Ashtar, Harmonics, and Healing.

Channeling Session Date: 10/09/96
This month's podcast by the members of Ashtar Command is from a channeling session back in October of 1996 that focused on frequency, harmonics and anti-gravity theories. The three subjects are intricately connected so it makes for a theme relevant in today's quest for higher consciousness. On top of that, we get a visit from Ashtar who stops by to refute a rumor the Command no longer works with our planet and also offers some suggestions about our website. During the session, we try a call to a friend of ours named Carrie but catch her after she had already retired for the night.
Tia utilized her ring mistress skills to get the night off to a quick start and brings on the first guest speaker Lyka, a member of the Sirian Defense Force, who uses her time to joke about hijacking one of the base ships to come visit us in Tahoe. That joke demonstrated her bravery since the next speaker to follow her was Ashtar. He's all business as he addresses claims spread by other alien organizations that Ashtar Command had left our planet and was no longer going to assist us. He puts those fears to rest to make room for Tia who needs to gets Mark's body back to a normal heartbeat before putting on the next speaker. She uses that time to discuss the politics of the day and the presidential election about to be completed. With Mark's heart rate low enough, the next speaker is Kiri and she finishes up the side by answering a question regarding the earth's frequency which morphs into how to build an anti-gravity machine. We had debated the subject the previous night and now started filling in some of the details. We could only get the details from her that Omal would allow but it was enough for a fascinating conversation that would need to be completed on side two.
It's on side two that Kiri demonstrates how anti-gravity would work with the help of a flashlight until Omal reminds her we were supposed to call Carrie. Our timing was off and we caught her asleep so we rescheduled our session with her to the next week. Karra takes over from her sister from the end of that call and we look at harmonics now from a healer's point of view. She uses the example of a recent healing we had done where a dear friend of ours was having a disconnect between herself and her spiritual self. Karra had adjusted the modulation between the two selves to bring them into harmony. That example leads into a treatise on recognizing the frequencies of others and those of the self for healing, social interactions, and self-improvement. She uses a singing bowl in the room to demonstrate how everything, including light, has a harmonic frequency before giving the floor back to Tia who had better control of Mark's body to make the bowl sing. Tia uses up the rest of the side to discuss politics but, just before starting in on the presidential election taking place, she lets us know what would have happened to Kiri if she had revealed more about anti-gravity than she was allowed by Omal. We do get some insights into Tia after that as she reveals which past presidents she would have voted for if given a chance. We are discussing a proposed tax cut before Congress and run out of tape before being able to finish the discussion.
In love and light as one,
Russ and Karra
The latest free podcast can be found at:
For full transcripts of the session and more information about Hades Base, Ashtar Command and higher dimensions, please visit our website:
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