ASHTAR: Your Planetary Mission

Ashtar:Your Planetary Mission: July 28th teleconference.Ashtar addressing the July 14, 2009 teleconference (part 1):"Well, Good Evening Everyone! You caught the high vibes; you're ready. Well done! There was some lifting up that occurred there. By now you should all be feeling it, this union, we actually call it communion, meaning union with, if you want to get 'techie' about it. It simply is the Joy of coming together. It is more than just communication, certainly more than just connecting. Now this is just a small representation of what you're going to be feeling soon. No dates!"Now we had some momentous announcements, just oh, a few minutes ago in your time on this call, so we're going to talk a little more about that, with great appreciation to those* who brought us the announcements. But first we're going to have a mini Q&A. How about that? Now don't worry about 'star sixing' your phones, because I am going to take care of both sides of it. I am empowered to do that, you know."Because when we come together in this communion, Beloved Beings, you give permission for the closeness that enables the sharing of the thoughts and the emotions by being here, by showing up, by answering the call so to speak, as Family. And if you are new to this conference call, be not concerned. Here's a little secret. While we are perfectly able to read anything that might be of a lower vibration, for the purpose of this call we just look at the highs. That's right."And we want to assure each and every one of you, that you are absolutely glowing and overflowing with Love beams, radiant, bright, sparkling Lights you all are. So as we say, if you're new to this call, and have some concerns about your privacy being invaded, be assured that your Higher Selves have all agreed to be here, and are delighted to share the wondrous Love that you are, and that's exactly what is happening right now."So as we said we're going to start out the festivities this evening with a little mini Q&A. Now, you are probably all familiar with a game show where the answer is given, and then the question is discerned. So this is how we like to play mini Q&A. So here we are. Here we go. Get ready. You can take notes if you want to. Here's the answer - YES!!!"We're having a lot of fun this evening."Now what is the question? The question is, in everyone's minds and hearts: Is everything really taking place at warp speed? Are we really in the fifth dimension now if we will but acknowledge it? Are we really post-NESARA? Is NESARA really going to get announced? Are 'You' really going to show up, with 'You' being the Galactics? And is everything flowing well? Now we'll give you the reason for the question in a moment, but we just gave you the answer. So take a breath if you want to and take it all in. Everything is on track and more, more than even you've dreamed of."So start enlarging your visions. Start answering the invitations which are numerous and they're all engraved with your names that say: What do you want? Who do you want to be? And leave the want out of it by the way, and just start creating your lifestyle the way you want it. Having a little financial trouble? Perhaps you're getting some telephone calls from beings of a low vibrational sort who want to get some money from you? Send them love, 'ho'ponopono's if you wish, and do whatever you can do, and then be joyful about it."You know you might find this a rather interesting thing to say, but we're going to say it anyway. First of all, it's not all that bad to be out of money, because it has a tremendous upside, if you'll but see it. Does it not enable you to see the importance of what's really important? Does it not enable you to perhaps rearrange your closet of priorities a bit? Does it not enable you to get on with your own personal housecleaning and Q-tipping? And you don't have to spend a lot of money to do that."In fact you don't have to spend any if you call upon the great God/Goddess I AM that you each are. Now we've been telling you for some time that you're your own best healers. There is not any being, any potion, any procedure on Planet Earth or any place else that can do a better job of healing you than you. Does this mean that you should not ever consult, or seek support and assistance? Of course not. But it needs to start with you and your intent."And if you're not getting results the way you want the results to be, go back and review the information in 'The Course in Miracles' book. We often recommend that when we do what The Voice calls the private sessions wherein I, Ashtar, get to have a discussion one-on-one. Because if you will read the information there about miracles, you'll see that the healing always takes place when you call it forth."It may not be in exactly the form that you want it to be in, because it may be that there is a part of you that is your wisdom part, your Higher Self part, and your subconscious, and all of those parts of you that you may not be in touch with all the time, but nevertheless are there loving you and saying, 'But Beloved One, you need a little more of this experience, because you haven't quite graduated in learning all the lessons yet.'"So if you will stop and find out what the wisdom is for any and all experiences, conversations and thoughts that you have, you'll find it's a lot easier to get that housecleaning done. We cannot emphasize enough, Beloved Ones, you're all here in mission and you all have purposeful missions, it does not matter whether you have as your age 10 or 100, or anything in between in years."Well let's not leave anybody out. Whether you are at zero, because you haven't been born yet, but you're nevertheless listening in here, or whether you have a hundred as your age in physical body years, it does not matter. It does not matter if you are in tippy-top muscular condition, and able to leap tall buildings in single bounds, or whether you have some form of disablement, it does not matter."You are all Gods and Goddesses. You are all Divine and you are all loved beyond words. And it is for you to get in touch with you. It's the most important mission you have, Beloved Ones. It's to start recognizing how powerful you are, how