
Greetings, dear Family!

It’s good to be here again. Here I am, my dears, again, to end the year together. I and all *Matharians are with you. I know you would like to definitely forget this year that is ending and jump straight to 2021. But it simply cannot be this way. What is important here, my dear ones, are the lessons, everything that has been learned by you, and more: here you need to understand the great process of liberation that is taking place, at this moment, as much as it may not really seem to you.

I hear, sometimes, your revolts and curses to ourselves here from space. I understand and I don’t judge you for that; I would never do that. But know also that, when you revolt and don’t understand the natural flow of things, you enter into old energetic patterns that are no longer natural to you – and when I say “natural” I mean “usual”, that you were used to. As much as you have lived eons in certain patterns and somehow got used to them, today your bodies, minds, and spirits simply cannot tolerate the low frequencies anymore. These low frequencies have become extremely toxic to you. That is why today, when you lower your vibrations by stressing yourself or getting bored with something, they seem to weigh you down even more and overload your energetic fields much more than before.

It is not that the negative force has more power over you now; quite the contrary: it is a sign that you have expanded your inner lights more, and the negative forces are no longer “naturally” tolerated in your energetic fields as they were before. Your energy field is more sensitive today. And, of course, not only do I hear you when you are angry because of the intensity of the turbulent energies that surround you even when you are raising your own energies but also, of course, when you are sending your crystalline energies to support us.

You need to understand and respect these ups and downs, for you are part of the dimension in which you are. That is natural, dear ones! It is also your job to know that you are above this situation and that your essences vibrate above this swing of energies.

The increase in your sensitivity


You are more sensitive and it is natural that you feel the intensity of your own forces. When you lower your own vibration, you feel it drastically, just as it happens when you are elevated and feel the whole sublimity of what it is to be in these higher dimensions.

As you are becoming more and more expanded and more eager to remain in the higher frequencies, any less crystalline energy that comes to you is already perceived and felt. In a way, you already understand that “lower frequencies” are not very good or harmonious, which in the past it took time to understand and assimilate.

So, during this year, all the processes have triggered in you a visible increase in your sensitivity. Certainly, many will say that it has been a stressful year, an extremely exhausting year, in which nothing happened, everything remained stuck,  jammed, etc… But I want you to see it from another perspective now and understand this year as the year that helped you expand your sensibilities. You now perceive more clearly and feel the level of energies, being able to look at yourselves more and know yourselves better. Knowing and understanding each other even more, and seeing that they also have pains like you, they are also seeking to free themselves. Everyone has literally been able to look more directly at their neighbor due to the inevitable coexistence in your homes with your relatives.

Try to see from this point of view. All the experiences have flowed as programmed. Even though everything seems out of control, know that it is within an order and, as chaotic as it may be or is being, the higher forces are working to make everything flow. And it will flow!

You’ve already made it this far, you’ve gone through so many processes, and there’s very little left until everything aligns even more. All this work and these experiences pushed you to look more at yourselves, at what is inside you. You have become more aware of your bodies, you have become more careful and loving with them, and this is great. What a great opportunity to evaluate yourselves because, in the rush of your daily life, you weren’t having so much time to feel, observe, and understand your own emotions.

Your emotions


Speaking of emotions, this was, in fact, the year of emotions. The year in which you were able to release a lot of trapped emotional burden. You programmed this year so that you could release much that was under the carpet. A lot of hidden things inside you could come out now. Certainly, you had outbursts of anger, rage, sadness, disappointments. Surely you have argued more fervently with loved ones in the periods where you have been most isolated in the same space/home. All of this helped you to “put your cards on the table” and to resolve yourselves definitively.

This is a time for that too. How long have you been holding resentments, sorrows, sadness and revolts against someone from your biological family? How long did you say “I don’t want to see such a person; I don’t want contact with them”, etc…? Has life brought you the opportunity to resignify this, to rethink and face these emotions, putting you and these people face to face to resolve such situations? My dear ones, the Creator is aware of everything that is happening. Nothing is in vain. Nothing is disordered and disoriented. You are not alone and you are not participating in a cruel and inhuman game! No! Absolutely not! It is a great experience and learning that you have chosen to include in your cosmic “resume”! You wished for this experience and called us to support you! Certainly, everything you have been through this year has been difficult. I am not minimizing this or ignoring your pain, your losses, no! But I am calling you to look with another vision, with the heart more expanded, more open, and more loving.

This year of great catharsis for all is ending now, and each one of you will harvest the fruits of the tune in which you have kept the maximum time in this period. Trust that all this great transformation will trigger deep changes on Earth. More expansion, more wisdom, more Love and union!

Know that your friends, relatives, and loved ones who left this plane of existence this year as a consequence of all the events, especially regarding the virus, will return. They are already preparing to return to the Physical Plane. Yes, quickly, because they don’t want to miss the Feast of the Elevation of the Earth. Your dear ones who left the physical body this year will soon return, in some way, to your surroundings, know this. They also wish so and so it will be.


