating Intelligence to act in the outer self - Directing and Governing the amounts of Light, Life, and Love released into the outer body forms. It has been described as a "Step-down Transformer" with the ability to act in the lower human realms. This form is of a lower vibratory rate than the Electronic Body of the God Presence, and is composed of the Light Substance of the Buddhic Octave.
Note: The Christ Presence is always the masculine aspect, even if it manifests in feminine form as when the Mighty I AM Presence projects forth a Divine Feminine Expression of Itself.
I didn't knew indeed, let's keep it the 'presence' knew this. ;)