ASHTAR TELECONFERENCE 26 JANUARY 2010 TELECONFERENCE 26 JANUARY 2010Rhymes and Reasons by John Denver*"And you wonder where we're goingWhere's the rhyme and where's the reasonAnd it's you cannot acceptIt is here we must beginTo seek the wisdom of the childrenAnd the graceful way of flowers in the wind"Ashtar:"Well, good evening everyone! We are speaking softly. We are whispering at you because the mood, the attitude, the vibes are so high within this group, this family. So come back gently from this fabulous, magical togetherness in this meditation, for we have much to discuss with you during this wondrous time of closeness within our grand family of Lightworkers, Ashtar Commanders and what we affectionately call the ground crew. Ah yes, you are it, Beloved Ones, and the spotlight is on you. And this is radiant beams of loving light coming to all, all of you and all of our family who may not be listening but nevertheless are with us in spirit. You have done so much for the planet and you have more to do yes, but our purpose is to first of all assure you that each and every one of you is the brightest of stars shining, beaming and loving, and that we are here in service to you because you gave us permission to be with you and this indeed, as we have said before, is the most shining moment in the history/herstory of Planet Earth. This Ascension process has not been accomplished on Planet Earth before and now it is, and it's done. And for those of you who may be a bit weary, we asked that the music, the poetry of the one called John Denver, be brought to your attention, that you might enjoy and uplift with it, for what is it if not an assurance to you that all is well, all is in divine order and there is more. He was among the great poets of what you call this modern age, there are many others. Play your music, whatever kind of music it is, if it uplifts you, play it. If you get down in the dumpies a bit, go to the music."Play with your inner child, let your inner child come out and play with you. Or go someplace where there are children and just simply beam love at them and they will beam back at you with their love and their laughter. And, oh yes, the flowers, let's not leave the flowers out of this, shall we? The Voice heard something somewhere and she ran around asking 'What was it about the flowers again?' Well, the memory is that the flowers carry the music, and this is true, but the flowers carry delight for all of the senses. You can even eat some of them, and they are happy to have you share in their bounty. And all of that that you grow as vegetables and fruits have some kind of flower. How could they grow or reproduce if they did not have some element of flower? And some of them are quite glorious indeed, and some flowers you do not eat but you certainly enjoy their smells and their beauty, do you not? So the flowers are delights for your senses and when you delight your senses, do you not raise your vibrations? Indeed. So look for flowers everywhere in your life. If their pollen is a bit overwhelming to you, you can work on that, you can clear some dendrites, or do something else or you can enjoy them, oh, in the movies or on your television screens."That reminds us, we are full of reminders tonight. Isn't this delightful? We know what we are here to say but in every moment, you see, we are responding to the vibes that you are sending out and, yes, to your questions. So here is another reminder. If you have not yet seen the movie Avatar, we advise it. Now, put your focus and attention on Ehwa - that's Mother Gaia you know. The trees and the flowers, and yes, there is sadness, and yes, there is some violence not because Ehwa ordained it but simply because of the humans who tried to impose their will, and you will see what happens to that particular program. And even as they march off to the ship that will carry them from Pandora the planet, you can be certain there has been a big parade marching to The Hague. And so we wish to remind you and we will have another one who will lead an exercise in reminder that now is the time to send Love, not hatred or anger and not, 'Well you deserve it,' but just Love, pure Love, born of the compassionate heart that you all have to all of those who are leaving the stage. And to all of those who are leaving the stage, whether it is by way of The Hague or whether it is by way of leaving the body permanently or however, there isn't anyone who hasn't made a choice. Now you heard that the sorting hat has been passed with the dark hats. It does not mean that they will not have other chances at the sorting hat, but it does mean that those who have made up their minds to not give up their programs of darkness, have got one-way tickets off the planet and that these are being exercised even now."Well, you heard it. Hilary is looking haggard. You can call her 'Haggard Hilary' if you want to. The truth of it is, is that you have these holograms and while they are dense and solid and all of that, their programming kinda shows because after all it's part of their energy fields, right, that have been captured in the holograms. So when you look at the holograms you will see evidences of looking haggard, perhaps not as clearly defined