Atlantean DNA Abuses Explained



Dear fellow Starseeds,

Here is a summary of a conversation I had with some friends with regards to Atlantis:


Tony said:

“Shama’an Drekx,Thanks for your info regarding my questions. I am looking forward to your relpy regarding the stone wall, and thanks in advance to the Sirians for their help on this matter. Selamat Gajun, Selamat Ja, Tony”



Drekx Omega reply:

Tony, Confirmation received from Mikala (female Sirian Exo-Paleontologist) that, as suspected, this rock wall in the Kaimanawa Forest is pre-Polynesian and part of the original ceremonial complex used by Lemurian priests during their (mother offerings) Mu devotions, dating back to 23,000 BCE…It was a memorial to the dead and structured as a terraced, ceremonial platform… This complex was built by survivors from Lemuria, who settled in New Zealand… It appears “natural” in places, because of it’s great antiquity…. Note that Atlantis destroyed it’s mother empire of Lemuria using their off-world allies, the Centaurians and the Plejaren..Using spaceship tractor beams to move one of Earth’s original moons to the Lagrange point. Then firing beam weaponry at the moon just as it reached that point, causing a vast meteor shower to crash upon Lemuria and it’s subterranean gas caverns… Hope this aids your research…namaste, Drekx



Richard said: “How did we loose 10 strands of dna?”



Drekx Omega response: Atlantean scientific experiments using Plejaren genetic technology, working for the elites of that epoch, devised a plan to limit consciousness…Indeed I know the very geneticist….None other than the Plejara, Semjase… (SEM-YAH-ZEH)

Only the Atlantean ruling elites, within the ten kingdoms (under King Atlas, from which the name of the island continent was derived) retained the 12-strands and “political undesirable & criminal” elements were given the punishment of being transformed into limited conscious Human beings…. Incredibly, the very Romanesque decadence of those corrupt rulers, made ownership of slaves/animals a “very in-thing” concept..But with a bizarre touch… They broke their own spiritual codes by dabbling in species cross-breeding, as well as genetic manipulation, creating the stuff of legends. Although very real then: Centaurs, unicorns, minotaurs, satyrs, titans, griffins, etc….including half-pig men (modern domestic pigs have human DNA.) Natural pigs are hairy, such as wild boares.. These creatures were favourites in the savage arena contests, as well as for private ownership among Atlantean aristocrats…Who were uncannily similar to the Romans, but backed with off-world marvels to make their madness even more dangerous… This led to the creation of a slave race to mine the gold mines and the rest is history, as they say…2-strand limited conscious humans make ideal slaves and playthings… So with 2-strand DNA, there are numerous problems, including proness to disease.. Still physical, but no longer having constant connection to their light bodies…and now with greatly reduced lifespans, albeit continuing the reincarnation process, but with a high frequency of limited conscious incarnations.. After the demise of Atlantis, and the migration of the Atlantean elites to planet Hagar, the limited conscious “rulers” that remained in charge, as representatives of misrule, became servants of the Annunaki (Plejaren renegades) off-worlders, and set about enslaving their own limited conscious kind….right up to today’s world. This event commenced about 13,000 years ago. The DNA molecule of a fully-conscious being is shaped like a multi-dimensional star tetrahedron…DNA molecules are located at multi-dimensional intersect points. It’s segments intersect and communicate through energies passed from one portal position to another… This information seems bizarre, but I know it to be real and the legends past down to us can be re-visted in much of Greek mythology…For example, the “Odyssey of Ullyses” in which the evil witch, “Circe,” turned men into swine….and many others, all based on kernals of truth.. The Great Flood destroyed most of these genetic abominations…. human beings and pigs, being the few that survived…with the aid of God.. And of course, the true reason why the ancient Jews forbad pork and a custom still adopted today among Moslems also…


Richard said:

“This master slave race nonsense is repulsive. And if Semjase helped create it, I’d like to know what her motives were.”



