ASTROLOGY PROJECT: analysis of the Royal Star of Persia star Antares and the horoscope of Patrick Mahomes. Fame acquired but also huge responsibilities and work in the sport of pro football.

Above photo is from All-Pro Reels of D.C. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The 12 pm chart is used on a basic zodiac dial due to unknown time of birth. This results in house systems, the Ascendant, and the Midheaven to be excluded from analysis. This project will look at the horoscope of NFL ace quarterback Patrick Mahomes and a key placement of Jupiter and the star of Antares on his chart. Jupiter and its ruling sign of Sagitarrius are both associated with sports (as well as "the law [and conflicts involving law]; international travel; publishing; higher education"). Jupiter is also in Conjunction with the Royal Star of Persia star of Antares (within two degrees) on the horoscope of Patrick Mahomes. Antares is a bright star in the zodiac sign of Sagitarrius and is located in the center of the constellation Scorpii (and this star is sometimes called "the heart of the scorpion"). Information about this star is as follows:

Antares *
Heart of the Scorpion
Behenian Star

A Royal Star. The Archangel Oriel, the Watcher of the West. Spirit of adventure, obstinacy, injuries to eyes, honours, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages. Indication for fame but also a required need for dignity and responsibility. Personal or professional involvement with lawsuits and legal issues.

9° Sag 46

10° Sag 08


Mars/ Jupiter/ Mercury

α (Alpha) Scorpii
MB (red & green) Mg.0.98 var.


Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page both had Venus Conjunction Star of Antares (within two degrees); both artists acquired substantial fame (but both also had legal issues with their artwork [and Venus rules artwork]). In addition to legal areas of art and publishing (and publishing rules Jupiter and Sagitarrius), please note that Jupiter and Sagitarrius also rule sports activities. As mentioned, Patrick Mahomes has Jupiter Conjunction Star of Antares and is acquiring substantial fame presently in the sport of professional football. His horoscope is below:12998963877?profile=RESIZE_710x

Below is the same chart above (but in black and white) and with my notes.12998966091?profile=RESIZE_710x

I am unaware of any Antares-ruling legal issues Patrick Mahomes may be having. Note that Mahomes' heavy involvement with commercialized areas of television usually requires much legal oversight; I would not be surprised if Mahomes has a team of lawyers working around the clock selling their product (which happens to be Patrick Mahomes). Professional football is a rough and dangerous sport (as is hockey and arena fighting); injuries can and do happen. Mahomes is a Sun-sign Virgo, and this placement works well for him for monitoring injury in the sport (and he is probably required to monitor his health constantly). The Mars Sesquiquadrate Saturn natal placement on his horoscope is a big plus (in an intense way) for ability to do the hard physical work that professional football demands. But also note that the Sesquiquadrate aspect is connected with health issues, and there is a concern for possible injuries involving bones, knees, and skeletal joints (all ruled by Saturn) as well as the head (which is ruled by Mars). Also note that there may arthritis issues and difficulty with completing certain physical tasks with this Mars Sesquiquadrate Saturn placement. These tasks may even wear one down to a physical state of not being able to work like one did in previous years.


The hard work of Patrick Mahomes in the sport of professional football may pay off over the next two years. Mahomes his about to have his Saturn Return (next year). This is a major astrology event that either elevates one to another level OR may force issues of despair and hardship due to required restricted activities. Health is thus a big concern for such restricted activities; this Saturn return will form a hard Sesquiquadrate aspect with his natal Mars (and Saturn and Mars are traditionally old enemies. But Saturn and Mars can also work together, and both can work very hard together as a team and succeed in areas of hard physical work). Nevertheless, the Sesquiquadrate aspect is associated with health issues, and especially with physical health issues as one ages in a profession that is brutal on both the body and mind. In summary, Patrick Mahomes is strongly advised to watch out for his health and well-being over the next two years as he elevates to another level in terms of fame and responsibility. And while Mahomes may not have taken on the same number (or the same quality) of brutal physical hits taken in the sport compared to Heisman Trophy winner Earl Campbell, I've seen what pro football did to an aging Earl Campbell (who was barely able to walk to his seat at an oyster bar in Austin). Take care and be healthy, Mr. Mahomes.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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