Many of us and others from the Ashtar Command and from the Federations throughout the galaxy are preparing for mass descents on Earth to support this elevation even more directly.

Recognizing your failures


Do not be afraid to recognize your failures and falls. This is also very worthy! Many of you are ashamed of yourselves when you commit faults. These are moments, precisely, to support yourselves more, to embrace yourselves more, and love each other more. We all commit faults!

Yes, I have already committed failures myself in my own situations when I had experiences in environments like the one you are now, and I was able to start over again. There is much nobility, my dear, in making mistakes, recognizing, and, in a new way, redoing. This is how all of you expand, learn, and evolve your consciences.

You must not forget that you went to a very hostile environment, extremely different from the sublime environments you were used to. You cannot forget the heavy layers of dense energy that fell upon you when you entered these lower dimensions, and so on. Now you are returning and you need to be patient with yourselves and of course with all those around you, even with the “darkest ones”. Have patience, unconditional love, and trust, because no one will be exempt from their responsibilities.

I have said this before and I always repeat: those who, despite all the warnings that they are receiving, still continue to project war, chaos, and fear through the various means they manage, are being watched by us. I, Ashtar, am in charge of this, personally. You have my word.

Meanwhile, continue your work to balance your emotions. You are coming out of a big stress zone and entering a rebirth. Rebirth, in which you will be able to walk more freely, wiser and more aware of your steps.

I know that for many of you now, the situations in your lives seem a little foggy, but stay calm. This is the result of the “dust storm” that was lifted. It needed to be lifted. It was the dust that was settling and you didn’t realize you were walking over it.

The Crystalline Waves being routed from your Local Sun are causing this effect, as is a connected fan that raises all the dust from the environment. So it is happening to the Earth now, and you are in the middle of it. This dust will settle. Just stay calm and continue with your work. Everything will be fine.

From stress to rebirth


Everything you have experienced in this stressful year for most of you has triggered very profound processes that are bringing you to a rebirth, a profound inner rebirth. The year 2021 will show you how much you have changed, how much you have renewed yourselves, how much, in fact, you are definitely no longer the same. How much more aware you are of the play of negative forces, which is becoming clearer and clearer.

There is a lot of questioning about what this new year will be like, what the virus situation will be like, and everything that has been happening. I tell you, my dears, everything will be solved in ways you can’t even imagine. All this will come along with your rebirth processes, because just like you in your individualities, Mother Earth is also going from a very stressful environment to a rebirth. Wait to see the announcements that are coming out and the revelations that are being prepared for you. See, for example, what was recently released by a former Israeli Space Security Chief:

~ December 7, 2020 – Aliens in hiding until mankind is ready, says ex-Israeli space head:

~ December 10, 2020 – Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready:

Many of your leaders are completely aware of every situation that is behind the virus, and they are ready to reveal more things than you imagine. Meanwhile, those other leaders who wish to continue with the narrative of panic to keep you insecure and fearful with your own air will continue seeing their efforts to control the surface population fall to the ground. As I have already said, let me personally take care of them. I’m already taking care of untying these knots. They may keep trying to deceive you, lying and misrepresenting information, but this will become even clearer in this year of rebirth.

Understand, dear ones, that while you question yourselves and get bored sometimes of why things don’t seem to be working out, why everything seems to go from bad to worse, and the so-called “second wave” seems to come even harder, in fact, it’s all a great clear and objective exposition of the dirt that you need to see more clearly. Understand this, not as something that is getting worse, but on the contrary, everything is being exposed. I said you are becoming more aware, more sensitive and wiser.

These negative narratives tend to make you “twist your nose” and roll your eyes. This is simply what is happening. This is so that you see and know, clearly, how much they have tried and still try to lie to you. It’s just getting clearer, and you’re realizing it now. Let the false narratives continue to come out. They will go on for a little longer trying and exposing themselves. That is what is happening. A real exhibition of what was hidden under the carpet, and now everyone knows. And because you are more aware, they are trying more, more, and more to oppress you to keep you under control. I give you my word: it won’t work. You will no longer be hostages of fear.

So, “from the year of stress to the year of rebirth” is this, when you will know even more clearly who are the leaders around the world. Who is with you more directly and who wants to keep the narrative of fear to arrest you. The year 2021 will show you who is who. You, as I have been saying, are becoming more sensitive and all this sensitivity will trigger an increase in your multidimensional field. An increase in your extraphysical sensitivity.

So it is important that you are aware that shadows and their shapes can try to scare you into animalistic and frightening shapes for many of you. Keep calm and in the balance as much as possible. In this year of rebirth, you will also have the opportunity to see your own shadows more clearly. As you are reborn, you need to understand more about yourself and about duality in your own beings. You will leave your comfort zones. You will be called to even deeper work with yourselves. You will be called to see what your real motivations are on Earth, what you really want to do, when, and why. Also, you will not be able to deceive yourselves, to self-boycott so easily, because your energy fields are getting so intense and active that you will not be able to stand lying to yourselves, in whatever situation. It will become unbearable, and you will have to face and look at yourselves. Reborn is that, and you are reborn to the truth, to the truth of who you really are, to the truth of your origins, for the truth of your past, for the truth of those who are in the direction of your countries.