as real people on your television screens. Well, our technology is allowing them to appear that way because it's part of the Announcement. It's pre-official Announcement. It's like now you know that First Contact is actually not being spoken of as First Contact because everybody knows, and especially you Commanders, you know that first contact has been going on since the beginning and you have all had opportunities to participate in your own First Contacts. So it's kind of out of date, shall we say, to talk about First Contact being officially announced. So now what we have for the title of the announcement is Disclosure. Because First Contact has been pre-announced in so many places and with so many beings. So now what we are doing is a little pre-announcement of what's been going on not just in the news stories that are coming out, but in the representations of those in the news. There are some who are pretty much disappeared. They don't have a lot of places in the news these days, and every once in a while they pop up with some absurdity or other, and the American people and the people of the world are watching their television sets and they're saying, 'that's absurd,' or 'that's un-American,' unconstitutional, incompassionate, and more and more the people of each country of the world are developing compassion not only for their fellow country men and women and children, but for citizens around the world. There is more and more information out there and this is giving way to the knowledge and the knowing and the hearts that it's time to think of oneself as a citizen of the world."Now when Disclosure comes on many levels including 'Yes Virginia we are for real, and we come in love and we come in service because you have called us forth', there are going to be some big shifts in attitude on the part of those who are on the fence. You may have heard there is going to be an automatic upgrading, uplifting of vibrations and you are well on the way to that. Now for those of you who read our latest communication, you may have discerned from that that while the events in Haiti were destructive and took lives, they also gave rise to that same kind of consciousness that rose so high before, during and after, as you measure time, the events of 9-11, and that consciousness has been steadily rising and it's that uplifted consciousness which allows you to have the wisdoms and the understandings and to join in with the rest of the world and the universe beyond and feel that oneness and that divinity in all. So we played that song for you tonight, we requested it, we are awfully fond of the kinds of poems and music that this represents because it is telling you not only is there hope, but it's here. The time is here."You all know about the wondrous children which are coming in now in their crystalline beings, and there is even Rainbows, how about that? And you know of the Indigos and you have known of them for a long time, and these children are here, and they want you to hold their hands, and they want you to help them to lead the way to the brightest, brightest time ever on Planet Earth. And they are ready and they know and some of them stand in the highest of service a child can stand in wherein they give their lives that you may further evolve your compassion. Of course they are still with us in their beautiful spirits, and they are still supporting this wondrous raise in the consciousness or the vibrations of Planet Earth, so reach out, partner with your inner child, bring your inner child out to play with them. Go to a playground and get on the swings. How many years, as you measure them, has it been since you, Beloved Ones, have sat in a swing and allowed yourself to soar and laugh and be joyful with the children."Now let's get back to the flowers shall we, and the plant kingdom. You know, it may seem easier to hug a little puppy doggie than to hug a flower. That is not necessary, you do not need to hug the flower, you can simply reach out and send a message to the flower with your wondrous energies. You can touch it lightly, most flowers are happy to have a light touch. You can put flowers into your home but bless them if you cut them. And you can be in the gardens. Ah yes, there are gardens ready to bloom and flourish everywhere. Just imagine. There might be a concrete parking lot that you drive by every day or you walk by or whatever, just imagine that parking lot full of flowers in bloom. You are not going to need a lot of concrete parking lots, you know. As the transition takes place you will be flying above the ground either in your own fabulous flying bodies or in your little crafts which are made through technologies. And so as we have said before, all these ribbons of highways are going to be wondrous parks and yes, some of the buildings are going to crumble but it will be in an orderly manner as we have stated. And they can simply be disappeared through modern technology and replaced with buildings that are perhaps more suitable for the age, for the crystalline body. It might just be that they will be of crystal or some other materials as yet unknown on Planet Earth and yet very real."There are materials that our crafts are made of which are most marvelous indeed