Ashtar addressing the November 30, 2010 teleconference:
"Well, good evening everyone and happy Holy Days to all. This is indeed a most sacred and wondrous gathering, for we have great purpose and mission here together, but first, we just want to make a few comments about what is happening right now. And you all know the changes that have been so long awaited are happening and they are happening so fast!
"There are those who are now in position to be in leadership and indeed many already are. There is news in every category that you could possibly name, of wondrous events and changes which are going on, and the world itself is climbing higher and higher in its vibration and in its desire to live in the higher dimensionalities. And those who choose not to go are to stay in their places, with Love being the message that is sent to them, regardless of what actions they have done, regardless of what deeds they have committed. It is only now to fill the world with Love and with the Joy of lighting up, literally, the whole planet and being in Oneness in great Love and great Purpose with each other. And so we have a few comments to make.
"Well, you've got this leaky guy [Julian Assange, Wiki-Leaks] out there doing all of this great stuff, and the Truth is that he is bringing forth that which needs to be brought forth. So you don’t have to look away from it unless it is too painful for you to see. We recommend instead that you pay some attention to it but do so from a high vantage point. Lift yourselves up and then send Love to all of those who are involved, to all of those names that are paraded through these documents and recordings and such that are there, that are being put out, because it’s time.
“We’ve been telling you for years in your time, as you measure it, that these Truths must come out in order for everyone to see and feel the importance of shifting into a higher vibration where these kinds of deeds, and these actions and words, simply cannot exist. That is a part of the purpose of Ascension and it is a great purpose. It is to bring the entire planet, that part of it which is ascending, into a state which it has never been able to achieve before - that is, the Ascension process has not been done before on Planet Earth. There have been individuals who have ascended from planet Earth and many more who have made their ascension from other places, but never before, with all of the attempts that have been made, has it been successful that Planet Earth has ascended, until now, until this time. You can call them the end times if you wish, we call it the Golden Age because it truly is golden.
"And all of the hardships and the difficulties and all of the problems that people are experiencing are momentary. They have to come to a resolution which is understood, welcomed and loved by all who are indeed in the Ascension mode. And even by those naughty-naughty ones [illuminati] who have been trying to hang on to their power for all of this time. Oh, they are really scrambling now. They’re trying to stir up whatever trouble they can. Well, what is coming to light is the fact that the troubles that they have stirred up before this time are now being understood through the revelations which are happening. And so now people are understanding that it has been a plan all along in which they have participated to the extent that they have allowed things to get carried this far, but they aren’t going to get carried much further.
"Now, there are some things that we want to reveal to you. First of all, there has been much talk lately, and it is a focal point indeed for those who care about freedom and the health and well-being of their bodies, and of everyone else’s as well, and that is these machines at the airport. Yes, I call them ‘death machines’ but only if you allow them to do that to you. Those of you who have the energy tools can perhaps find a way to utilize them to put a shield around you. And if you don’t, use your own hands and before you go through the machine just call forth the Light of the Christ, that golden-white light, to surround you so that the rays cannot really harm you because you are in your Ascension preparation body.
"There are other means, and if you wish to do as the great Masters have said, that you have heard, to speak, to write and to do things, do them from the higher perspective. Send words of wisdom into what you call the White House, and the Congress and the 3D, and tell them that you know about the doggies and that the doggies can do the job far better than the machines. And if they really care about the people they’ll bring in the doggies because they can find the bombs, and they’re already there on duty in these places so, why not? You see, you can find out quickly who is in favor of really doing what is best for the people and who is not.
"Try sending these suggestions to the tan man [John Boehner] and to the one with the glasses in the Senate [Mitch McConnell] and see how far they go. But by all means speak out, send them telepathic messaging, send it from the Office of the Christ or from the highest levels of Truth, or from Joy, so that they don’t get corrupted on the way by having some additions put on them that you would not care to have put on your messages by the dwellers of the astral plane. That is how to do telepathic messaging anytime that you choose to do it, just clear it and make sure that it stays clear while you are sending the messages.
"And we wish also to discuss the leaky man [Julian Assange]. You have already guessed, some of you, that he is here on a specific mission just as Obama is, just as the Ascended Masters, who are now so prevalent upon Planet Earth, are doing. They come here with mission and purpose and he has his. And we want to assure you that he is protected. That may seem to be a bit doubtful given the fact that you know that the naughty-naughties are after him, however he is being protected. And there is no power that they have left, indeed there never has been, that we cannot override. What is different now, and the reason that we are here and there and everywhere, as I like to say, managing, intervening, in their attempts to do this and to do that, is that we now have full permission.
