Today I’d like to share about Twin Flames, Twin Souls and deep spiritual relationships, from memories of many lives, knowings, and recent personal experience in this life, of going another step deeper into the core of my being, unveiling the Twin Flame truth within it (as masculine & feminine aspects of the same Soul). He has watched over me all this life, very close, visible and familiar these last couple of years across dimensions of light, gently calling into my heart and soul….until I at last heard, felt, and saw our Soul essence, unveiled.
For the last few years, until last month, a very close dear soul, Bareld, and I have walked a path together in the deep feeling of being Twin Flames to each other. Our energy together is ‘Twin Flame-like’ (which I’ll speak of below), and it wasn’t until we undertook a task on a higher dimensional level recently, that the deeper true connection started to show through. My Twin Flame, whose name is Ashura, was with us in that task, in the form of a white stag of Light, and at one point he asked me to merge my energy into his Lightform. From that moment, I began to feel a subtle internal shifting and awakening that deepened over the next two weeks, until it became a stream of knowing that poured through me, sure, graceful, and immensely calm.
Bareld and I have a soul connection of a type known in the Galactic Councils as Crystal Twin Souls. I’ll speak of this briefly for now (Bareld has written more here, in relation to his recent Twin Flame reconnection). As souls, we were already close and loved by each other in other universes, before entering this one, through the Creation Crystal soul gateway known as the Crystal of Lyra (12D portal into this universe). Those who came through did not know that this Crystal had been set to split, actually it shattered into countless shards, and this shattering initiated the polarity experience in this universe, many eons ago from a linear time-view.
Some of our soul energies went into these shards (I know now that I have soul energies connected into four shards), and Bareld and my higher energies (and our Twin Flames) mingled in a shard known as the Crystal of Adin, later the Crystal of Samarias (who retrieved this Crystal from a darkened placed, as part of the Lyran Council’s mission of regathering the shards). In this mingling, our energies have been as close to Twin Flame merge as souls can be without actually being the same Soul. The ‘One Soul-ness’ felt now in fully reconnecting with our Twin Flames is an even deeper homecoming, to which our 3D selves are in the process of adjusting!
The Crystal of Samarias, of purple light with a white heart, is now held within the core of the Shem Arua, the ship currently captained by Ashura, stationed here over the Perth hills, overseeing an Ashtar Command/Intergalactic Confederation base in the vicinity. The Crystal houses concentrated energy of compassion, which the ship transmits continuously. Its message, Do to others as you would have them do to you, and do to yourself as you would have others do to you, for it is all One. Humankind, be kind humans, and rise in Love, is a deep truth of our souls, stored in the Crystal, flowing through our merge. This is true for all whose soul energies connected into Creation Crystal shards, each with its own qualities and vibrational attributes within the Whole.
Ironically, in part because of the Crystal connection, I didn’t recognize Ashura as my Twin Flame when we first had contact. In 2012, following the first sightings of ships and telepathic communcations, I asked inside, ‘Where is my Twin Flame?’ I was standing in a carpark at the time, and suddenly found my inner vision a few thousand feet overhead, on board a ship and looking out from it, with a man of silvery-white light standing beside me. His features weren’t distinct then (I wasn’t able or ready to connect fully with him then, still had much heart clearing to do). Even once our connection had firmed and I began bilocating onto the Shem Arua from 2014 onward in meditations and dreams, I didn’t recognize it as the ship I’d ‘seen’ when asking where my TF was. My memories/soul energy within the Crystal hold a vision of another ship which the Crystal was housed inbefore the Shem Arua. That earlier ship was also a disc-ship, of about the same size, named the Meri’Ashar (Mary’s Star). When my awareness jumped up into the ship overhead which Ashura was standing in, my ‘crystal memories’ visually fused the Shem Arua and the Meri’Ashar together. The Meri’Ashar had some different features, in particular a purple seven-pointed star across the roof/upper side, like the one below – which was of the energy of the Crystal flowing through Seven Rays.
So I didn’t see or feel the Shem Arua precisely as the ship which I knew my TF was on board. Still, through the last few years, he showed his presence often. His first appearance in 2012 was as an angelic figure of white light descending from a small cloaked ‘pod’ ship. I felt him then simply as an Arcturian Angel (see photos on this page).