Divine you are. Now we might suggest an exercise to you. This is not an original, and this is more of a physical activity. It was originally, well, one of the ways that it was done was in connection with putting nails into a fence or a board, but we don't need to have you do that."We're not here to suggest that you destroy property, unless its your own fence, and of course you can do that if you want. But we would suggest that you keep a tablet, or some kind of writing materials handy, a chalkboard works wondrously well, and just make a mark on it. You know how to make those, they call them chicken scratches, you know those little lines, and then you draw the diagonal line through it, and you've got 5. Interesting is it not? Well you can do that, or you can write numbers, or do whatever you want."Go through the course of the day when you are able to do this writing freely, you could take it to the job with you. Pick out something that you want to have clean and then Q-tip. Perhaps it is a judgment. You have a tendency, you're still being more in judgment than you are in Love, and so every time you make a judgment put a mark on the paper, and pretty soon that paper is going to be full of marks, and then call upon the great God/Goddess you are for the next day, and say, 'All right, my goal today is one less mark. My intent is to make one less mark on the paper' and so on."This might sound like its going to take a long time but guess what, you can take a short cut if you wish, and call upon your team to be in assistance with you, and before you know it, you won't be making marks on the paper. Now there's an even better short cut, not better, but another short cut you can use, and that is, any time that you start to have a judgment, mark it down, but finish it off with a 'Ho'ponopono', and you can cancel it, and send the kind of energy that you really want to be sending."Now why is this important, Beloved Ones? Well it's because the world needs you to be in mission, to stand tall, and direct loving thoughts, free from the kind of low vibrational judgment that is only natural and human to put forth, as these news stories keep tumbling out. How do you feel about Mr. Dick now that you know he has an assassination squad, for instance? What kind of a feeling does that evoke? Boy, if its anything below level four in your chakras, there's a mark. Do you see what we're saying?"We are asking you to be in mission on behalf of the entire Planet here. And for those of you who are a little surprised at that, guess what, you've been in mission on behalf of the entire Planet ever since you got here in your human body. That's the mission of the Ashtar Command at this moment. Nobody needs to be rescued. Nobody needs to be removed from a Planet that's about to blow itself up, or you know, have everybody leave their bodies, because of some contrived illness, or you call it epidemic, or anything like that, but what does need to happen is Peace on Earth. What does need to happen is rising into the higher vibrations of Love."You can't take judgment into 5D. It doesn't work. And we've also mentioned a time or two, and we'll bring it up again that we have asked you to come since you volunteered; you may not have known exactly what it was you were volunteering for, but this is part of the deal. We've asked you to be number one monkeys, so that the world can literally absorb by the thoughts, and most of all, the loving vibes that you put out."How else is the world going to transform itself into Ascension readiness? Now, there's plenty of help, and you know that. All of these wondrous, wondrous energies that are coming to help and to lift and move into the oneness that we're talking about. But there are still needed what you might call human leaders, examples if you will, shall we say exemplary human bodies, which contain more than humans, such as yours, Beloved Ones, such as yours, and you are doing a magnificent job."But we ask that you give compassionate understanding to those who perhaps are still stuck in their boxes of 3D which involves judgment and all kinds of other things, that are of 3D vibrations, and that you go about by thought, word, and deed showing the world a 5D being, and sharing that with the world. It's not just about great news of the Planets ascending instead of destructing. It's about the processes of Ascension. Now we know, we know, there's been a lot of Ascensionitis, and we know that that's still going on to some degree or other for everyone here."But we are asking you to keep track of your thoughts and your words, not so much your deeds, because you catch yourselves. You see first there's the thought, then there might be a word, well you usually catch yourself at the word level now. And it's not that you're doing judgmental things or anything like that. It's simply that sometimes you do say a word, and more often than that you have a thought. Now that's not judging you; that's simply saying to you, 'Well here's your check up, and this is your progress report', and we're simply telling you to get on with it."It takes commitment of the 110 % kind to do this. But you know, Beloved Ones, you know what that feels like, even if you're not 110% all of the time, all you have to do is read about the adventures of the A-Team*. Now there's an example of commitment, is there not? And you too have important things to do, because you're the bringers of Peace, the makers of Peace and the keepers of Peace for the Planet. You're the ones to touch your neighbors, your friends and the stranger down the block with Compassion and Kindness, and most of all Love.."© Susan Leland 2009. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.We invite you to join us in co-creation of our next Ashtar teleconference Tuesday, July 28th. The call begins with sign-ons at 6:15 PDT and the program starts promptly at 6:30 with 5 minutes of late-breaking news from Tara & Rama,* then a preview by Meg Hoopes** of her July 29th teleconference, followed by Ashtar and the Masters.Please register here: or click on 'Conference Calls' here: information about the call including the pin number will be sent to you after you register.
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