The energies of this time of Awakening are highlighting Relationships.......especially intimate relating.
This is a key part of The Awakening now.
This is the mirror for growth towards self-love and self ACCEPTANCE.
What a true opportunity~~ as each relationship is such a gift.
The greatest struggle it seems is trusting love..... receiving love.... and knowing love......
This has created the separation and angst in the old paradigm of relating. This dilemma is a result of the behavioural patterning from a vibration of powerlessness and lack.
Until we know and feel the love of who we truly are deep within us...we can only sabotage our intimate relationships.
Allow the letting go of the ego-self energy patterns. Until then....if true love was standing before us we
would not recognise it~only because we are not yet recognising it within ourselves.
Until we embrace and know our true love essence we will not acknowledge or authentically allow such love energies in the form of... availability , giving, caring, kindness, empathy and compassionate nurturing...we will push it distrust and disgust.....(usually sub-..consciously)
justifying the dis-connecting behaviour by blaming our actions on others or outer circumstances.
This patterning is so deeply subconscious in the vibrational entrainment of lack and low self-worth of the 3d paradigm.
Now is the time to awaken... to abundance.....letting go of the old beliefs.... embracing the full allowance of the wonderment of this abundant and magical universe........feel it within your heartspace.
Once you truly feel and recognise this new vibration it will be reflected back to you with ease , flow and grace.
What is within... is without.
The new paradigm of relating is one of a balanced sharing......from a vibration of abundance and felt from the heart centre..... the joy of giving and a circle of shared heartlight energy........ rather than
Self fulfilment. From the unconscious intent of “how can I get” to the conscious energy of “how can I give”.....from the heart and soul...for the pleasure of sharing......sharing LOVE from within.
Awaken to love.....the love within.... the love of who you truly are.
As we feel this love we are compelled to share. And the more we share the more expansive we feel and the deeper the love feels.
Can this love be that abundant and expansive? ...of course.... yes..that is are LOVE.
Feel the love in your expanding hearts.
Feel the Joy in every divine sacred breath.
You are so glorious and magnificent in your total completeness. KNOW this always and you will notice it reflected back in all areas of your life.
KNOW the beauty of this sacred breath right now... in LOVE..... with LOVE...
Posted and written with love
by Liora
For more information and guidance view the web-site http:../../

Much Love and Light
Liora xoxox