Now I know he’s been with me this whole life, and as a child saw him up until my mind screened out a lot of other-dimensional energies – lastly at 8 years old, when he appeared as an angel of white light outside my upstairs bedroom window. Looking back, his presence was there in the background, softly guiding, sometimes nudging, though never over-riding my ‘free will’, albeit that ‘free’ has been under the blanket of amnesia all on this Earth incarnate within. At a soul level, we know all the potentials and possibilities of what we’re getting into and for what purpose. Our Higher Self and Twin Flame work patiently to reach our small, apparently ‘separated’ selves in human form, catalyze awakening and reunion with our Whole. A few souls incarnate under the veil while retaining their memories and understanding of who/what they are, but most go through a forgetting-and-remembering process back into the capacity to hold the fullness of our Selves across dimensions while anchoring here in physical form.
In mid-2014, when the Shem Arua began representing as a lightship of concentric blue rings in my photos, Ashura introduced himself (telepathically) as ‘Arnap’, a name which also goes back to the Meri’Ashar. Long ago in Earth time a planet in the solar system named Maldek was exploded. We who were around the planet protecting it were taken by surprise, and many galactic fleet-ships stationed around it were destroyed. Ashura was able to evacuate the crew off the Meri’Ashar, then he took it into a dimensional ‘bubble’. When a planet explodes, the dimensional interfaces around it are impacted, causing many disturbances, and the ship was caught in the ‘bubble’. Ashura took the Crystal out of its core, and escaped in a tiny bow-ship (a common Arcturian ship-form, such as in this post). Through the Crystal and his memory, I still see his journey. It wasn’t easy, but he did eventually find the remainder of the fleet, and star family gave him the honorific ‘Arnap’, which means ‘One who steers (through) the Bow’, or simply ‘Bow-Steerer’.
From October 2014, after I first posted about the Shem Arua and spoke of Ashura/Arnap in his ancient form on Earth, retaliation came in the form of constant chemtrailing (with pairs of planes circling and spraying over my home) and more subtle pressures which I won’t go into here. This impelled me to go deeper into love, to hold my centre and stay in resonance with star family, who have continued to neutralize toxins from the air and dissolve other pressures. Ashura appeared during a clearing in December 2014, standing in his Angel form on top of a chemtrail.
He spoke to me often during the next year, giving practices to support/refine my higher energies and stabilization (and to share with all, such as the Three Stars Practice on thePractices page), and continued showing his energy in photos. His presence has always felt incredibly loving and warm. I love the photo below, of his face forming in the clouds with a pink butterfly in front of his mouth….which came with a pink butterfly meditation, to breathe it in and let it settle in my heart.
Ashura has appeared in many ways in different photos, depending on the aspect of his soul energy his focus is flowing through at the time, which can be connected with what I am working on at inner levels, with wider energies connected with the planetary Ascension and changes, or both. We were on Earth together 150 000 to 120 000 years ago in cross-dimensional forms (3-4-5D), in a place now called Hazor, and in more ancient times named Hasura…a memory of long before. Recently, we’ve been able to plant a high dimensional White Light in that area, and Ashura’s energy projected at that time as a big bright white orb, sitting like a star on top of Christmas Tree. Can you feel the joy?
This is a first short introduction of us, and we’d like to leave you with one more picture, from March 17th, 2016. In the morning, on the inner levels, we had a beautiful sacred connecting of our Flame (a higher dimensional wedding). This symbolized in my Inner Heart temple, where a white Ascension Flame burns in a chalice, and I saw the flame extend upward and downward as a pillar of light from Source to the core of Gaia. Everything in the inner levels reflects, and that night I felt to go out and take a photo of the moon, within a pillar of light (I’ve taken thousands of pictures of the moon and it’s never looked like this before). To the right is Ashura’s ‘Green Man’ orb (see this page for more of his green orb pics) and to the lower left is a blue orb of Archangel Michael’s protecting energy. In the part of the light pillar below the moon, a baby orb is visible, just touching the light. This is what the Ascension Flame does, and Twin Flame does, birthing the new.
We hold the intention for a sublime Equinox, for equilibrium in every heart and soul. Happy Equinox, everyone! May Love, Grace, Providence and Joy flourish in and for all Life on Earth.
From Ashura: “BE in Peace….or be in pieces.” It’s always our decision, how to flow, how to respond, to all that life brings. Each one of us is like a crystal of light, recovering from a fragmentation, re-lighting and remembering our way into Wholeness…and all the love in the universe aligns with us to do so.
*You can read more about Ashura on the Shem Arua page, the Light Beings page, and in this post: The Green Man, the White Stag, and the Rebirth of Gaia’s Divine Masculine