Yes folks , so much is happening so fast, I finally got that blog off yesterday that was so much on my mind. There was a couple of things I forgot to address. One of the things was that I told you about SOHO following Planey-X . Well on you tube you can see a fleet of six mother ships three and three on each side right behind it,trailing it. Its on u-tube. Also as you probly know there is a lot of strange crafts out there,not your typical ufo space ship but something else. alla kinds of shapes and sizesm shape shifters if you will , sometimes similar to the many different kinds of ORBS out there. And I have seen thousands of them in the past. I even had them come visit me at my house and I brought my neighbor out to see them. He freaked out and myself I still don't understand exactly who or what they are. But I have a good Idea,
The big news is that several video blogs have been leaked from NASA on u-tube . All showing a huge Armada of ships, coming from Space to and surrounding earth.Many of us knew they were out there but I diden't expect to see them coming to earth so soon! There where all kinds ,large and small mother ships or are least they looked like that to me, to be so big on the screen. There were also different shapes and a few of them had a huge glow around them. Looks like they may be here to fulfill the Christen prediction of May 21 ,Jesus return. I myself didn't expect to see them until end of next month and hopefully Jesus return then as well. So A lot of things are going on. They are surprising us daily now.
Speaking of surprises . Horus channelled by Nancy Tate says that they are now preparing to come up from the hollow earth in the next months from there portals. They are timing this with the ships arrival. He said we may choose to go with them back into the hollow earth or we can leave on the ships.And some of us may come back for re-construction/ Boy things are really moving fast. That means we have one more option. I could write another book if I had time. But i don't think there's much time left. Be Safe,Blessings