*ASHTAR* addressing the August 25, 2009 teleconference

www.AshtarontheRoad.com/ashtarteleconference.htmlAshtar addressing the August 25, 2009 teleconference:"..Now we've been real busy, and there've been a lot of energies coming to Planet Earth which have been in facilitation of your ascendance, of your moving up in high vibes, of your spending time beyond 3D and so on and so on, and these energies are yours to claim. And if you have closed a bit of yourself to receiving these energies, they are there for you anyway, whether you are consciously aware of them or not. So you can do a conscious exercise and say, 'OK, I am now ready for the next step in receivership. I choose to be receiving all the gifts, all the wondrous rays of energies the universe has.'"Well, you can say, 'Why don't you pace it a little bit though, because I am not sure just how much I want to take in at any moment'. If you choose to do that, it is perfectly alright because it's your journey. Don't let anyone else muck up your journey, Beloved Ones. You know you don't want to get down in the tar pits just because somebody you care about is down in the tarpits. What you want to do is get yourself elevated up and out of that tarpit so that you can then say, 'Come on, its really nice up here, you can do it. If I can do it, you can do it, Beloved One, come and join me.'"When you beam, is that not an invitation to follow the Light that you are? Think about that. In fact, we can say to all of you Beloved Family, Ashtar Command members, as a beamer you are just one big bright invitation. And let it be so, and rejoice that it's so because that's who you are. You are here to lead the way, Beloved Ones, and you are all having experiences, and you can be silent if you choose, if you feel you are not ready to step beyond. But the reason we have suggested that you share** your experiences is simply so that you come together in this grand community of the One We All Are, and so that you put out your hand to help others. And so that in sharing you actually join hands, and dance and sing and say, 'Whoopee! We're doing it.'"We may not all be doing the same thing. We may not actually all be on the same time flow, but you are all creating new timelines for yourselves anyway. So if you have ever played the game of leapfrog, don't see yourself as the end of the line; you are just ready to make a leap, if you want to think of it that way. This is not a competition to see who gets there first. There is nothing competitive or negative or down-in-the-dumpies about any of this. This is about you and your Ascension."Now we will just cut right to the end. We have said this before to you. You are all going to make it, as long as you don't hold yourselves back. Nobody is flunking this course. But it is a course that leads to graduation. And so in order to graduate, you need to commit. Now we have done commitments, affirmations, and we have done beautiful visualizations and meditations along the way, and we are getting into some real high-powered stuff now."The timelines have changed so much that this Family is moving ahead at warp speed. Hmm! Looks like more than warp, maybe triple-warp speed would be a better way of putting it. Anyway, there are exponential risings taking place. Now if you don't see yourself in your own personal bubble or balloon rising, just take a moment and see yourself there, and look down and see yourself rising and see that your feet are off the ground because that's where we see you, Beloved Ones, every time you smile, or beam, or have a heart experience."You know what we mean by heart experience? We are talking outreach here, we are talking connections. Heart connections take place first and foremost within your own beings, and remember that great big being that you are, and we ask you to see it as spherical because in 3D it's easy to look at flat representations. You are not flat, Beloved Ones, you are well-rounded beings, and it is to bring all of you into that happy, joyful, synchronistic harmony because that's how you get it done, when you are all there. Then you can beam up a bit and then you don't feel like you are there because you are so light. And that's perfect. That's wondrous. Take yourself up into Joy."Now as we have said there are many many helpers, meditations, groups and so on, and we suggest you go into the marketplace, we have suggested that before, find a sunny spot or a rainy spot or whatever gives you Joy, and just beam at everybody going by. Have you any idea how many timelines you will facilitate the creation of by all of those who walk by? As many people as walk by that you beam. That's right. Infinite possibilities and potentials are there, just by you being there. Do you have any idea how magnificently you shine? We have told you many times you outshine the brightest of stars, and now your auras are filling in with the colors of higher dimensionality. Oh yes, you still have your greens and your blues and so on and so on. And all of these colors are transmuting into the higher colors."Where there was red, you might now be starting to see something that you call magenta or pink, you know, the pink platinum. How many of you have seen the magenta light, or the turquoise light, or the orange light that is crystalline? It's not like an orange, you know, it's orange crystalline light. All of the colors of the higher dimensions have that crystalline glow, that platinum that shines and makes the colors so luminous. Some of you have seen the ships emitting the mysterious colors, it's like, 'Hello, yes, we are here for you and we are signaling'. Open your hearts just a bit wider and feel the messages that come in as you see the lights of the