
The Planets :

A Brief Introduction to Astrology :



The Sun tells us of the actual core of a person, the inner self, of that which is of central concern. It also shows us the general vitality and the ability to assert oneself, it describes a general tone of being which colors everything else.
Sign equivalent: Leo
Diameter: 1'390'000 km.
The Earth's orbit from Sun: 149'600'000km
Periode Earth - Sun: 365.25 Days



The Moon represents our feelings and emotions, the receptivity, imagination and basic feeling tone of a person. It also has an effect on the sense of rhythm, time and timing, it influences our adaptability to change, our mobility and versatility.
Sign equivalent: Cancer
Orbit from Earth: 384'000km
Period: 27.32 Days



Mercury represents reason, reasonableness (common sense), that which is rational. It stands for the spoken and written word, putting in order, weighing and evaluating, the process of learning and skills.
Sign equivalents: Gemini and Virgo
Orbit from Sun: 57'910'000 km
Period: 88 Days



Venus gives us a sense of beauty, the enjoyment of pleasure, aesthetic awareness, love of harmony, sociability, taking pleasure in relationships and eroticism.
Sign equivalents: Libra and Taurus
Orbit from Sun: 108'200'000 km
Period: 225 Days



Mars represents the energy and drive of a person, their courage, determination, the freedom of spontaneous impulse. It also describes the readiness for action, the way one goes about doing things. Stands also for challenges and confrontations.
Sign equivalent: Aries
Orbit from Sun: 227'940'000 km
Period: 1,9 Years



The search for individual meaning and purpose, optimism, hope and a sense of justice are represented by Jupiter. So also faith, a basic philosophy of life, the striving for spiritual growth and expansion.
Sign equivalent: Sagittarius
Orbit from Sun: 778'330'000 km
Period: 11,9 Years



Saturn shows how we experience "reality", where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations. It represents the conscience and moral conviction, the laws and rules which we choose to obey. It also tells us about our powers of endurance and the ability to concentrate, it lends qualities like earnestness, caution and reserve.
Sign equivalent: Capricorn
Orbit from Sun: 1'429'400'000 km
Period: 29,5 Years



Uranus stands for intuition, it transmits sudden inspiration and lightning insights. An openness for all that is new, unknown and unusual. A sort of wrong-headed contrariness is also associated with this planet.
Sign equivalent: Aquarius
Orbit from Sun: 2'870'990'000 km
Period: 84 Years



This planet gives us the supersensory, opens doors to mystical experience and the transcendental. On this level it is hard to discern where perception moves into deception, illusion and false appearances, and so Neptune is associated with all of these, with drugs and all kinds of pseudo-realities.
Sign equivalent: Pisces
Orbit from Sun: 4'504'300'000 km
Period: 165 Years



Pluto describes how we deal with power, personal and non-personal, be it through suffering the power of others or exercising it ourselves. It describes how we meet the demonic and magical, our regenerative powers and our capacity for radical change and rebirth: the cycles of dying and becoming.
Sign equivalent: Scorpio
Orbit from Sun: 5'913'520'000 km
Period: 248 Years

12 Houses :

1st House (Ascendant) – The individual personality :

Together with the Sun and Moon the ascendant is one of the most important single factors in a horoscope. The sign at the beginning of the first house tells us a lot about someone's personality, temperament and constitution. It typifies our immediate, instinctive reaction and shows how we present ourselves to the world. The planet ruling the ascendant sign is of particular importance for the interpretation.

2nd House – Values and Possessions

The second house and its occupants tell us about the material circumstances, the acquisitive urge and how we deal with possessions and material means. This includes the relationship to our own body.

3rd House – Communication

The third house and any planets occupying it tell us of our siblings, the manner in which we communicate on an everyday level and the relationships which determine our daily life.

4th House – Roots and Origins

This house describes our origins, the parental home and the circumstances influencing childhood and youth. It describes how we relate to “family”, our attitude towards “hearth and home”. The father image and the relationship to the real father are also to be found here.

5th House – Pleasure and Creativity

Sexuality and eroticism are at home here, along with play in general and all types of creative expression. This house also describes how we relate to children, pleasure and simple fun.

