Keep Your Eyes on the Skies and 

Join Hearts with the Children* 

Ashtar Teleconference - August 9, 2011 

"Greetings, Beloved Family, we bring so much Joy as we join with you because you, Beloved Ones, are beaming the Love and there is nothing more joyful in the totality of the universe than sharing the Love and indeed, the light that is the Love. And when we come together in these Family Gatherings it is for us to exponentially increase that loving vibration and send it out to the World and the Universe beyond. And in this Gathering we have such a beautiful focus and of course you know that it is the children, the children of the World. And we shall indeed have a very special guest who shall co-create with us the Exercise of Love that we shall send to all of the children of Planet Earth! 

"Now, we shall be including among the children you, Beloved Ones, because you each have an inner child, as we stated in our invitation to you - we invited you to bring your inner children to this Gathering to simply share in the Joy of Who We All Are, as individual personalities, to be sure, but as the One We All Are. It is this unity in which we find such Joy and such Love. And it is an opportunity for all of us to be in such a loving space together that it is indeed out of this World - it is high dimensional, it is Christ Consciousness, even!!! 

"The Light of this Love has great and grand empowerment to reach all over the planet and to penetrate into the hearts, and yes, even into the minds of those who are awake. And this is a grand message, indeed, that we do every time we gather, and what it does in addition to upswinging the Planet in Joy and Love, is that it creates even more awakening and knowing, perhaps with a bit of discernment to be sure, but the ultimate knowing comes that We Are Indeed All One!!! Yes, we are here, and more and more people are looking to the skies and saying, 'Could it be?' And we beam the Love as we hear the question. And more and more people are saying, 'Ooh, that feels good!' 

"Yes it is - it is not only that there are ships in the sky but those ships actually contain our Galactic Family, our starseed brothers and sisters. And as you know, being in the ground crew in human body, you still have presence on the ships, a higher dimensional presence, to be sure, but more and more of you are connecting with that and getting, shall we say, information. Perhaps some adventures, some stories, and most of all the connections because that is what is most important - it is these connections that we have. We’ve been other places, to be sure, together, traveling through the skies as you say. And you indeed have been other places when you have not been busy with the Ashtar Command. You all came from other places, but here we are, united! 

"Now, take a look around you. Look with your inner eyes or your hearts and see the diversity among all of us. Do you know that scene? It was from the first Star Wars movie that came into the public domain, so to speak, but it was actually number four in the entire group of stories. But anyway, do you remember the famous scene where Luke met others who didn’t all look the same as him, and they went into a place, you call it a bar, but they had a meeting there, they had to meet someone there. And here were all of these fantastically imaginary - or not -beings who obviously came from different places because they weren’t all the same either. And they were playing some interesting music on some interesting musical instruments and they were dancing and talking and so on and so on. It was a meeting place of the Galaxy. 

"Now, we are going to have meeting places such as this - 'Welcome Centers' at various locations upon Planet Earth. We have already received numerous invitations from you to land in your backyards or your frontyards, or your rooftops or in the street outside of your dwellings, and we want to tell you we’re going to be there. But we’re going to have to come, in some cases, in smaller ships, or perhaps there will be a big Mother Ship over your city and we’ll beam down. You know, Scotty can beam us up or down! You can beam up or down too, how about that? And bless his heart - it may be that Scotty himself will be out of a position because you won’t need him. How about that? But that’s all right - he’s joyful and happy! 

"There is no such thing as a happy person whose position is advanced into not being needed, they simply go somewhere else and take that same position or another one. You see, that’s the difference, or one of the differences, between 3D and the higher dimensionalities. Think about it, everybody has a position and it is the position of passion. It is: 'What do you really, really, really in your heart want to be doing in this moment?' It doesn’t mean you have to be doing it in the next moment - it just means there is a place for you where you are welcomed and appreciated, and loved and honored for whatever it is that you have passion to do that you are doing. Of course, in higher dimensionality, nobody has passion to hurt anybody or do any harm to the environment or to any living beings. And so it is all wondrous and high vibe and Love!!! 

"So, as we were saying, we shall have certain key points upon Planet Earth where large Welcome Centers will be revealed as the vibration of the planet rises just a little bit more. And what these places will be is meeting places. Obviously there will be incoming and outgoing transportation, so if you want to, think of something like shuttle launching pads, much more advanced than anything your NASA has, but if you want to think of those kinds of facilities go right ahead - that is part of the picture. 