ships."Does this mean you all have to run outside as soon as it gets dark and see the ships tonight and if you don't you've flunked? No! Beloved Ones, see the ships inside your very own beautiful hearts. That's a connection that's just as real as looking out at the sky with your 3D eyes open. For some of you, you might use your third eye; close your eyes and use your third eye and see all that we're talking about and more. You are all having wondrous connections and experiences, so share them. Share them in a place where we keep a sacred space** for you and for who you are, and for the totality of who you really are. Because we have told you many times you are not all you are in the mirror, although for many of you, you are now seeing more in the mirror."So enjoy it, love it, live it and be assured you are on the right path, because it's your path. Nobody else can put the next step of your path out in front of you except you. And we are going to share something with you you may not have known before. You know that before you came into this body you had a meeting with your own special Guidance Team and in a way you designed your contract. You put your Divinity into a contract for what you would be experiencing and the experiences you would create for this lifetime, the final lessons. This is it! You don't have to do it again if you don't want to, the final lessons that you would not only learn, but retain the wisdom of for this life, this Ascension, because you all came in to be on the path of Ascension, if you were 6 or 60."So we are going to share a little something with you. Throughout all the eons of time since you first came to the land of Lemuria - oh, did we mention you have all been there? -well, you have. There was an entry point for you to come, and so you came way back then. You had, shall we say, your recurring themes, the biggies that you have experienced in some way or other over and over again in more than 1000 lifetimes here in bodies. You may not have known that, but think about it. Does it not make sense? Now some dropped off along the way as you got your wisdom. But you may be experiencing an encore in this lifetime, something that hasn't come up before that you are consciously aware of, something that happened long ago and far away, and you have a feeling that you're familiar with it in some manner, but not in this lifetime. ; And you haven't really been able to access another lifetime where it came up, and you're not really too sure where it came from. It's just a tiny little encore, and its message to you is, 'Well done!'"Put a blessing on it; transmute it a bit and you're done with it forever. It's a way of saying, 'Congratulations! You got through this one, we're just here to remind you a tiny bit.' And unless you really want to get down in the tarpits with it, just take the wisdom and say, 'Thank you Beloved I AM because I AM done with it.' It's like there is a trophy case and there is a place for all of the lessons you have learned and every one is represented. Oh, let's have it be real pretty, shall we? Just imagine something that is all the colors you so love and resonate with, and there it is, it's ready to go in your trophy case. If something comes up that you are not familiar with, know that it's from the beginning. It's something th at you took on, and it's been a lifetime experience, lesson, wisdom. And well done! Academy awards for everybody because you got through. Ah, we're so excited. We are so excited.."** Please join and post on our new group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Joyful_Awakenings/© Susan Leland 2009. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.We invite you to join us in co-creation of our next Ashtar teleconference Tuesday, October 6th. The call begins with sign-ons at 6:15 PDT and the program starts promptly at 6:30 with 5 minutes of late-breaking news from Tara,Rama & Mark,* a preview of Meg Hoopes** Spirited Clearings October 7th call, followed by Ashtar and the Masters.Those who took advantage of our last 4 for 3 offer had their free call last time on September 22nd.Please register here for Ashtar's Tuesday call 10-06-09:http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/item/2497194/2108034.htm or click on 'Conference Calls' here: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/productsservices.htmlAll information about the call including the pin number will be sent to you after you register.We've had a couple of reports of problems accessing our website or our registration link. If you have had a problem, please email ashtarontheroad@aol.com and let us know. You can always email us to let us know you are snail-mailing a check to Ashtar On The Road, PO Box 13082, Olympia WA 98508-3082*You can get the latest updates from Tara, Rama, Mark Huber and the A-Team at Mark's new website: http://www.grt-intel.com/ or Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MarkHuber_GRT_Intel/**Meg's website: www.spiritedclearings.comWe look forward to our continuing co-creations with you.Namaste, Susan, Fran & Elise
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RichRaelian commented on AshtarCommand - The Great Awakening's blog post Ashtar Command Report – “The dark side of the moon”
"Hi! Thank you for posting this message I learn a lot from it."
3 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dt0Ked6dvU"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://youtube.com/shorts/3dt0Ked6dvU?si=zTtvZa1Fx1nLc3kO"
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in Melbourne, Austrailia, a couple days ago on New Years Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXQ4DnQMLhw"
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