The Conduct in the Federation
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Greetings from the Command!
There is a lot of talk, in environments that are more integrated with the reality of our existence, about how we should behave in conflict situations and when different ideas clash. Naturally, this is also an agenda that will be included in the first ranks of obligations, when we can finally work together to improve the planet. Diplomacy is something we genuinely value. There are countless races throughout the cosmos and more intimately, in the Galaxy where Earth exists, there are many groups where we have debated a lot about certain things in the Planet’s development plan.
There are always meetings about important issues, about what can already be implemented or not, on the theme of Planetary Ascension, considering the countless variables, due to the level of Planetary Consciousness that is constantly and frequently adjusting. The difference is that in these meetings there is no disrespect, rudeness, or exaltation of the voice with a banner of oppression, insult, or imposition. There are always disagreements and agreements and, naturally, when a harmonious consensus is reached, we move on to the next agenda. There is always affection and a real desire to collaborate.
Hierarchy and the Conduct in the Federation
Those with greater expansion and light are always among the main advisors and direct instructors because although the hierarchy is not as it often is on Earth, onboard our spaceships and meeting centers, there are hierarchically respected and honored advisors, such as teachers and executive directors of divine plans. Although the human mentality finds it difficult to understand certain dynamics in our organizations and how we deal with certain situations, Respect, Diplomacy, and Honouring the Hierarchy are fundamental points for the minimum harmonious coexistence in our Federation.
Understand that when we talk about hierarchy, we’re not talking about superiors bossing around inferiors, or giving orders, we’re talking about a field where naturally the understanding of the Source is broader and there is unconditional respect for this in our environments. Of course, no one needs to dictate rules and orders, because there is a natural consensus where everyone knows their role very well and how far they can go. In meetings, this is always very clear and evident, and although they exist and are often “heated” when the subject is “Earth” affairs, it is never as your mind might imagine, considering the earthly reality, when many are thirsty for power and control over others.
Even though we know our role and have our responsibilities assured, listening to our superiors is always a moment of great joy and jubilation because we are constantly learning and open to our development. There is always a mutual partnership and, even in disagreements, there is Respect and Fraternity, and never, under any circumstances, oppression, aggression, imposition, disloyalty, or a desire for power. There is a dynamic of speaking and listening. There are never any verbal or vibrational clashes in our debates, as this clearly indicates two things: a desire for domination or fear.
As you enter a new phase and we, as your friends from space, seek to collaborate, we enter into a synergy. You are beginning to understand the need for diplomacy for good coexistence. The need to understand the dynamics between “boss” and “leader” is something that will be very evident in the day-to-day life of a new society, which is being formed from this point onwards, for the simple fact that true leadership is that which genuinely inspires, not just by speaking and giving orders, but is that which, through example and goodwill, induces others to conduct themselves in a way that is always forward, uplifting and inspiring.

If you want to know about good leadership, see if it guides you to be a better person on every possible level, or if it just uses you to meet its more personal needs, often through paper money-generating machinery. A real leader develops deep empathy when they never oppress, but set an edifying example and conduct themselves based on moral and spiritual values. Therefore, in the new society that is emerging, leadership will only exist in the akashic of planetary history, replaced by transforming leaders.
The Challenges and the Need for Change
This topic is something that for many will still make them “roll their eyes”, because it is challenging to shake up patterns and values that are rooted in a need for “power to be”. As we have announced, our arrival will not only bring joy to those who know of our real intentions, but it will shake up the structures of belief and understanding of things, because we are not arriving first for a party, we are arriving first to help organize the house for it. Of course, we will organize the house, but never without the residents taking part in the organization and some will not want to move some things around, which is understandable considering the eons of time spent in moral plastering, but it will be inevitable due to the time that has come for change, when the ruler of the house, Gaia, needs to heal.
We hope that our presence and the opening of our conduct books will make it easier for you to understand what your tasks on the planet really are, as well as to expand your understanding of Love, true Cosmic and Fraternal Love, when you can finally join the Federation again, with internal possession of true Ethics, Diplomacy and Fraternity, thus ensuring your certification to travel the Universe with us, helping developing civilizations. And this is part of your future, because this is what we do today. It is an immense joy for us to collaborate and serve the Creator throughout the Cosmos. We are constantly rejoicing in this.
Friends, we know how much your freedom was curtailed and how you could better understand life on Earth and even in the Universe, but at the same time as you went through all this, you also demonstrated your strength, which has never deserted you. This is what brought us closer to you when, in the mid-1980s, we began to reach out more effectively at the request of the Cosmic Directors. Yes, we also know that there is still a lot of resistance about us and our messages, as well as whether they are really true. Friends, these messages dictate the Truths that have often been denied to you by many and by other sources. And they “move” you because your Souls recognize them as reliable.
Reassuming Development and the End of Domination
The way you have been treated for the last 26,000 years has considerably undermined your ability to discern what is and what is not, and you have also been duped by many who dressed up as leaders but were really just non-Federate enforcers of enslavement.
The time of freedom echoes in the bells of discernment and you are now taking the lead in your own development, while those who imprisoned you are running away as they realize that their time of domination is over. For a short time, you will perceive apparent scenarios of “everything continuing as before”, but we can assure you that it is quite the opposite. The more you now perceive chaos and threats, the more you will know that they are just the “howls” of old wolves trying to regroup the pack and even the pack to stay ahead, but the helm is already under our jurisdiction and there is nothing they can do to take back the reins.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command through Neva, our base in South America. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command at this time as it conveys the Truth that has been denied to you for many ages. As time passes and we deliver more of our messages to you, more allies are joining us on the surface and sharing our reports as well, in order to increase the communication network, echoing the call throughout the Earth for our other sources to awaken.
We now call on our sources around the world and the retransmitters of our messages to spread them in their languages. Translate, verbalize, and share them, making them reach the continents where we have many of our people in their physical avatars. This is an official message transmitted now to our representatives on Earth. Each one of you becomes an ambassador for the Federation when, within fraternal principles, you understand the oneness of Creation and are magnetically grouped together in the same field of understanding and thus, in a snowball effect, draw others of the same line of understanding into the contiguous zone. While the wave and the frequency of our approximation make themselves felt, many in the front line of global powers are preparing to leave their posts voluntarily or forcibly because the generation of new and real leaders is already present.
~ Neva / Ashtar Command
Universal Forces Editor’s Note: If you would like to volunteer to contribute to the translation of the “Ashtar Command Report” articles into different languages, please contact us via the contact page and let us know in which language you would like to contribute.