"You see, we have had to come into your lives in stages. We have had to have enough of you giving permission that the Galactic Federation itself could say to us, ‘Alright, go ahead and intervene everywhere in every way that you see the need.’ This is a fairly recent development as you measure time. This has occurred since I, Ashtar, began speaking through this Voice. We had limitations which we had to observe in order to enable free will to be fully practiced upon Planet Earth. We don’t have that restriction anymore because we have heard from so many of you, Beloved Ones! The Lightworkers of the Planet are shining so bright, and now we have permission to intervene, and we are doing so.
"Any of you who think that we might be going to enter into some kind of additional war on Planet Earth, and when I say ‘we’ we are primarily speaking of the United States of America and the naughties here leading the way – no it is not scheduled to happen. Skirmishes, yes, an opportunity to send Peace and Love to that part of the World, even more; but the naughties simply do not have the power to start wars anymore. And the wars that they have started, which are still going on, are winding down. And Peace is going to come just as fast as we can co-create it, and you are hearing that here because it is Truth. We know you all want Peace on Earth, so do we!
"We are brothers and sisters to you, and we know that you know that Peace must come worldwide, planetwide in order to fully advance into Ascension status. We are working together and we can assure you that your efforts are felt worldwide. If even one of you sits at your computer in front of that beautiful page with the names on it* and send Healing Love to the names on that page, you are sending it worldwide. You can focus it there but it will be paid forward by those who receive because they’ll get it, and feel it, and send it on.
"You can look at a beautiful picture of the world and you can get yourselves in a high vibration and from that place send Love everywhere in the world, even to those places which might seem to be dark and dreary and in the dumpies. And yes, we know that Mother Gaia is having her say as well. And we are mitigating and so is she, and the naughties are simply being disallowed to play on those HAARP machines, those weapons. There’s very little power left in them, very little, and that is because, Beloved Ones, we have gotten your permission, and that is the permission of the Galactic Roundtable, who are reading the consciousness of this planet every nanosecond.
"And so Peace is being created, even when there is some kind of an outburst, read between the lines from your high vantage point and know that this is just an opportunity for Peace to stand forth even more in the Light. It is an opportunity for resolutions to take place on every level and within every single being who is involved. And, yes, it is more transparency, so that all, not just you who are enlightened, not just you who are in possession of all of this information and Truth, but so that the entire Planet can understand why these great changes are coming, why they are occurring even now. And it is to reach a consensus of consciousness so that the Golden Age, even though it is already here, will be given its due welcome truthfully, joyfully.
"And if there are those who are still, with all of this Love that is beaming toward them, and with all of this Resolution and all of this Freedom that they, themselves, can enjoy from the endless plotting and programming, and even if there are some who still are reluctant and refusing to come to the Light, well, so be it. They have been given every opportunity, indeed, some of them have been in denial for so long that what is left of them on the Planet will most likely be removed if they have not already been. But it is still for the people to join in this effort and to raise your voices – not from down in the dumpies, not from being consumed, overcome and overwhelmed by the remants of what you see as evil upon the Planet - but from the high vibrations of Love and Joy. Beloved Ones, it is not necessary any longer, well it never really was, but it was a path that was acknowledged and utilized, it is not necessary any longer to get down in the dumpies with your past lives or your 3D situation, as distressing as it may be.
"We are hearing from people everyday who are finding ways to lift themselves up to joyful vibrations no matter what 3D distresses are knocking at their doors. And they are finding that, the longer they sustain this high vibration, the less knocking there is, because these situations, these difficulties, these stresses have a way of literally falling away. It is as though they are trying to start up a pole which has a particular type of grease on it, and those beings who are climbing that pole up into the Light have no problem because they just sort of float right over the grease, but the ones who want to drag them back down soon lose their grip, they stay down at the bottom. But the Lightworkers are literally able to soar up to the top because the grease does not affect them, and it is only that the dark hats who are not able any longer to grab at them, they no longer have a hold upon them.
"So that is an interesting picture is it not? And we shall leave it to you and your wondrous imaginations just exactly how you’re able to climb up through all of that grease and get free of the grip of the dark hats. But it’s happening more and more, it is just not a necessary thing to dwell and focus. So what we’re saying is yes, by all means, be the observer, the compassionate observer of all of this Truth which is flooding out, as much as you choose to be or as little.
"But understand that this is a part of history/herstory that needs to be told truthfully, and for those who are not yet aware, to come into a more awakened status and be more in the flow of welcoming the changes, but it is not necessary to wallow in it or get down in the dumpies or stay at the bottom of that pole, or jump off of your high road to Ascension. It is not necessary. And we are telling you right now it is not necessary to feel the pain that all of this Truth can bring. It is rather to be in Joy, to be in a peaceful place within yourself – Serenity is much more delightful than anger and disgruntlement and depressions, and all of those things. So give yourself the gift of Grace, a gift of Serenity, a gift of high-vibrational Joy. Dance, sing and celebrate!