Drekx Omega response: What she did was karmic and thus her current help to reverse what she aided in creating, in antiquity… At the time, she was working as a type of “contractor” for the ascended Kings of Atlantis (there were ten, in total.) They originally looked upon dips into limited consciousness, as a figurative precursor to “recreational drug taking”…or “alcohol abuse..” Just a novel experience for pleasure…a whim, a fancy… They then caught on to the idea of having feet in both camps (best of both worlds) making them 4th density beings of polarity and placing their enemies in a permanent state of 3rd density slavery… Semjase and others helped make this possible…. Sometimes amoral tasks are completed on behalf of others, with the attitude; “I’m just doing my job, and whatever the client wants!!” And you have noticed that even a 5th density being can create bonds with physicality, which result in karmic debts and a lowering of vibration…leading to 4th density, in most cases…Denizens of the Astral Plane…which the Anunnaki became. The 5th density Ascended Masters would never have attempted what the Plejaren and Centaurians evily dared and were the “opposition” of the day, back then. The Anunnaki are now our allies…as much has changed… Incidentally, research NDE or Near Death Experience to comprehend what 5th density actually is…also appreciate some of the “string theory” aspects of dimensional layers of consciousness and “reality” constructs, based on them… In a state of amnesia, the now limited-conscious humanity became easy prey for the Annunaki “gods” of mythology to rule over… These beings were 4th density, having fallen from grace, yet retained many powers, giving them “god-like” attributes combined with “human vices,” just as described in the Greek and Athenian legends, such as “Jason and the Argonauts,” “The Labours of Hercules,” and many others… These stories were intended to teach men how to return to the state of responsible godhood, by sometimes morally outshining the “official gods,” with their tantrums and game obsessions, unjustly using Humanity as playthings for their amusement and pawns in their galactic wars… Hope this makes it even clearer…..


Regards, your friend at the end of time,


Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew

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  • Well thankyou for your kind words, professory....And it was me that inspired you to join An honour, truly...


    Yes there are several basic blood groups on earth, but these are not to be confused with genetics, as it was once thought that only a blood group determined a blood line, until the discoveries of DNA/RNA....the true agent is genetics...

    Limited conscious human beings all share a common flaw, and that is 2-stranded DNA...that is what the Anunnaki contributed towards....and there were numerous blood groups present on Earth that all received the same limiter not really blood....the term is still used to denote in less enlightened times, blood alone was thought the "genetic" factor that relayed family characteristics.....


    Blessings, Drekx

  • Greetings Drekz....reading your blocs made me join You seem to have the ability to dip into a wast knoledge base about humanities distant past. A heart felt thank you for the information you share with those who care to listen. I have been on a mission all my life to find truth.

    I trust that my question is not too much off topic....why is it that we humans have different blood types? I am referring to resus+ and resus negative blood. Are we talking about two different lines of humans, originating from different genetic experiments? The Sumerian Tablets talk a great deal about the Annunaki doing genetic experimenting with human beings. Or, are the resus negativ blood type human beings just from a different bloodline?

    If you please could shed some light on this and share your thoughts with me.....

    Thank you for being here at this time of transformation....

  • Hi Karen,

    Yes these pix are truly clear, conveying the atmosphere of the place...

    Thanx for sharing....Drekx


  • form-lost,


    This process of First Contact entails that the Earth becomes a part of a greater Star Nation, which will be a member of the GFL...

    Your current societies will be changed completely and you wil no longer be using your current polluting methods..nor serve your current profit motive...

    Then we will share these wonders...

  • english: hehehe

    will any of your folks be working along side us, as we continue on in the technologys and developments that we as humans are currently up to? or atleast some form of aid?

    sorry for my "other" dialect, hehehe
  • Hi form-lost,

    After the government reforms and changes to the financial system, etc, the alternative energy technologies will be rolled out for distribution. The initial tranches of these devices will be based on those created by the Illuminoids, as well as adaptions to Atlantean all Earth-type devices. Powering homes using a grid-free aetheric energy system, designed by Nikola Tesla...

    Later, with following tranches of roll-outs, the Sirians and others will be supplementing their devices for earth humans to benefit from. Beciase these are mostly thought-controllable devices, including holographic comms, that don't require push buttons, you may find them easier t use than the more primitive Tesla devices...


    I do apologise, as I cannot follow all of your written English, but if I have overlooked any answers sought, just send a modified request..


    Lightly, Drekx Omega


  • Drekx Omega
    (this question may be out of place in this thread. . .)

    do you see any from the GFL or other sources working along side humans "technologys" work, and similar works of change by us? I'd assume in many ways this has always been done, even in spiritual forms of real aid, besides just bringing your own technologys from high above to this world

    yet physically to help or aid human workers of new technologys for us/our-world would be nice. Is this important to you/GFL etc? perhaps exchange of knowledge would be the biggest basic benefactor, I'd assume this would cause the situation to become some kind of threat to humanity? so I guess knowledge would be shared at certain levels etc
  • John,


    Glad you resonate with the data....and our sincere intention is to aid as many as possible to make the ascension grade, as it were...The Prime Creator seeks to achieve as high a lighted harvest as is possible, so our job is to serve this plan, working to educate, calm fears and enlighten those dark corners..


