Astrology Analysis: Black Moon Lilith And Espionage Work. A Look at The Horoscope Charts of The CIA, The NSA, and China.

Black Moon Lilith has intense energies that may be regarded as Scorpio/Pisces in nature.  Yes, espionage work is a common area found in the energies of Scorpio and Pisces.  But Scorpio/Pisces energies also favor finance and banking, involvement with magic or metaphysics, the occult, sex industry work, surgery, artwork and design, and research work. 

Black Moon Lilith is the "Black Moon" area located on the Moon's Lunar Apogee orbit area (which is the farthest point on the Moon's oval-shaped orbit from Earth).   This "Lunar Apogee" area moves in a counter clockwise manner around the zodiac, and completes an orbit around the zodiac dial in about 8 years and 2 months. The diagram below illustrates this concept of a Lunar Apogee:


Black Moon


Black Moon Lilith is usually an astrology point that is analyzed if one want's to know hidden areas that are of a most secretive nature with the entity being analyzed.  And I have always been curious with the incredible intelligence gathering capability (and deceptive or masquerading abilities) of three entities: the C.I.A., the N.S.A., and the People's Republic of China.  Upon looking at their horoscopes, one has to look at the placement of Black Moon Lilith on the horoscope charts of the C.I.A., the N.S.A., and the People's Republic of China.  I did this and was astounded with what I saw. 

Horoscope of the Central Intelligence Agency

There is a lot of debate about what date and time the CIA officially started.  But we do know one thing: the CIA started with the National Security Act of 1947 signed by President Harry Truman.  The debate in astrology circles is when Truman signed it.  According to his appointment schedule, President Truman signed the act before taking off in a jet (for an emergency family meeting concerning the health of Truman's mother) at 12:15 pm on July 26, 1947, in Washington D.C.   Below are statements to verify this:


11:45 am(EDST)The President, accompanied by Dr. John R. Steelman, Secretary Matthew J. Connelly, Admiral James H. Foskett, and other members of the staff, departed the White House for the ATC Terminal, National Airport, where at 12.30 p.m. (EDST) the President and his party took off aboard Army Plane 451 for the trip to Grandview Airport, Grandview, Missouri.
12:15 pm(EDST) Prior to the take-off the President signed S. 758. The National Security Act of 1947 (Unification Bill) in his room aboard the plane immediately upon its arrival and delivery by Mr. Leslie Biffle, Mr. Carl A. Loeffler, Secretary of the Senate and Mr. Herbert Miller, Chief of Records at the White House.


With that date and time available, one can now do the horoscope of the C.I.A.  I was not able to find out when "the doors were first unlocked and opened for business," which is the traditional Renaissance Astrology method for determining the start time of a non-human entity or an important event (AND NOT WHEN A SIGNATURE IS INVOLVED.  This use of the signature may be used for establishing a time of start if no other time is available). Nevertheless, we have the date, time, and place concerning the approval for creating one of the most controversial and possibly most dangerous organizations in mankind. This chart is displayed below:


Most important may be the Black Moon Lilith Opposition with the Midheaven (Mc).  The Midheaven (Mc) defines "the reputation or legacy of the entity."  Also note that near the Mc is the midpoint area of Mercury and Venus. This results in a formula of  "Black Moon Lilith = Mercury/Venus" to define "creative or artistic talent in communications and mainstream media and artwork" (defined as Mercury/Venus) applying to the Scorpio/Pisces energies of Black Moon Lilith.  This may define the legacy of the CIA to be one that is very creative in Black Moon Lilith's Scorpio/Pisces areas (which happen to also be secretive/deceptive).  Also note that some television networks ("the media") were started by people who worked or had association with the CIA.  But this same highly secretive level of involvement with the media and arts (which is defined by Mercury and Venus, respectively) can define an ability to control the news (and what news is being reported from media sources) and a control over art availability (and what types of art should get more media exposure). These two issues have come under more public focus over the past five years than any other time in the U.S., and the U.S. government's response to this public attention regarding accurate news and desired artworks has not been popular with the general public in recent times.

Since Mars usually defines "the police or military" on mundane astrology horoscope charts, the Quincunx of Black Moon Lilith with Mars in the 8th House may define military tension concerning the Scorpio/Pisces energies of Black Moon Lilith (which are secretive/deceptive in nature with Scorpio/Pisces).  Mars in the 8th House can certainly represent military intelligence, and the Quincunx aspect as tension with the Black Moon Lilith activities of the CIA.  

Jupiter Sextile Black Moon Lilith may define the strong opportunities the CIA has with the banking community (due to getting financial assistance AND via the use of such institutions as espionage fronts for certain secretive spy activities).  This description is especially well-represented with Jupiter in the 2nd House.

