Greetings friends! How time flies. It feels as if we were just in 2020 a few weeks ago. The 8/8 energies are to propel humanity into a new timeline. The flows of higher light towards Earth in the recent weeks have not been taking breaks. Physical and energetical shifts are felt continuously, within, as well as seen in the outer world. Compassion is paramount, especially when observing those of a 3D mindset. Offering your guidance with love when the opportunity presents itself. Return often to the heart center, and go forward from there. I hope you have been finding helpful the things that are being shared on Era of Light, for it is made possible with your support. Thank you in advance. With eternal gratitude, Kejraj.
Daily Message for 8/14/2024
Reality shifts as you shift your perception. Do you see chaos, or do you see different frequencies being experienced? Do you see lost souls, or do you see beings who have chosen a different path? Do you see the destruction of the old, or simply the emerging and birthing of the new? Return to the Heart Center, and rest there. Feel the presence of the Divine within, and you will understand more deeply what is unfolding at this time. ~Kejraj