    Some souls have chosen to phase out of incarnation at this time, such as the 6th ray....They will be in heaven, but will not possess the necessary light quotient to manifest mayavirupa physical forms...that allow access to the lower planes, as service requires..When one ascends at the 5th degree, one is free of planetary karma and able to end the turning of the wheel and enter cosmic degrees of learning....One can manifest physically without the need to incarnate into physicality. And one has a fully integrated light body, so can assume a MerKaBa, as and when necessary, usually for travel...


    Many earth humans will ascend and become Ascended Masters upon inner Earth, Mars, Venus and Pax...many others will choose the "Path to Sirius," such as myself...although I will return to the SOL system, later.


    Those who do not ascend, although living 3rd density lives, will still be bathed in the light of knowing the Federation and the Ageless Wisdom teachings...They will be able to access some of our advanced technolgies, such as replicators and sonic showers and they will be adundant, sovereign and happy denizens of Mars, Venus and Pax...which will be turned into paradises, with full firmament protection....


    All 3rd density humans will be citizens of our Galactic Federation of Light and aided in their growth to mastery, by their own planetary hierarchies...within the Solaris Star Nation...

    The Prime Creator has infinite compassion for all souls and will always allow a soul to remain in 3rd density, if it seeks to continue to learn such lessons, until ready for higher responsibilities within cosmos...The Law of Freewill must be considered, yet with education and support, many of a currently fearful and negative disposition will be transformed into ascended ones, if they are able to overcome the pull of matter...WE WILL AID ALL WHO WANT OUR HELP...


    Hope this basic summary suffices...    :-)


    Kind regards, Drekx

  • Clearly the biggest challenge will come from the die hard religious folks, who will find it so hard to accept that the very foundation of their life is based on half-truths and outright lies. But, this is where the masters will come in, no? Once the landings take place, and people like Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha, and the different historical figures throughout history, can actually be here and explain to people what's what...won't people respond to that? I think they will. Call me a die-hard optimist, but I think they will. Take that along with the Federation members with their technology to be able to provide irrefutable proof..people will see that to not accept the truths would be pretty foolish. I'm sure some people just won't, or I'm sure some people will be simply too caught in separation and will think a world of peace, harmony, love and understanding is just too corney...but I think, I hope, this will be a small minority. God bless them anyways, my heart goes out to them. They will be missing out.

    Anyways, thank you so much Drekx, and everybody here for your thoughts. I send everybody my love and blessings, and I am putting my energy into making this transition as smooth and easy as possible, with the maximum amount of success and maximum amount of people ''getting it''. We humans deserve better, I think we want better, we have been praying for it, and our prayers will be answered. It's going to be an absolutely fantastic and magical time for all of us! We humans are going to finally grow up! Hallelujah!

    May God bless each and every one of you, I send you my light and love!

  • Thanks for replying Drekx. So we actually do have the replicator technologies on this planet already? And they will be introduced along with the new governments and new system? Well I sure hope that's right, it would make everything much easier for everybody. As people here have alluded to, I think the transition, at least in physical terms, from the system we have now to the new age system, will probably take, at the minimum, 18-24 months. By that standard, I think it's still possible to get this done before the end of 2012, if...if the things start happening now! lol Or at least before summers end.


    Well, I guess the good news is this system we have is really on its last legs. By all accounts. We are now seeing the Obama administration and the rest of the US government working frantically to raise the debt ceiling, again. They keep trying to stall the inevitable. This system is about to collapse, and the patchwork they are trying to do will not work. Obama, God bless you man, but there isn't anything anybody can do. Unless we change the absolute fundamentals, it is going to collapse. You guys have to just let it go, let the system fall, so the new system can be announced, and the entire ball rolling into the new age can begin!


    I sure hope you are wrong, Drekx, when you say that many people just won't be able to handle what's coming. I think people, all over the place, are yearning for something more, something better. I don't know many people who are truly happy with how things are, most people I know are having a tough time, or are grasping at straws, trying to find some type of fulfillment. I was in Mexico recently, and people there, I's clear a change is needed, and I'm sure the vast majority of people around the world will welcome it, once they understand what it means. And absolutely, people will still want to work, but the thing is, now work will be something that calls to peoples highest expression of service, not just working at some shop or store to make ends meet. I think people will respond to that greatly, but they have to understand that with this new wealth comes the responsibility to use it to help better this world and help this transition along. I know what my plans are, and I think now is the time for all of us here to start giving serious thought about what we are going to do.

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