The Square between Black Moon Lilith and the Ascendant (As) defines much conflict (or resolving of conflict) concerning the Scorpio/Pisces energies that may be secretive or deceptive within the environment of the entity. This is because the Ascendant represents "the appearance or the environment of the entity itself."  This can represent potential for internal crisis and/or ability to reconcile such crisis.

Chiron represents "advanced technology" (and is usually the type of technology not available to the general public, such as surveillance technology).  Sun Square Chiron is 99% exact, and this is not good for keeping secrets about your advanced technology from others.  This is because the Sun can sometimes represent "the personality seen by the public in regards to the entity," and the last thing you want is any type of Square-type conflicts (especially in regards to the secret advanced technology you use) that may get revealed to the public due to such conflicts.

Horoscope of The National Security Agency

The horoscope chart that I like for the NSA is the time they first opened their doors for business. This was on Nov. 4, 1952, at 9 AM in Washington DC.


Again, we have Black Moon Lilith strong on the chart with a Conjunction with Pluto (within 1/2 degree).  This combination of Pluto with Black Moon Lilith no doubt defines very secretive espionage work with very deceptive fronts and appearances.  But the Sesquiquadrate of Chiron (with the Pluto Conjunction Black Moon Lilith placement) may define great tension (and possibly inside/outside theft) of Chiron's role with NSA technology, since Chiron represents "advanced technologies not available to the public." There is no doubt extreme secrecy with NSA technology, but the Sesquiquadrate aspect is associated with "entity health issues."  And yes, Edward Snowden going public about his work with the NSA may represent such a health issue of this organization due to Snowden's exposure of the controversial spying ability of the NSA within the USA.

The Sextile between Pluto Conjunction Black Moon with the Saturn Conjunction Neptune (drawn with the green and red lines in the 10th House above) represents strong opportunity for working with deceptive elements in the government.  Keep in mind that there were personnel within the U.S. government looking for Communist agents in the government at the time of the NSA's formation, and deceptive elements in the government were needed to flush them out into the open.  Sextile aspects represent "opportunities," and there was no doubt some strong cooperation between the NSA and elements of the U.S. government when the NSA started. 

The Opposition of Mars and Uranus (with both forming a T-Square with the Saturn Conjunction Neptune placement [drawn in green above]) may define much shocking activity (along with a possibility of "accidents") that concern the areas of the U.S. government involved in espionage activities.  This T-Square reveals that there is much risk with the NSA's work within the U.S. government, even though both probably work together well.  The Edward Snowden story may thus also be defined as an "accident," which is one of the astrological meanings defined by Mars Opposition Uranus.

Horoscope of The People's Republic of China

This horoscope chart is the most popular one used for China, and it is Oct. 1, 1949, 3:01 PM, Beijing, China. 


 China's Black Moon Lilith is well positioned for espionage work with the North Node Conjunction Black Moon Lilith placement in the 3rd House (which rules "communications with others, social media, and the mainstream media").  This combination represents "connections with others (in communication-type settings) via secretive/deceptive activities."  The Mercury Conjunction Neptune placement in the 8th House also has an espionage flavor to it, but this type of placement can define dishonesty and "confusion with communications."  Thus, there is the possibility of communication breakdowns or miscues among Chinese espionage connections associated with the North Node Conjunction Black Moon Lilith placement.

Another problem China has is the same Chiron/Black Moon Lilith aspect that the NSA has, and that is the Chiron Sesquiquadrate Black Moon Lilith placement.  Again, as is the case with the NSA, there may be "health issues" with espionage connections and associates in China concerning their "advanced technology not available to the public."

Drawn in red above, the Mercury Semi-Sextile Saturn placement (which is 99% exact) may define another layer of secret government involvement within Chinese espionage operations.  This appears to be government censorship and complete blockage of information concerning media or communications.  The problem with this total control over all information available to the public is that this is similar to the Chernobyl incident information shut-down.  This complete shutdown of information (for the sake of national security) cascades into other problems, such as the possibility of a spreading of forces of nature (or certain human activities) that can destroy valuable resources.   


Black Moon Lilith is strongly connected with espionage work and intelligence-gathering capability.  Black Moon Lilith allows one to see the most secretive of activities or intentions of an organization via the horoscope, as well as possible risks of such secretive areas.

The problem with the power of controling secrecy (and secret areas) is the abuse of this power, along with retribution from others connected with this power who do not want it abused.  This seems to be represented with Chiron's role of representing "advanced technology not available to the general public" in all three horoscopes. This is due to all three horoscopes presented have Chiron afflictions that may define issues with keeping such technology secret (or preventing awareness of the capabilities of this type of technology). 

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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  • Thanks AlternateEarth ... I am now working on another blog that will describe the human descriptions of the energy of Black Moon Lilith, which are obsessions with money, sex, the occult, and "getting away with it ..."
  • Awesome-flood all of the black hats in the cia/nsa with Light. Chinese security-pull the rug out from under with Light.
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