All of this may still bring some fear, insecurity, and revolt, but you will be more aware and wise. You will experience in 2021 a true rebirth, literally a rebirth just like a newborn child on Earth who, taking his first breath, feels discomfort in the activation of his lungs. You will feel this, especially in the first twenty-one (21) days of the year 2021. This year, really, my dear ones, will not go easy on those who try to run away from themselves, who try to boycott and deceive themselves, or to deceive anyone. This year will show the truth, as it really is.

Consider this new year of 2021 as the Year of Revelations. Some will be surprised by so many things that will come and even the increase in the activities of our fleets around the planet. It will also be a year that will bring your ancestral strength connecting you to your entire lineage, your entire family tree, your entire past history and the energies of many, many ages that have been moved. It will be a year in which you will rescue that force, that force that is within you. Memories of the past, wise memories that can help you in your present times, memories of when you were monks with all tranquility and lightness. Memories of when you were warriors, only now you will use that strength and impetus more wisely to move forward overcoming the barriers of the path – no longer with swords and spears, but only with the strength of the loving and courageous impulse of your hearts. Memories of much wisdom and understanding of life, because you have this baggage, this experience, these many experiences, my dear ones. It will be a year for this reconnection with your ancestral strength.

Necessary choices


You will have to make many choices, because this year, as I said, it will push you to this: to definitions, conclusions and finalizations. As I have also been saying for some time, the forces of this year 2020 have opened many portals for Multidimensionality, for the connections with the spiritual forces of the various planes of existence, activating natural portals in yourselves, for you yourselves in your own chakras are portals that lead to high dimensions.

In 2021 there will be a great fusion, my dear ones, of the increase of your multidimensional capacity and expansion, so that you will be more sensitive and open to extraphysical connections, as well as to all your transcendental baggage. You will bring more to your consciousness: your strength, the strength of all your lives, the strength of your ancestry summed up in one year: 2021. There is a lot to come, a lot to do. And you need to be ready. I know you are. This will require a lot of discipline and commitment from you. A lot of discipline and commitment. A lot of discipline and confidence. A lot of discipline and self-confidence, just like we have in you.

These are restorative times, my dears! Times to start over more consciously, wiser and centered on your own inner strength, leaving aside what no longer needs to be in your trajectories. It is a time to change course, if necessary. Change of direction, realignment and rebuilding. You need to define now where you really want to go, with whom you really want to be and start.

Start doing what needs to be done. You need to align yourself with your creative force of execution, so that you get out of any and all inertia in your lives, so that you produce what animates your soul! You are productive beings, with a lot of wisdom and creative power, and for a long time, negative forces kept you in depressive, discouraged, disheartened, and insecure cycles. But now I tell you that you will receive one more positive force: the force of your ancestry, of the sum of all your life experiences on Earth, impelling you to the necessary “finals” for you to expand and leave behind everything that was “holding you back” in some way! You need to trust this present positive force. Feel it and see: it already vibrates in you! You don’t have to wait until 2021. It is already here. It is already present here.

Take advantage of the energies of eclipses, for they are powerful portals of attractions, dear ones, that aligns you with the purposes of your souls. That lead you to what you have really programmed for this existence. Don’t be afraid of abandonment, fear of being alone and being forgotten. This will NEVER happen. You are NEVER or will ever be alone! This is impossible! Perhaps, yes, you are in moments of solitude, in which you need to be more with yourselves as you try to assimilate everything that has been happening, all the processes that you are experiencing, and yet we are observing. At this time, when you need to stay longer in solitude, we are observing “in the distance”, also respecting your moments. And when we are called, we come closer again. You are beings very respected by us, in all your planes of existence.


I am and will be with you, as I have always said and say: you have developed so beautifully, my dears! Do not fear your ascension, for everything you have experienced is part of it, even letting go of certain things. Do not be afraid. Trust that there is a higher plane behind you, beloved Family!

May this year that you enter be for your complete rebirths in yourselves, because you will be seeing everything with even more clarity, and… Yes, believe me! You are already ready to know about certain subjects. I speak the truth to you, Family.

And so it is.


Your brother,


*Matharia is the system/planet of origin of Ashtar and is in Alpha Centauri. There, he has a physical body, not like our Earth’s physical body, but much more subtle. Many of us go there when we leave our physical bodies because that is where the great meetings of the Ashtar Command usually happen.

In Love and Blessings,

Article Source: https://universalforces.space/2020/12/25/ashtar-2020-to-2021-from-stress-to-rebirth/

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  • Very well understood, thank you & bless.
  • Love and Light to you Ashtar :)
  • wow I really love it I found a lot material for my content to dispread, thanks so much a huge dear hug
  • I've always loved Ashtars messages, this one was really long ,but very informative , lots of "spring cleaning" to do as a "rebirth" in 2021, "I wonder who's going to smack my bottom when the time comes"?Ha!
This reply was deleted.

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