6th House – Work and Routine

The sixth house describes the circumstances surrounding us in our daily lives, including the work environment and daily routine. This includes our behaviour towards subordinates. Bodily hygiene and care also belong here, as well as tendencies to certain acquired illnesses.

7th House – Relating

The descendant sign and planets occupying the seventh house tell us about how we select our partners and describes the partnerships and relationships we seek. Often we are involuntarily attracted to people whose horoscopes carry a strong emphasis of the sign in our seventh house.

8th House – Loss and Common Property

The eighth house shows how we relate to communal goods and how we deal with material loss. The taxes levied on us each year are a good example for this and show how closely related these areas are. Traditional astrology maintains that this house has an affinity to death and all things metaphysical. Death would then be the ultimate material loss. Amongst other things, the study of metaphysics can be a very differentiated way of dealing with this loss, which inevitably comes to us all.

9th House – Philosophies and Far Countries

The ninth house describes our spiritual leaning, life philosophy and our world view. In fact, these are often influenced by journeys to foreign countries. The attitudes cultivated and formed in this house can greatly influence matters of the 10th. (see below)

10th House (MC) – Occupation and Calling

This house is of particular importance, since it affects not only our choice of profession and our sense of calling - it also has a bearing on our general development, what we become. This continues throughout our lives. According to tradition, as well as more recent experience, this house describes the mother image and the relationship to the real mother.

11th House – Friends and Acquaintances

The eleventh house describes how we relate to friends, benefactors and teachers - people who wish us well or from whom we can learn. It also shows us in these roles. This house shows how we relate to the society in which we live.

12th House – Beyond the Personal

This house represents those spheres of life in which the individual no longer plays a part, where we step back for a greater whole or lose ourselves in one. Traditional astrology sees hospitals, prisons and psychiatric institutions in this house. It is also associated with monasteries and any other retreats.

The four Elements and the Signs :

The fact that the astrological signs are associated with certain astronomical constellations has led to much confusion amongst astrologers and non-astrologers. Basically, our zodiac and the signs are no more than a circular measure, a 360-degree scale. Each of the twelve sections of this circular measure has certain characteristics, based on qualities associated with the elements.

Tradition sees the entire universe as consisting of the elements fire, air, water and earth. When we apply this system to personalities, the elements represent certain basic traits and give a certain “temperament”. This varies according to the emphasis of the elements in the horoscope. Any placement of planets or personal points in a sign constitutes an emphasis. (see also “The House System”)

The four elements can be regarded as four basic principles of life. These can be applied to all sorts of things through the principles of similarity and analogy. C.G. Jung has opened the door to a modern understanding of these categories by developing a system of types, in which the elements correspond to four basic functions of the psyche. The emphasis or non-emphasis of the elements in the individual horoscope reveals fundamental aspects of the personality.



People with a strong emphasis of the fire element are spontaneous and impulsive, they apply their energies wholeheartedly. Their emotional response is quick and they have a lively imagination.

Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius



Airy people are quick and animated. They apply their energies in very diverse ways. They tend to intellectualize their feelings and expectations.

Air signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini



People with a strongly emphasized water element are feeling types and are very sensitive. Their imaginative and emotional lives are deep and rich.

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces



Earthy people react quietly and slowly. They apply themselves with endurance. Emotionally they are deeply rooted and slow to change.

Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Western traditional sources also take into account a fifth element, the 'quinta essentia'. This very simply describes the soul or the spiritual being of a person. It stands apart from the other four elements and is not depicted in the horoscope. This is why it is frequently overlooked. It takes us beyond the doctrine of the four elements and their application in the field of astrology. It hints at the freedom of man and reminds us of the great mystery of the eternal.

Elementary states or Qualities

Each of the four elements occurs in three states or qualities, respectively named the cardinal, fixed and mutable or common states. We can consider the physical properties of water as an analogy: Here too, chemical elements can occur in various states. Water, for example, is liquid in its usual, real state. Seen astrologically this would be the cardinal state. When frozen it takes on a solid form, astrologically this would correspond with the fixed state. When heated, it becomes vaporous steam - comparable to the mutable state in astrology. In the individual horoscope, the placement of planets in cardinal, fixed or mutable signs also reveals basic traits of the personality.



People with an emphasis on cardinal signs have an urge to take the lead and to shape things. They are initiators and act according to their aims and goals.

Cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn



People with an emphasis on the fixed signs have a desire to build on what is already there and to organize it more efficiently. They tend to preserve a "status quo" and act in response to given circumstances.

Fixed signs: Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus



People with an emphasis on the mutable or common signs tend to seek change and renewal. They can easily replace one thing with another and align their actions with unfolding processes.

Mutable signs: Sagitarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo

Other Celestial Bodys

A Brief Introduction to Astrology

Besides the ten "classical" planets whose importance is recognized by all astrologers, there are several other heavenly bodies which are not all regarded as equally important by all astrologers. Chiron has been widely acknowledged. Some astrologers observe the greater asteroids, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta and include them in their interpretations. In addition to this, certain schools of astrology work with a series of so-called hypothetical planets, which cannot be related to any of the known celestial bodies.

Retrograde Motion

If we look at our solar system "from above", all of the planets revolve around the sun in the same direction (anti-clockwise). However, since astrology views the planets as they are seen from the earth, some of the planets seem to be moving backwards at times. This would seem to be the case, when an outer, slow-moving planet such as Saturn is overtaken by the earth. When the planets are in retrograde motion, in other words, apparently moving backwards, the astrological position is marked with an R.

Whether this is of significance or not still gives rise to discussion. However, it can help us decide whether a particular aspect is still operative or not. (see also: Aspects). The motion of the planets can also help us make decisions on other astrological matters.

Other Parts and Points

Astrologers use a colorful collection of "points". These derive from points within the horoscope and are of symbolic significance, such as the "part of fortune" or the "Age Point". At present there is very little agreement amongst astrologers on the importance of these points, or on how meaningful they actually are.

Lilith and the Moon's nodes are exceptions: these points are based on astronomical data and consequently find more acceptance in astrological circles. The moon’s nodes, which are always exactly opposed, are those points where the paths of the moon and the earth cross. Most astrologers see these points as being of karmic significance: The ascending or northern node is said to represent the spiritual development called for in this life, while the descending or southern node represents experience gathered during previous lives. Another point of view regards the northern node as a point of meeting, signifying important personal ties or connections, while the south node indicates separation. The well-known German astrologer Thomas Ring taught that the northern node shows where subconscious contents can become accessible, whereas the southern node shows where conscious awareness can sink back into the depths of the unconscious.

The Signs

A Brief Introduction to Astrology

Each of the 12 astrological signs belongs to a certain element in one of its states. This gives us twelve quite different basic types. These varying qualities provide the “backdrop” to the planetary positions. As each horoscope has different planets in different signs, there can never be a “pure” Aries or a “pure” Gemini. Each horoscope is a highly individual, very complex and usually also very varied combination of parts.

In order to understand the signs, we must take into account the typical expressions of the elements, as well as the characteristics belonging to the planets associated with the signs.



Cardinal fire; ruled by Mars
Willpower, impulsive, initiative, courage, energy, activity
Often rushes headlong into things



Dates: April 20 - May 20

Element: Earth (Fixed)

Ruling Planet: Venus (values, love)

Metal: Copper

Stone: Emerald

Taurus rules the throat and many Taureans have beautiful speaking or singing voices.
They generally love music.

The characteristics of taurus are solidity, practicality, extreme determination and strength of will

- no one will ever drive them, but they will willingly and loyally follow a leader they trust.

They are stable, balanced, conservative good, law-abiding citizens and lovers of peace,

possessing all the best qualities of the bourgeoisie. As they have a sense of material values

and physical possessions, respect for property and a horror of falling into debt, they will do

everything in their power to maintain the security of the status quo and be somewhat hostile

to change. Mentally, the caracteristics of taurus are keen-witted and practical more often than

intellectual, but apt to become fixed in their opinions through their preference for following

accepted and reliable patterns of experience. Taurus character is generally dependable,

steadfast, prudent, just, firm and unshaken in the face of difficulties. Their vices arise from

their virtues, going to extremes on occasion,such as sometimes being too slavish to the

conventions they admire.

On rare occasions a Taurus may be obstinately and exasperatingly self-righteous, unoriginal,

rigid, ultraconservative, argumentative, querulous bores, stuck in a self-centered rut.

