A basic conclusion for the uninitiated is at the end. Gene Hackman was a true Santa Fe Hollywood liberal who was very big into art. His paintings are at an Asian cuisine restaurant here in Santa Fe (and they have a drink named after him at the same restaurant). Hackman was a triple Aquarius who loved being in the community of Santa Fe (which is an Aquarius city) and he also minded his own business. People who have talked with Hackman and his wife one-on-one found both to be friendly. He was a board member of the Georgia O'Keefe museum. He wanted to be treated no different than anyone else; he reportedly mowed his own grass and bought items for the home at a local hardware store (and where he stated to inquiring hardware customers that his favorite movie was "Scarecrow" and he did not like Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle from "The French Connection"). My favorite Gene Hackman movie? I love "The French Connection," but the film with a big impact (for me) was "Enemy of the State" with Will Smith. Gene Hackman played a "disappeared" NSA agent in the movie "Enemy of the State," and he schools Will Smith about how good the National Security Agency is with their capabilities. This clip from the movie "Enemy of The State" seems to say it all. Click Enemy Of The State - The NSA Can Read The Time Off Your F**king Wristwatch! - YouTube Hackman's basic horoscope is below:
The Royal Star of Persia Antares (near the Mc) is usually indicative of fame, as well as legal involvements. Hackman had described himself in later years as "an angry young man," this is best described on his horoscope with the Mercury Conjunction Mars placement in the 11th House. I added Uranian Astrology planets to the basic horoscope, and this is displayed below. The big concern is the Sextile Fan of Sun Conjunction Venus ("the artist"), Uranus Conjunction Admetos ("a shocking event; murder"), and Chiron ("advanced technology not available to the general public; extraterrestrial technology or involvement with ETs (accidental or not accidental); advanced medical care technology" [and note that Hackman did have a pacemaker for his heart]).
I like to use Uranian Astrology for analysis for important clues relative to important events in a person's life. Points of key interest for this analysis concerns any of the Type-One (A/B), Type-Two (A + B), or Type-Three (A + B - C) formulas that involve either the Midheaven (Mc) or the Ascendant (As). The Type-Three Uranian Astrology formula (A + B - C) for "one's own death" is Mars + Saturn - Mc; I have used this formula for obtaining valuable clues with deaths of John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, and Princess Diana (as well as describing what was going on at the time of their deaths [or possible murders] via certain points near the results of the formula Mars + Saturn - Mc). We will now use the 90 Degree Dial to investigate the results of this Type-Three formula with the death of Gene Hackman. These three points of this Type-Three formula (along with the Ascendant, luminaries, other planets, and Uranian Astrology planets) will all be placed upon the 90 Degree dial for tree analysis relative to the results of Mars + Saturn - Mc. A blank 90 degree dial is below:
And below is the 90 Degree Dial of Gene Hackman (with the pointer on the calculated result of Mars + Saturn - Mc). I am going to use the +/- 07' minutes rule as a main consideration relative to the orb of the results of Mars + Saturn - Mc; again, please note that +/- 30 seconds of clock time at the time declared equals about +/- 07' minutes of movement deviation for movement of the Mc at the time of the event. The Mc moves 1 degree (or 60' minutes) for about every four minutes of clock time, or 15' minutes for every minute of clock time. This +/- 07' minutes orb reveals Jupiter/N. Node as the closest point to the result of Mars + Saturn - Mc, and Hades is the second closest point to this formula result. This is displayed below.
And the trees applying to this Mars + Saturn - Mc result is below:
The primary point closest to the pointer is Hackman's natal Jupiter/N. Node placement. This midpoint is 03' minutes away from the results of Hackman's Mars + Saturn - Mc calculation. The midpoint of Jupiter/N. Node may be defined as "connections with law or religion; personal philosophy and types of beliefs with one's associates; international connections (and Hackman's death [and the circumstances of his death] did indeed go international);" as well as "banks and financial institutions." I tend to believe that Hackman's formula for "one's own death" is very close to the meaning of "strong international impact. " As far as possible murder goes, one murder midpoint formula (Mars/Saturn) is strong and another murder midpoint formula (Hades/Vulcanus) is weak with Kronos/Poseidon; unless some sort of local cultural issue was involved. I tend to believe this tree with Hades/Vulcanus may have some sort of past life inclination as opposed to murder. Also note that Mars/Saturn tends to define "death" more strongly as opposed to defining "murder." The midpont tree for Mars + Saturn - Mc is below. Please keep this in mind: there were A LOT of respiratory health issues and inpatient admissions for hypoxia, pneumonia, and similar respiratory issues in Santa Fe during the second half of February of 2025. Also keep in mind that Hackman lived in a high elevation section of Santa Fe; the elevation of Santa Fe is 7,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level (and Hackman lived in an area that was closer to the highest range number of this elevation range) .