and their production does not require any pillaging of planets, stars, moons or any place in the universe, and they can be manifested literally seemingly out of thin air. They are marvelous materials and guess what? They are recyclable back into thin air when their usefulness has been outgrown. Now just imagine that one, all of you science fans out there. Start figuring how that can happen because that is reality. All of this limitation, lack and exploitation and hiding of these miraculous technologies is about to end, permanently, for those who are on the new earth. For those who are going to the place where they are not quite ready to get on their Ascension path but nevertheless of good heart, they just want a little bit more time, that's where the technologies will be introduced next, by guess who? Messengers such as yourselves. If you choose to go back a bit from your ascended status and help out a bit and then you can just fly out of there any time that you want to. Isn't that going to be jolly? Talk about travelers! You are going to be, well you already are but we will get to that in a moment, you are going to be travelers in time as well as geography."Now we say you are already travelers in time. What do you think happens every time you go out of your body? Well, you go someplace and its not generally on 3D Planet Earth. Now we took the Voice out for a little spin today. She was quite exhausted. Oh, she doesn't mind if we tell, it's all good stuff. And she asked to remember. She thought in her travels to say 'I want to remember this so I can share it'. So here it is. We showed her the crystalline body as it appeared in that moment, and the next moment we showed her Ascension, and it was really quite thrilling, although she was in such a deep state that she really just accepted it and said 'help me to remember this'. So we'll tell it for her because she kind of has been busy doing other things. And she's not right here to tell it right now so we will just tell you. Now what there were, were these points of light with beautiful color swirls kind of in the background and all of these crystalline points were shining, shining like so many little cells or however you want to imagine it. There was no real outer shape; it was just fields of energy, and we showed her a crystalline body. All these points of light and in the next moment it kinda swirled into a colorful fog that was shining brightly and that was the Ascension lift off. So there you have it. If you are interested in doing this for yourselves, just go into your out-of-body travel state and ask to see that because that is you, Beloved Ones, every single one of you, that's your Ascension process that we have just shared with you. But if you want the drama of the real scene, just go ahead and call it forth. You are that powerful!"So we come to (what do you call it?) the pep talk of the evening which is that you have all the empowerment that you need to accomplish whatever it is you are here to accomplish. If you haven't figured out your mission yet, and want to have a little one-on-one with I, Ashtar, the Voice is still available for those discussions. But you can go within yourself and you can call I, Ashtar, or your entire team, did you know you have a team of guides, and you can start getting some very good answers when you call forth the highest of truth, when you remember and allow yourselves the empowerment of knowing that you've got it all anyway. Now here is something else if you want to do it. You may have heard that the whales are the record keepers of the planet. So you can call upon the Deva of the Whales to connect with you and help you out if you are a little bit stuck. It is not a test, it's a joyful exercise if you want to do it. But if you want to have your note-taking materials or your recording materials handy, you might be amazed at what you call forth, because you see this risen consciousness of the world is a part of you and you a part of it."The consciousness is raising exponentially, it's continuing to raise. And you, Beloved Ones, are a big part of it. You have missions and you have multiple missions and you are doing them just beautifully. So raise yourselves and acknowledge yourselves. Just go stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself and greet yourself as the divine empowered being you are. Some of you are going to start to see the grand company of your guidance teams particularly those who already see the energy fields or the auras. You have the gift for doing it, even if you have not opened it yet. So get yourself under that Christmas tree and start opening gifts, because they are all there for you. And you can decide which one you want to call forth, then practice it."You know how kids are - they get their presents under the Christmas tree. They might get a new surfboard and they say 'isn't that wonderful' and then they put it in a corner because it's the middle of winter, the snow is on the ground and they really are not in a place where they can use that surfboard yet. But then they open another present and it says 'you've got a gift to go to where the sun shines and the waves are high'. And they go 'oh boy, I'll take my surfboard and use it then'. And