They may develop a brooding resentment through nursing a series of injuries received and,

whether their characters are positive or negative, they need someone to stroke their egos

with a frequent, "Well Done!" Most Taurus people are not this extreme though.

They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make

friends with anyone outside their social rank, to which they are ordinarily excessively faithful.

In the main, they are gentle, even tempered, good natured, modest and slow to anger, disliking

quarreling and avoiding ill-feeling. If they are provoked, however, they can explode into violent

outbursts of ferocious anger in which they seem to lose all self-control. Equally unexpected are

their occasional sallies into humor and exhibitions of fun. Although their physical appearance may

believe it, they have a strong aesthetic taste, enjoying art, for which they may have a talent,

beauty (recoiling from anything sordid or ugly) and music. They may have a strong, sometimes

unconventional, religious faith. Allied to their taste for all things beautiful is a love for the good

things of life pleasure, comfort, luxury and good food and wine and they may have to resist the

temptation to over indulgence, leading to drunkenness, gross sensuality, and covetousness



Mutable air; ruled by Mercury
Mental type, witty, communicative, mobile, takes pleasure in learning. Rarely touches down



Cardinal water; ruled by the Moon
Emotional type, stubborn, seeks safety and closeness
Very much a family person

Cancer women are Haute Mamas. They have to create, first and foremost.
They are highly imaginative, and must be dynamic within every environment.
Cancer women can be driving, ambitious, ruthless, shrewd, and capable of
running large corporations with ease. Cancer women like playing Mother.
They have a marvellous gift for creating a warm, loving atmosphere,
and dealing with all the bruises, physical or emotional, which their loved ones
incur.This domestic face of Cancer heals, nurtures and supports. But deep
inside is another face: wild, strong, solitary, full of emotional storms, and
essentially primitive, like Nature itself. They are the epitome of enigmatic
femaleness. Like an oyster pearl, her creative vision grows
throughout life, along with her wisdom about human nature,
and the depth of her love for people and life.

Cancer Men are complex. To live so close to the forces and currents of
the inner imaginal and emotional world is a great challenge for a
Cancer man. Even when he's wearing that hyper-rational mask and pretends
to be clear and logical, he's elusive and mysterious, and you'll never really get
to the bottom of his secret soul. But most of all, this man has an incredible
depth and array of feeling, and he's deeply, richly, stunningly alive. Cancer's
tenderness and subtle form of strength and courage, allows him to be vulnerable,
just as equally as he is protective and tenacious. Security conscious,
they are great providers for their family and mate,
often buying multiples of everything.



Fixed fire; ruled by the Sun
Glamour, generosity, organizer, the center of attention
Likes to take the lion's part

The Leo type is the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters.
In grandeur of manner, splendor of bearing and magnanimity of personality, they are the monarch's
among humans as the lion is king of beasts. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed,
positive, independent, self-confident there is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies,
and they are self-controlled. Born leaders, either in support of, or in revolt against, the status quo.
They are at their most effective when in a position of command, their personal magnetism and innate
courtesy of mind bringing out the best of loyalty from subordinates. They are uncomplicated, knowing
exactly what they want and using all their energies, creativeness and resolution to get it, as well as
being certain that they will get whatever they are after. Their followers know where they are with Leonians.
Leonians think and act bigger than others would normally dare; the ambitiousness of their schemes
and idealism sometimes daunt their followers, their practical hardheadedness and ability to go straight
to the heart of any problem reassures those who depend on them. If Leonians meet with setbacks
they thrive on the adversity.

i80_zjun.gif Virgo
Mutable earth; ruled by Mercury
Precise, differentiates, does what is necessary, utilitarian
A critical point of view

The Virgo is highly discriminating, but not necessarily as prudish as some
might believe. In ancient times, a Virgin was a woman who was not the
property of man, and therefore had the legal right to just say "no."
Now, in modern times, us Virgos are known for our ability to be
highly discriminating -- especially when it comes to matters of personal desire.
When Virgo is ready, however, to say yes, the laser-like focus of our
passion is anything but prudish. Virgos have the uncanny sense to see what's
wrong with a person, a situation or our environment. It's why Virgos make such
natural critics. Virgo's practical analytical abilities are second to none.
Our mental process may not be the most creative, but Virgo's razor-like thinking
is highly effective. Like the maiden pictured in the Virgo glyph, we separate the
useful wheat from the unneeded chafe, the good from the bad.
Virgo might be a "clean freak," but most Virgos have a messy closet somewhere
or a disaster under their bed. The Virgo motto could be "Perfect is almost good
enough." On one hand, this trait makes us very employable, for we're not likely to
do shabby work.
On the other hand, we can be so finicky that we put limitations on our interactions
and experiences before they happen. Virgos will be happier if we can learn to be
electively less critical, both of others and ourselves.



