Here are the New Meditations from Children of the Sun
Summarized Hyper-Link:
nb. There is no time restraint on performing the meditation; they can be performed at any time.
Peace & Blessings
Esta Lior
The 2012 group momentum facilitated through Children of the Sun Foundation will be carried out through a focus referred to as the I AM Avatar Yoga. We are exercising this yoga within the New Earth Crystalline Matrix during the Planetary Grid Transmissions. Our goal this year is to reach total clarity of consciousness and Divine Union with our Source of Life. This concerns the realization of the whole, re- aligning us as one into a resonant rhythm within the universal ascension spiral through single pointed focus in union with our inner Sun Presence and the Group Soul. |
These are timeless presentations to help YOU build and sustain momentum.
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Information: I_Am_Avatar_Yoga_Newsletter

Further Information & Audio Meditations: Hall_Of_Records