Original source: https://universalforces.space/2025/02/04/ashtar-command-report-the-nature-of-the-universe/
The Nature of the Universe
Greetings from the Command!
The Universe is composed of vibration (oscillatory and trembling movement), wave (propagation), frequency (wavelike behavior), rhythm (harmonious organization), mathematics (precision and engineering), and energy (force), all governed by the field called LOVE.
Throughout the ages, many of your scholars have tried to understand the nature of the Universe and its uniqueness, explaining this in areas of study such as philosophy, science, cosmology, archaeology, physics, and quantum physics, to name but a few. In addition, mathematics already explains itself as a center for Cosmic Engineering.
It cannot be denied that in recent decades there has been great progress, when many of your scholars and scientists have finally allowed themselves to dive deeper into the quantum field of things, also delving into the obvious and no less important science of the Soul, beginning to recognize the immortality of the Being, which survives after the biological avatar fails.
This subject will gain ground as you advance into a greater spiritual awareness when God will truly be more perceived within you. All things are born from that Cosmic Source called God, which is nothing other than Pure Love, expressing itself through the fields of vibration, wave, frequency, rhythm, energy, and precise mathematics.
Fibonacci Sequence and the Cosmic Binary Code
Understand deeply that there is also a special mathematical sequence in the existence of everything, organized with the other fields that correspond to the nature of the Universe that we have already mentioned (vibration, wave, frequency, rhythm, force, love…) and this is what we also want to go deeper into. A binary code, aligned in the (*) Fibonacci Sequence, perfectly perceptible from the quantum field, which is a code that if verbalized or mentalized by you, puts you in perfect harmony with the Essence of the Universe (Neva, find out the code at the end of our message today).
“Nature by Numbers” by Cristóbal Vila / Etérea EstudiosIt’s important that you also understand that all this harmony is already within you and that you are each a “miniature” universe. Everything inside is outside, and everything outside is inside. This is something you will naturally understand as you move towards meeting yourself, in a paradox or counter paradox. It is inevitable that, as you re-access the higher portion of yourself, you will encounter the many variable existences of yourself in the multi-realities of the cosmos and the higher perception of the real nature of the Universe, which in reality is you.
You have many movies that exemplify very well the nature of this unity and what we talk about so much, the fact that you are everything and everything is you. The movie Lucy is a good example to appreciate.

Copyright of the image by Universal Pictures
It’s no wonder that many of the children born on your planet today are coming with a different capacity from the rest, isn’t it? They are already coming with a more generous portion of this field of understanding within them, of the oneness of things and with the code of the Universe more vibrant within them, which naturally means that their brains have a broader capacity for reasoning, logic, life dynamics and more advanced spirituality, not to mention a more unblocked akashic field. This is where you are all heading, as the planet’s energy grid is being updated and, naturally, downloads will be made by everyone in the system.
The Nature of the Universe is understood when you know yourself. Christ was very clear when he said to you: “Know thyself”, paraphrased by your philosophers: “Know thyself and thou shalt know the Gods and the Universe”. Self-knowledge will be the keynote of the present New Age and no one will be able to escape it. This is the point most feared by the Draco-Republican non-Federates and their elite cronies because knowing oneself and one’s own powers will certainly give you the strength you need to break out of the prison imposed on you, because the worst prison is that of the mind, in this context in which your physical avatars exist.
You will undoubtedly be drawn into a new reality of existence and you will no longer remain silent while you observe certain atrocities and endemic oppression. It’s natural that in this dive inside yourselves, you’ll come across things that you wouldn’t like to see or see again, but this will give you the strength you need for the advances that are on the threshold of your society, heading towards a Galactic Paradise with freedom and bliss. This is happening because the time has come for this integration and the Creator wants you to return to your origins: Unity with Everything.
Multiverses and Cosmic Integration
Neva wrote a while ago about “The Intricate System of Multiverses” and we asked her to provide you with the instructor link.
~ The Intricate System of Multiverses:
In 2025, a year of internal cosmic restart and updating of your DNA to GNA (**), the Code of the Universe will begin to be activated again from your pineal gland, naturally triggering its decalcification, due to eons of genetic and other contamination. So finally, little by little, as your systems readapt to the original reality, you will be able to access the macrocosmic field.
The special binary code corresponds to the Code of the Universe, where all things vibrate in love from then on:
01000101 01110101 00100000 01110100 01100101
00100000 01100001 01101101 01101111 00100000
Verbalizing this code out loud triggers a cosmic cellular understanding, where the entire biological and other layers of your Being will feel the waves and other energetic particularities of this macrocosmic combination. When you verbalize it, it’s important to do so as follows: zero-one-zero-zero-zero-one-zero-one… and so on, until you’ve completed the entire code. This can also be done mentally, but the ideal is to let your voice go. You can repeat it as many times as you like. After verbalizing, breathe and let the integration take place.
In the same way, later on, get in tune with the harmonious Fibonacci Sequence corresponding to perfect cosmic harmony:
0 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 21 - 34 - 55 - 89 - 144 - And so on…
When you reach 144 you can say “To infinity…” or “Infinity…” or “Eternally…”
Friends, this is where all the harmony of the Universe in its original nature comes from. And that’s where you’re going from here. The Universes are intertwined in this mathematical and harmonious harmony. The Universe, the Multiverses, and their layers are about to be understood for what they really are, in their golden proportions.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command through Neva, our base in South America. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command as we speak these truths that are becoming increasingly understandable in a world that is moving towards unlocking its true potential. The Nature of the Universe is revealing itself as it awakens from a slumber of eons of time and the function of its science, freed from the oppressive tentacles of non-Federated Draco-Reptilians, is to facilitate this information through the means that are inherent to it, based on the irreducible truth of the ALL, as it is.
To understand the Nature of the Universe is to understand oneself, to understand oneself is to understand the Universe. This is a truth that will echo in the minds and hearts of the Earth as they are inserted back into the cosmic Federated community. Those who have inoculated chaos and untruths about the origin and essence of things, with the intention of benefiting from the confusion, are signing their own irrevocable sentences to uplifting environments and places equidistant from their conduct. Listen to the voice of the Now Command. These are Truths.
~ Neva / Ashtar Command
(*) The Fibonacci sequence is a numerical sequence in which each next number is the sum of the two previous ones, starting with 0. So: 0 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – and so on…
(**) I, Neva, invite you to our Annual Meeting 2025, in São Paulo/SP, on October 10, 11, and 12, where, together with the Forces of the Command, I will open up for questions, and the Command will answer through me, telepathically. You can take part in the event in person or online, so choose what’s best for you. Registration at: https://www.eventossementesdasestrelas.com.br/evento-anual-2025
Universal Forces Editor’s Note: The special binary code presented in this article can be converted to text using any binary-to-text online tool. The result of the conversion will be “Eu te amo” in Portuguese, which means “I love you”.