Cardinal air; ruled by Venus
A sense of beauty and proportion, tactful, seeks balance and harmony. Sometimes hovers between the scales

Libra natives are generally thought to be sociable, somewhat intellectual souls. They have an almost
innocent way about them that makes them very approachable. Generally quite eager to cooperate,
Librans spend a lot of their time trying not to rock the boat. In theory, Libras are peace-loving.
In practice, they can quietly stir up all sorts of trouble with their ways. Because Libra enjoys balance
in their lives, they seek the middle ground. In the process, they may end up trying to be everything to
everyone. People involved with Libras may crib about their lack of directness and their apparent inability
to take a stand. Librans are experts at avoiding being the one to blame. When confronted, they'll
(calmly and reasonably) say, "What, me? No, I just want peace." ;)
"On the fence", "middle ground", "middle road" -- these are all expressions that we can safely associate
with Libra. Librans are known for comparing and thinking in relative terms, instead of in absolutes.
This weekend is not just a good weekend, it's better than last weekend. :P These people are always looking
for the "best" way or the "right" way to live. Harmony is the ultimate goal, but their idealism and high
expectations can mean plenty of discontent. (Boy, can it ever!!) Since life presents all of us with an
extraordinary amount of choices, if Libra doesn't learn to live in the moment at least some of the time,
they'll be in a constant state of unrest. Society needs rules, and these rules attempt to bring justice, equality,
and fairness. On an individual level, Libra represents these laws of civilization. Libra comes across as very
civilized and rather refined. Without the Libra state of consciousness, Life truly wouldnt be fair. ;)



Fixed water; ruled by Pluto
Corrosive, passionate, piercing, extreme situations
Frequently quarrels with the spirits he called



Mutable fire; ruled by Jupiter
Free spirit, carefree, love of movement, cheerful
Wanderlust, often seems to be elsewhere



Cardinal earth; ruled by Saturn
Enduring, has a sense of purpose, proud, ambitious
Can get stuck in craggy heights



Fixed air; ruled by Uranus
Communicative, humanitarian, progressive, fraternal
Universal spirit with occasional astonishing obstinacy



Mutable water; ruled by Neptune
Sensitive, compassionate, helpful, sociable
Very adaptable, hard to get a hold on

Symbol: Fish
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Jupiter/Neptune
Birthstones: Amethyst, Aquamarine
Colors: Aquamarine, Amethyst, Mauve, Sea Green
Gemstones: Amethyst, Emerald, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Moonstone, Cat’s-eye
Flowers: Water Lily, Orchid, Lotus, White Poppy, Lilac
Metals: Platinum, Metallic Pewter
Body: Feet, Immune System, Lymphatic System

Pisces: Tribe of Water; Clan of the Fishes
The dualistic nature of the Piscean personality can be likened to the ocean with its constant ebb and flow,
back and forth, straddled between the realm of physical, material reality and the abstract eternal
unfolding of Divine Consciousness. It’s natural for Pisces, in their highest vibration,to possess a vivid
imagination, powerful intuition and a creative drive that seeks expression through the arts, spirituality
and humanitarian causes. Often seeming shy and hesitant, people of the Fish Clan are willing to recede
and allow the opportune moment to arrive before taking action.

In personal relationships Pisces make good partners, being of a loyal and caring nature. The Piscean is
generally attuned to their mate, family and friends through their uncanny intuitive and psychic gift
(often unawares, because it has become their second nature).

Those of the sign of the Fish are usually sensitive, humane and idealistic. People born under this sign
respond to life emotionally, making them compassionate and sensitive to the world they inhabit.
Rather than taking an analytical approach to life, Pisces people react to the feelings of other,
which can make them very influential in situations... when they choose to be. Being able to read and
react to people and situations make Pisces one of the most adaptable signs in the zodiac.


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