they open their other presents and all of the toys that are there and they start using right away, and they have this wondrous, wondrous time, and every day until it's time to go and use that surfboard they play with all their other presents, but the surfboard stays within their focus because they know they are getting there. You see what we are talking about, Beloved Ones, you've got a Christmas tree and it is full of gifts and you haven't opened them all yet. You may think you did back when you celebrated Christmas, but you really didn't because the greatest gifts are the outpourings of Love and the divine being you are. That's where they come from. They are all there wrapped in Love and you haven't opened them all yet."So go ahead. Which one are you going to open first? Is it telepathy, is it clairvoyance, clairaudience, is it a healing touch, is it the connections and communions with the All That You Are. Pick one and open it and start using and then go for the next one. Just go for it. Because we tell you truthfully that all of these gifts are yours and, as Ascended Beings, you are going to be using them all anyway but you don't have to wait for the next Christmas to roll around. It's there for you right now. So enjoy, play, take some time out from your busy-ness and if you are worried about how you are going to pay the bills or have shelter, start creating what you want."Now that brings us to our next topic. We have a lot of topics here. We are going to talk about uncreating the future. We've talked of this a time or two, now we are just going to hit it big. Your future self is a part of you and your energy fields and you have been working and house cleaning and Q-tipping your past selves so that in your now moment you won't be bringing anything that is low vibe into that. But guess what? You can also anchor low vibe into your futures. Now there are many ways you can do it, we are not going to go there. You can figure it out for yourselves. We are suggesting that as you create all that you want to do and be, that you simply say, 'now and evermore.' In other words, you are bringing it into the now moment but you are also bringing it into your next now moment - you are recreating your future. We also suggest that when you do whatever kinds of clearings, the simple one is the Ho'ponopono, you address your future selves. You might have some dendrites that are going to pop up and be recreated as ghosts of the past in your future selves, so you can do some dendrite clearings and just include your future self in with that. It's not just your past, it's not just your now, it's also your future. Ah ha, we see the light bulbs going off everywhere so we know that you are in understanding of this. You already have marvelous methods for doing these clearings. You wanna rejuvenate? Well you better address that too because what is your future self, oh yes there is a song - don't go there. There is a famous song a master of comedy used to sing but there was nothing funny about this, and the song went it had a part in it that was called 'another day older and deeper in debt.' Ouch! Clear that out. We said it with special dispensation, you are not really getting it from that, but a lot of you have that lurking."This is the time for the greatest joy you have ever felt. If you wake up in the dumpies it may that you're just ker-plunking back into your bodies. So before you go into your sleepy time at night, be sure that you program to come back in with Joy because you have such great missions in what's left of 3D. You are another day younger and you are free in all of your being to create your life however you want it to be. That's what we are talking about. Create your passions, create your future, however you want it to be, because you still have enough of you in 3D that there is something called your future that does exist and is a very real part of you. Once you get ascended, of course, everything is rolled into one because there is no such thing as time. Although for those of you who are really curious and have somewhat of a scientific mind which the Voice does not, but we will boggle you up a little bit anyway, there is such a thing as time travel. So you will be able to go back to the future or forward to the back or whatever you want to do with that but we are not here to discuss that now. Ah yes, we can feel a little shifting; oh no, we are not going to go into some quantum physics and science, but you can do some reading up and you can start calling forth that information into your beings if you so desire. Just ask your guidance team for some updates and you'll get it, for those of you who want to know about such things and not just get to it when you get to it. That's the Voice's attitude and that's fine because she has so many other things to do her mind is boggled sometimes anyway, and we are not going to mess it up any more."So there you have it - reasons to be in Hope realized, in Faith expressed, and in Charity of your thoughts, words and deeds and there is another word for charity and we call it Compassion. And we shall have a great authority on compassion come and be with you in heart to heart communion. And so there will be an exercise that she will ask you