"But what is really important here is not so much about the logistics as it is about the meetings. It is about the conferencing; it is about the getting together; it is about the opportunities to learn from each other and to interact with each other and just to feel the Love vibes!!! How would you like to travel to one of these Centers and to come in and feel so welcome? To feel that Love, to feel that Joy at your arrival, and to find exactly the place at this Center where you want to be, and to be surrounded by those exact beings that you want to be with? And because it will be new to you, in this lifetime, in these evolved bodies of yours, it might seem almost strange at first, like the first day at school, and you might have a few butterflies in your tum-tum area - that is alright you will get used to it. And the interesting - perhaps we might say the most fabulous - part of all of this is that you have a standing invitation and you are welcome at anytime!!! 

"There will be places which will not have the meetings and the greetings and the conferencings and the decision-making, to be sure. Other places of coming and going, transportation coming and going - shuttles, which will simply go from one place to another on Planet Earth, or below, and shuttles which will go to nearby places like the moon and other planets in the Solar System. And of course there will be the big Mother Ship. You can take a shuttle to the Mother Ship where you might be going out of this Galaxy to some other place in the Universe. 

"You see, that is our World, Beloved Ones - that is the World, or shall we say the Universe, of the Ashtar Command! It’s all here, just a teensy little bit above the level that you have now. We are showing you this and we are hoping - ah yes, we see the visions popping up everywhere where you are listening. And why is that? Because that is the next step! You know how we tell you, 'Keep your eyes on the skies and say hello'? Well, you are doing that, Beloved Ones, and you are doing it beautifully and if you haven’t seen us wave, blink or dance for you yet, keep it up. It may be that you are not speaking quite loud enough. Oh, we’re just kidding a bit about that, we know you are there and we are delighted to have you come and greet us! And more and more of you are getting your discernment fully activated and you know that’s us. You might still say, 'Gee, is that really what I think I saw up there in the skies?' And we say, 'Yes, of course it was us!' 

"Thank you for putting your energies into greetings and sending Love, and we send you ours back. Now, we’ve got so many beamers around the world who are not only beaming each other and beaming the World and all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and we’ve got beamers everywhere who are going outside and saying, 'Hello'! And you are joined by the children who know, and almost all of the young ones know. Sometimes they have such traumas going on that they have like a mist, just like the veil, where they are so busy focusing that the memories, the knowing, of Who They Really Are is a bit obscured. But for the most part the Crystals and, yes, the Indigos of the world are pretty wide awake, and they know!!! 

"And so when you join with them, Beloved Ones, you bring yourself into the One We All Are, the knowing, and the loving. You see, the children have no fear about us showing up. Just imagine, let us say that you are sitting at a desk and it is the middle of the afternoon, it is daylight, and all of a sudden the light coming in the window isn’t so light and bright anymore, it’s dark. So naturally, you get up from your desk and you move over to the window and you look out and - oops, there’s this big Mother Ship, and it’s so big it’s creating a darkness in the sky. Of course, you being You, you wave and say, 'Hi, I’m here!' But the person at the desk next to you says, 'What - are you nuts? They might start - you know, doing something unfriendly.' So you have a grand opportunity. But if you want to see where everybody is waving and welcoming, just go to a school where you’ll find young children and you’ll find them all pretty excited. And the teachers are somewhat tuned in to them and they’ll say, 'Yes, isn’t it wonderful that we are so ready for this that we can now experience this together?' 

"You see, these kinds of things are beginning to happen, and so the more you envision the next step after this, which are these Centers that we have discussed with you, the more you are anchoring Planet Earth in its moving up into that phase of reality. We always ask that you stay a bit out ahead because that’s part of being a leader, is it not? It is that you know what’s coming up and that is why we have taken so much of your attention here to tell you. 

"Now, if you want to put two and two together, as you say, and come up with four, you might be thinking, 'Oh boy, this means that we’re getting closer to Disclosure!' ....Click here to continue 

Transcription by Brian Coe 

Given through Susan Leland, August 9, 2011. © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.


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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
"I dare you Drekx to click the link now being provided and be lured into the fake ufo drone sky entertainment & conspiracy in the USA, watch the white LED dog flying above the crowd on a piece of fishing line, put it on full screen geepers even kids…"
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AlternateEarth commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
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Also a double whammy, with Trudeau hitting the ejector seat button, today....Happy landings...🤣"
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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
"Drekx all you had to do was click on the link provided above the screen shots, as it goes straight to the vid on X, but dont bother as it would be a waste of your time as its just a Chinese green light drone carrying a white plastic dog dangling…"
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