"Now, you may be feeling, even more, the closeness of your guides, of the loving ones who come - they’re there all the time but they seem to be coming more into connection and communication, and even communion, with all of you in the human bodies in this time of year in your calendar. We call them ‘Holy Days’. You can call them ‘holidays’ - it makes no difference. Whether you practice a religion which observes a particular day, or set of days, at this time of year, or whether you simply are a spiritual being in Joy because truly the greatest gift, which is coming to Planet Earth in even more and more quantities, is the gift of Love. And Love knows no particular religion, it is not confined to any one group of people or any particular country, Love is the gift of Mother/Father to the entire universe and it is this universal Love which is coming in even more quantities.
"There are so many days which have been marked as high vibrational days, where these energies are particularly incoming with even more empowerment. But the Truth of it is, every nanosecond is a power second because you know how to call in the Love, you know how to connect with Mother/Father, with your own Divinity and with your loving guides who are here with you to rejoice and celebrate with you. And if you choose to do so, get up in the high vibrations and then remember for a brief moment, your moment of waking up.
"Perhaps for some of you who came in as special messengers, awake and aware from the very moment you came, and connected with your guidance and your angels, perhaps you say, 'Well, I’ve been here all along and known all along, that I had something to do here that was special,' but you might not have known about Ascension. And for some of you it was a particular time that you spent in your life learning, reading, hearing, listening, joining with a group, or whatever – take yourselves to that moment and say, 'I thank myself for blessing myself, for being on my path, and every moment since that moment that I have been consciously aware of being on my path, I am especially thankful for. But I now know that my whole time in this beloved body has moved me farther and farther along this path - there are no accidents - and I bless myself for this life I have lived, even when I thought that I was making big mistakes or self-sabotaging,' or whatever, and then let it go. Ho’oponopono, forgiveness!
"Be the compassionate observer of yourselves and forgive whatever it is that you think you’ve done, because to tell you the Truth, and this is the Truth, it was exactly what you needed to be doing in that moment so that you could advance. You wouldn’t be where you are in this moment if you hadn’t done everything that you have done in what you call your past moments, and past lives for that matter. So don’t dwell on it - just thank yourselves for being here now, forgive whatever you need to be forgiving. Just give yourself a blanket forgiveness if you wish to think of it in those terms. Use the ho’oponopono. Use the wondrous energies of upliftment and all of the tools that you have and go from here and be grateful! This is the season for giving thanks, it’s not just about one day it’s the entire Holy Day season, and then we’ll extend it to make every day, every moment, a Holy Day and Holy Moment!
"But for now just focus upon this wondrous season. Give what you can, pay forward the loving energies that you have. Help someone else along the way, perhaps invite someone who is alone to share a meal with you, perhaps even a feast. And if someone invites you, accept their kindness with Grace and Joy and know that the only, only, only gift you need give in return is your Gratitude and your Love and Thanks. Let this season settle into your beings as gently as the snowflakes, as warmly as the sun shines, as magnificently as the stars and the moon and the sky, as powerful as the wind, as cleansing as the waters, and with as much connection with Mother Gaia and all that she nurtures. Let her nurture you, Beloved Ones. And come into that state of Grace which the holidays – Holy Days – are.
"Walk lightly upon the Earth. Connect with your guides and angels, and if you have the inclination to do so, with all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia, or perhaps there is one in particular. Send Love and Joy to all of the animals and the plants and the minerals who serve so beautifully and with such Grace and such Compassion. Thank them for the service they give, and thank all of the people in this Family because together we are mighty; together we have already accomplished mighty, mighty, powerful miracles together as One. And yes, we have more to do. And we shall be doing another Exercise in that area, that direction.
"But in this moment we just want you to feel the Love that we have for you. I, Ashtar, command an entire fleet of ships and of beings from every place you could imagine and beyond. We stand in honor of you and we salute you for the service that you have given, and for all that we see yet to come in your consciousness, but nevertheless, very clearly upon your path. And we say to you, Beloved Family, that we extend to you not only our appreciation, our thanks, and our Love, but we salute you as members, as co-creators – groundcrew, if you wish, but we really see you soaring. And we can assure you that each and every one of you are present here with us in your spirits, upon our ships. And if you do not feel that connection within your entire fields of being, start calling it forth, get used to it, because we have a lot of happy times together still to come!
"We honor you and we salute you, and most of all, we love you, infinitely, unendingly and with the highest and most divine of energies to empower all of the miracles that we co-create. And so it is, Beloved Ones, and so it is. Salut."
Dona Nobis Pacem (Let There Be Peace) sung by Beth Nielsen Chapman was played after Ashtar and before Sananda.

Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, November 30, 2010. © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2010. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
We invite you to join us in co-creation of our next Ashtar Teleconference on Tuesday, December 14th.* The call begins with sign-ons at 6:15 PST and the program starts promptly at 6:30 with 5 minutes of late-breaking news from Tara & Rama - , followed by Ashtar and the Masters.

Please register here by NOON PST on December 14th: or click on 'Conference Calls' here:
All information about the call, including the pin number, will be sent to you after you register. If, after registering, you do miss the call, you can still "join in" by emailing Fran at to send you the audio recording link and playback number which enable you to listen either by phone or computer.

We want to send special Thank-You's to all of you who have generously donated to our Grants of Grace Fund for those who otherwise would not experience the magic of the Zero Point Nano Wand. This fund will be continuing indefinitely and please send in names of recipients to .

Please continue to send in your visions and names for loving energy transmissions if you have not done so, to Fran at The link to this page called "give-receive loving energy" is on every one of our 5 websites for ease of access for your continuing focus.

Congratulations to our 2nd Holy-Days Drawing Winner Grace Ramsey Coolidge. We will have the 3rd drawing on Tuesday's call and the final and 4th drawing on the December 28th call.

There will be no teleconference on December 21st. The next free Ascension Energy Tools call will be January 4th. Friday, December 17th is the last day for mailing from Hawaii for guaranteed delivery by December 25th, so if you'd like some help wrapping your special tools gifts, please order by then. Our elves can usually get your order out the same day if it's in by 1:00 pm PST.

We look forward to our continuing co-creations with you!
Namaste and Mahalo, Susan, Fran and Elise


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  • Dear Ashtar and Madeleine, Thankyou for the gift of this transmission , Love Fiona
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