Now on to the secondary possibility for defining Hackman's death, and this is the definitions and descriptions that fall under the Uranian Astrology planet Hades. Trees applying to Hades are displayed below, and all were within 02' minutes (and two of these trees involving "murder" were exact) for equality with Hades. This chart is displayed below:
Hackman's natal Hades is 06' minutes away from the results of his Mars + Saturn - Mc calculation. The placement of Hades has three trees with murder formulas applying to it, and two are exact. All the other trees are within 02' minutes for orb. The possibility of "lack of air" again becomes a theme with this Hades application, but there was no evidence of gas leaks according to the utility company investigation of Hackman's property.
Now onto the far-out stuff. It is unknown if Gene Hackman ever had any involvement with extraterrestrial technology (accident or intentional) that may have led to his death. It is well-known that actress/dancer Shirley MacLaine also lived in the northern Santa Fe area, and she wrote about her interactions with extraterrestrial areas at her home in this northern Santa Fe area. As far as the autopsy of Gene Hackman goes, tissue pathology tests will not be completed until late March 2025 or early April 2025.
At the time of death, Gene Hackman appeared to have fallen down (with his cane and sunglasses near his body). The wife of Gene Hackman was also found down and dead in the bathroom; there were three medications spilled all over the bathroom (which were Tylenol [used for pain], Synthroid [used for thyroid issues], and Diltiazem [used for cardiac arrythmia]). Diltiazem also lowers the blood pressure, but the primary use for Diltiazem is for the irregular heart rhythm known as atrial fibrilation. I don't know if Diltiazem was Gene Hackman's medication or his wife's; Gene Hackman had an implanted pacemaker for regulating his heart's rhythm (so it may have been his wife's medicine, and not his). I strongly suspect that there was low amounts of breathable air in the house at the time of death for both Gene Hackman and his wife (as well as the dead dog that was found in a kennel in the bathroom [next to Hackman's dead wife]). Two other dogs on the property were found alive; there was a doggy door that allowed the dogs entrance into the house (and the bodies of Gene Hackman and his wife were not touched by these two dogs). In lieu of the possibility of any knowledge of Jeffery Epstein's guest list, it is unknown if Hackman ever had any intention to name names of people he knew who were involved with Epstein. Also unknown is any involvement of Gene Hackman with extraterrestrial technology (accidental or direct-involvement) that may have led to his death. As mentioned, former Santa Fe resident (and famous actress and dancer) Shirley MacLaine also lived in the northern Santa Fe area as Gene Hackman did, and she wrote about her interactions with extraterrestrial events at her home in this northern Santa Fe area. Witnessed reports of D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases) or extraterrestrial activities involving D.U.M.B.S in New Mexico reportedly can get people killed or messed with (according to the Apache native Americans that I talked with in northern New Mexico). If this was a murder, it was done in a very sophisticated way since there was no blunt trauma. One probability for murder may concern creating issues for Gene Hackman's pacemaker to function properly. Another probability for Hackman's death concerns a lack of breathable air via the February 2025 weather changes in Santa Fe (or a lack of breathable air that was intentionally created within the Hackman household). As far as the autopsy goes, tissue pathology tests will not be completed until late March 2025 or early April 2025. We hopefully will have an answer by then. Gene Hackman will be missed by Santa Fe residents and much of Hollywood.
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,
21st Century Astrology Consulting LLC
As now apparently according to news reports [link provided below] there was no foul play in either of their deaths, sadly his wife died first 1 week before Gene did, the cause of Betsy Arakawa’s death was of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal disease spread by infected rodent droppings. Exposures occur when people are near mouse droppings in homes, sheds or poorly ventilated areas... while Hackman died of heart disease, with advanced Alzheimer’s disease a contributing factor, the 95-year-old Hackman may have lived for as long as a week after Arakawa’s death, he may have been unaware she was deceased. Hackman’s pacemaker last showed activity on 17 February, nine days before maintenance and security workers showed up at the home and alerted police. Officials said it was “reasonable to conclude” that Hackman died around 18th February seven days after Betsy.
