Friends, lets start with JC (ACIM) ''For the awakened mind is one that knows it's Source, its Self,its Holiness''. The reason for this subtitle is that there is far to much Dark forces on these sights,especially Ashtar command crew lately. And the worst of them recently is the blog called ''Fallen Angels'' by Obe wan kenobe. As I have warned before the Dark Forces are masters at trickery and deceit (Illusion and deception). They like to mix spiritual truths with untruths. They have done this to most of the main religions of the world. And that why non of them really function properly. The Dark Cabal invaded the church and replaced Truths with lies, that has caused its down fall with only a small park of Jesus Gospel that has survived. I know because I was raised Catholic and they were the first to fall and fail.
Today the Dark Forces are invading the new age spiritual movement. I write about this danger in my e-book. And these spiritual blog sites are primary targets in the end times. For instance in the blog Fallen Angels he uses the phase that we are all gods, so Lucifer must be a God to. We are Gods as long as the adjuster God resides in us. But when we rebel against God such as he did , then the God inside leaves. And in a sense they are life less. Then they ask for your sympathy that he has fallen and asks for you to give them your love , that they need it so badly. Of course this is a ploy to trick you along with many fine words, a smooth talker there called.
Do you understand what is happening here. The Dark forces work through this person, who is part of there black churches, to steal your power and energy away. They are especially interested in young newly awakened light workers because there energy level is much higher than normal people. The Dark Forces are like vampires they need to find people to feed off of because they get no energy or light from the creator after they have fallen! What he does in this blog and comments is to try to get you to embrace the Dark Forces,Lucifer and his followers and give or feed them with your love. PLEASE, PLEASE, do not do this! you will just make them stronger so that they can stay here longer and torment and feed off of us. Some nearly ascended light workers may be able to embrace them but for the most of us. they are to negative and powerful and will suck you in to become one of them.
Then when you someday turn against God you will loose your light energy and become one of them, looking for victims to feed off of and the cycle continues on. And once you start down the Dark path it will forever consume you it will,Star War fans. These Luciferians have many black lodges and black churches of the Dark Cabal. So be careful they don't draw you in. The other Article about Hitler being a good guy is fairly easy to see through if you have half a brain but still it should not be allowed to be on a spiritual site. And the lst one was a picture of the Dimi-God Kalai from India . The sister or wife of Krisna. And she was killing her enemies, holding there bloody heads in her many hands. Very bloody. I didn't read the article, the negative picture was enough. We don;t need this evil stuff on our site. I am worried about these younglings falling into there traps. Instead we need lots of love & light. Teach our children well. They are our future. Be Safe, Blessings to all, Adonai
Thanks Minch
I'm just making lunch, thinking about an actual wise man that I know. Somehow he is so gentle, doesn't say much, but when he does - his words are few and far between. They are filled with hope and comfort. He has many people on facebook who really love and respect him.
Wise people also have a real understanding that we are all connected somehow, so there is an acceptance that each individual is on a personal journey - whether they are wrong, right, blinded or guided (as we all have been). So they don't seem to spend their energies disparaging. (I've no qualms in addressing falsehood from truth either). These wise people really inspire me as they walk their talk, interact, love people, have little ego to protect combined with humility to keep learning from their mistakes. I must say I only know 1 man in this world like this. But I don't look to him as a god or anything either. I just think he is wise and a true teacher.
I think on this website, there are many people here that give off a certain 'vibration'.
I find that a really wise person, has little to say and when they speak, they speak without fear but mainly love. Not even I am at that point because I've still got strong opinions (and I have to accept that the Universe is working perfectly without my attempts to control it).
Also I really don't love everyone (at this stage) as I find it an impossible task. However, I just avoid people that don't resonate with me, or if I sense that their vibration is 'out of whack' or if they are too opinionated.
Some people on here have a very gentle yet uplifting vibration or essence - felt thousands of miles away in physical body, over the internet.
And some here just come on here wanting everyone to follow their opinions (even though they mean well, with good intentions) without interacting meekly with other's.
The lesson is for us to discern, and use our intuitive feelings seeing we are not proficient at seeing a person's aura. Some people are harmless -but mean well. They can be decent. Or just full of blah blah, who may resonate with a person at their stage on their journey.
those who have ears let them hear
we are all creatures of light
from the light we have come
and to the light we shall go
and surrounding you all the way is the light of your infinite being
from the point of light within the mind of god let light stream forth into the minds of men
let light descend upon the earth from the point of love within the heart of god
let love stream forth into the hearts of men
may christ return to earth from the center where the will of god is known
let purpose guide the little wills of men
the purpose which the masters know and serve from the center of the race of men
let the plan of love and light work out and may it seal up the door where evil dwells
let light and love and power restore the plan on earth
may you understand rev,joshua shirvings lies about me are unwarrented
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