to join in with, and we only want to close by thanking you, Beloved Ones, for all of the love and compassion and high vibrations that you have sent around the world, and most particularly this moment to that area called Haiti. And it is being felt and it is being recognized and welcomed, not just by those who are still living there in their bodies, but by those who were living there and have left their bodies, and by those who are visiting there. Never mind about the holographic presidents, their energy is really not able to be felt. Their programs of darkness are really not having much of an influence. That's another thing about holograms by the way. You can recognize characteristics but you are not going to feel such heaviness as you might feel from the real being or even from a clone. So in that respect the world is lightening up as well. Well, we just had to get that little bit of information in there."Now about Haiti again, and it is not just the land, it is all of Mother Gaia's kingdoms including the waters around Haiti. It is a message that is going out to the neighbors, the neighboring countries, to the boats upon the waters and to the visitors upon the land. Transformation is happening. Now there is one among us who has been particularly in evidence there. He is becoming more known there as far as whatever efforts have been expressed there in the government and the finance of Haiti, and that of course is St.Germain, but there are others there. Sananda is there with his Mother and with his beloved Twin Flame, and the lady from the east is there partnering, she will be with us momentarily in Voice. And there are many, many legions of angels, and yes, Faith, Hope and Charity are there. And what the people who live there are knowing is that they are being cleansed of superstition and dogmas which have been so prevalent there. There has been a real tug-of-war between those who have been in fear, inspired by that ancient practice called voodoo, and yes, there have been many who have been taken there for sacrifice, sacrificial purposes all over the world. And a great deal of that karmic residue has been released and transmuted to Love, and there is, of course, the church. A great tug of war has been going on there and what has happened with the influx of these high vibrational energies is that many, many of the people there have felt a lightening up and a release from these heavy and dark energies."And that is the foundation upon which this island will be rebuilding itself. This island has been cleared and cleansed and is ready to take its place in the fabulous world of higher dimensionality. Gardens are being planned even now, flowers and trees, animals will be flourishing and thriving there, and yes there will be some crystalline buildings there even as the bodies of those there become crystalline themselves. It was just too heavy and now in that place in the world, that haloed sacred place, the consciousness has risen to join with the rest of the world. And there are other places in the world which have had quite a bit of darkness. You think of Iraq, you think of Afghanistan, you think of the far eastern countries of Europe, you think of places so remote you may not even have heard of them. They are lightening up too. It's contagious. It cannot be stopped, this flow of high vibration, Love and Freedom."So be in Joy over this. We will have more Joy in this gathering, but just remember it's all real. Anything that is fear-based is not real. Anything that is based in Love is your truth and is everlasting. Find that truth within yourselves, anchor it even more than it is and start enjoying your gifts. And so it is, Beloved Family, and so it is. Salut."Kuan Yin spoke after Ashtar. Her exercise will be published later.Many thanks to Deborah Urquhart for this timely transcription.© Susan Leland 2010. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.*(requested by Ashtar to be played before Elise's meditation)Rhymes and Reasons by John DenverSo you speak to me of sadnessAnd the coming of the winterFear that is within you nowIt seems to never endAnd the dreams that have escaped youAnd the hope that you've forgottenYou tell me that you need me nowYou want to be my friendAnd you wonder where we're goingWhere's the rhyme and where's the reasonAnd it's you cannot acceptIt is here we must beginTo seek the wisdom of the childrenAnd the graceful way of flowers in the windFor the children and the flowersAre my sisters and my brothersTheir laughter and their lovelinessCould clear a cloudy dayLike the music of the mountainsAnd the colours of the rainbowThey're a promise of the futureAnd a blessing for todayThough the cities start to crumbleAnd the towers fall around usThe sun is slowly fadingAnd it's colder than the seaIt is written from the desertTo the mountains they shall lead usBy the hand and by the heartThey will comfort you and meIn their innocence and trustingThey will teach us to be freeFor the children and the flowersAre my sisters and my brothersTheir laughter and their lovelinessCould clear a cloudy dayAnd the song that I am singingIs a prayer to non believersCome and stand beside usWe can find a better way
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