Shall we enter the light together?
Yes and no!
I am ATMAR, the one who has arrived, and I too will remain until the end of this time.
Well – yes – since you’re all invited!
No, because not everyone accepts this invitation.
It’s simple, that’s how it is.
Well, people like to avoid themselves and their knowledge. He avoids many topics until he forgets what was there, what needed to be seen. So it happens that time passes and many lives follow until the issues come up again one after the other and come into life so that they can find the longed-for salvation.
Man, human nature, which likes to avoid what is “complicated,” what is “strenuous,” what requires energy and undivided attention, now plays a major role when it is necessary to overcome this “nature.”
Acting out this “nature” is natural. There is nothing wrong with it, nothing defective or objectionable. But it is what it is: the nature of a person who lacks unconditionality and perseverance in matters that affect eternal life.
Because of the many experiences of pain in the human body, you have lost courage, stripped away your perseverance, and have given in to comfort – to the point where you no longer know how to escape from it.
Stop, stop, stop – for I tell you, the easiest way to escape comfort is to be awakened by certain circumstances, shocks and tortures.
Because a comfortable mind creates nothing! Nothing! Listen well.
Many sleep and sleep, are tired and lethargic, burnt out and lukewarm – and there are many among them who were sent to earth with the highest orders and with comprehensive tasks.
Yes, we’re talking about YOU!
Precisely from you who follow these words.
When the calm evaporates and before peace comes, there is a bit of chaos and this reorientation must be understood as an opportunity for growth, because if you masters are awakened, you will not go about your work with silk gloves.
The comfortable is the death of all development, more than that, the comfort is the guarantee that a state will regress, back into insignificance. You will now be lifted out of this.
Yes, that’s how it is – the make-up is off, the face is exposed, now you see each other face to face and if you can withstand this show, you will inherit life – a shock for many who have never looked at themselves that way had: without a mask, without a false veneer – completely as self, face to face.
The ultimate shock!
Yes, when a person is confronted with themselves for the first time, a shock usually sets in, but this is only resolved once it is recognized that what was previously considered beautiful has no value and that what is now revealed, which is beauty and also life – this is now granted to the comfortable, meaning those who have come far, but who don’t know what to do next and who have made themselves comfortable.
We are entering the light, together, we who unite here to form a powerful army of light that will put all dark forces to flight. Yes, but that requires putting aside your comforts – and that’s taken care of. So rejoice, for we are entering the field where victory awaits us, as we bring light to those who worship darkness.
We are invincible. That’s the way it is. As a matter of fact.
I am the one sent by God, I remain, I remain,