To piece together Betsy Arakawa’s final days it was found that she had picked up her dog, who was later found dead from dehydration & starvation nearby in the crate in a bathroom cupboard, while two other dogs outside survived.
She picked up the dog from a veterinary appointment on 9th February and that she had responded to emails and went out shopping on 11th February when she visited a pharmacy, pet store and grocery before returning to their gated neighborhood that afternoon. The last known activity from Arakawa was that day.
Arakawa was found with an open prescription bottle and pills scattered on the bathroom counter, while Hackman was found in the home’s mudroom entryway... R.I.P both of them, fate determined they were meant to pass together.. :o(
Wisdom possesses both a lower concrete mind, facet, as well as a higher and intuitive mind, aspect...the true wisdom is combining the two...And why many police homicides, over decades, have been solved by psychic investigators, aiding the police....Sought, or offered skill..When evidence is there, but cannot be found, a psychic and empath, may be able to feel the vibes of the criminals and the sequence of events they took, sometimes exposing tangible clues dropped, or left, in places near the crime scene...Such as a theft, along with murder method and escape route taken, etc...
Similarly, astrology is just as real as astronomy...they both have value and the wisdom described by the buddha, would always include the totality of mind, in a complete delving into truth.....and methods of investigation, to reveal facts...
Everyone has some degree of psychic ability and many do not recognise it, as such....A hunch, a feeling, a sense that something is not right, or is right...There were many who sensed that the roll out of the mRNA covid shots and other pandemic measures, were fishy...And they did not take the vaccine, nor wear a mask, nor obtain an ap, on their cellphone to be "pinged." The whole thing was rejected, and many only had intuitive guidance...Many also used pure logic...But facts were witheld by the "authorities." This is an example of the power of higher and lower mind, working together...Such abilities are natural and should be cultivated...
Moreover, one may assume that the teachings of the buddha are focussed upon wisdom, where as the teachings of alternative religions, such as Christianity, are about love and peace....That would be correct...500-years before the christ-boddhistva, the wisdom of God was taught by an avatar known as the buddha, through his incarnated disciple...the two principles together make for LOVE-WISDOM, which is the driving energy behind the system we all live in...
So I'm not going to dwell too much on how he died, etc...Gene Hackman was a great actor and I enjoy his movies...
My favourite must be his 1977 movie; "March or Die." The whole film was set after WW1 and he played a Major Foster, in the French Foreign Legion...great stuff...enjoy this scene...
I also didn't know the dog in the bathroom was in a kennel, I read reports online that said it was in a cupboard in the bathroom,.. so they are two totally different things, did the dog run into the cupboard or was the dog already locked up in a kennel see... again I hope a toxicology report is being done on the dead dog also, I dont think a dog could die from starvation in a nine day period between the deaths & the bodies being found even if it was in a kennel, but then it could be from dehydration maybe being the house may have been supper hot in Santa Fe also, tragic way to die the poor thing if it was?...
I just have a notion and it is just that a notion just to flow on from your assertions & speculation's here in a detective type manner to add conversation...lets say hypothetically speaking that there was a home invasion [and why the frount door was left open] and that possibly the intruder had some kind of chemical spray of some sort that would hinder breathing in a elderly person, and that possibly it was sprayed first into Genes face in the mudroom, and why he fell forward, then the intruder actually chased his wife into the bathroom as she felt or knew there was a lock on the bathroom door maybe? and she didn't manage to lock it in time, so the intruder burst through the door, then she was sprayed in the face also and dropped, the dog was barking its head off so the intruder sprayed it also to shut it up,[natural instinct of a intruder as it draws attention from neighbours]... then they went looking for drugs hense why the bottles were on the floor, they didn't get what they were looking for though sadly, so they had a knowledge of names of drugs maybe, knowing these on the floor would not get them high but kill them they left them strewn across the floor..so then they just left.. on foot, so they couldn't steal anything as they had no way to carry it, plus it could be traced if sold... sadly the chemical spray they used killed both Gene & his wife.. this sprays residue may turn up on the toxicology reports however or it may not at all?.. so yes it is still a mystery from our stand point, because we are also not told all the facts of the polices initial findings to suspect foul play, if its a murder case loads of information will be missing from what was told to the public, they always do that so that any information that comes forward from now on if it was not told to the public thus it makes the person a suspect I suppose?..so we will all just have to wait and find out wont we.. its a very sad case that two well liked people lives were snapped away so quickly...R.I.P both of them..