Friends,I have been putting this blog off because of so much pain in my body. But HOLY SPIRIT said he would help so here goes. Anyway we all have heard the phase ''ARE WE THERE YET''Its when we are about to arrive to some place new or unfamiliar. We are ancious to find out just how much futher we have to go before we can begin to see this new place. And we get excited just thinking about all the things that this new place of temporary resedence or mayby even some day permanent will bring to us. We try to visulize and imange just what it will look like by what our elders and peer group has told us but still its to hard to materalize in our minds, so we ask again,ARE WE THERE YET.


Can you see where were going with this? Once we awaken the first thing we hear about all the time is the Great Ascension plan. So we want to know as much about it as possible. We read everything we can get our hands on about it.We listen intently as our elders and guides try to explain to us something we have never known something beyond are present reality. They tell us that it is different for everyone depending when you woke up and what level of awareness you have reached. They  say its in a different reality or dimension than the one your presently in .then as though to confuse us they then tell us that this 3rd density reality isent real. Its an ILLUSION.


That were not really this physical body, its just a vehicle, a means of transportation so that we can communicate with our fellow travelers in this earth school that were in. Our real body is a spiritual one that we had before we came here. And we are not this brain that we use but we are the  mind coming from the pure mind our our Creator Father. The mind gives us the ability to think and to rationalize our existence. And the brain is our personal computer that we use to store info, so that we can then access it and grow. And the soul,well thats our true record keeper over millions of life times to realize our true essence which was forgot when we left home ,oh so long time ago. To get back home we must fuse with the God inside of us called the higher self. This is a journey without distance,we must all make.


  And like the children that we are, we keep asking our mentors and guides

ARE WE THERE YET. When we ask to many time and they get annoyed and say to us,Oh we can't get there from here. that shuts us up for awhile as we ponder on what they mean. To get to the fourth and fith density we need to let go of the 3rd, to do that its useful to use a Affirmation mantra to reprogram the mind.Such as ''I loose the world from all that I thought it was''JC. Next we use another one by Jesus from the book ACIM ''The world I see holds nothing that I want'' We then later think about what is really happening. We are about to transend this world  to a new world that has already been created for us and if have worked hard we may even become a ascended Master like our guides.


But first we have to let go of the old to take in the new, so Jesus gives us another affirmation mantra or prayer or what ever you want to call them' ''Beyond this world there is a world I want'' Now that feels better doesn't it. you have some tools or keys to help you reach your goal and mission. Here's another one from JC ''Its impossible to see two worlds''And finally to bring these together,Jesus adds; He will Save the world, because he Receives each time he practices the words of Truth; ''I am as GOD created me''.


Now if you meditate on these as well you will come up with many new ideas that can apply to you and you will have started your own de-programing and your new re-programing. What our guides,mentors and teachers have been trying to do is brake us free from our negative earth programming of the Dark Cabal. Now you are free to create not only your own reality here but also your future reality which you had already chosen in the previous life school.  Now you can access this memory in your dream state or meditation. But you did choose to come here and make this transition , which will happen soon. But you must get ready for it now before its upon you as you keep asking ''ARE WE THERE YET''? ALMOST !Be Safe,Blessing. ADONAI


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  • those who have eyes let them see

    those who have ears let them hear

    we are all creatures of light

    from the light we have come

    and to the light we shall go

    and surrounding you all the way is the light of your infinite being

    from the point of light within the mind of god let light stream forth into the minds of men

    let light descend upon the earth from the point of love within the heart of god

    let love stream forth into the hearts of men

    may christ return to earth from the center where the will of god is known

    let purpose guide the little wills of men

    the purpose which the masters know and serve from the center of the race of men

    let the plan of love and light work out and may it seal up the door where evil dwells

    let light and love and power restore  the plan on earth

    may you understand rev,joshua shirvings lies about me are unwarrented

  • Much Love and Light to you Joshua, I'll keep you in mind in hope to reduce the pains in your body.
  • Religion as the Earth human knows and pursues it, in the form of the adoration of a god, adoration of saints, and as faith in a god, is a horror to the Pleiadians. They consider this form of religion a blind faith based on cult activities, false teachings, lies, and other falsehoods. It is faith that can never be proven as true, and one which contradicts all the truthful and logical foundations of the Creative laws and commandments, and also defies intelligence. Religion embodies a deprivation of the spiritual freedom of the human being. Religion is also a brutal, criminal and exploitative enslavement of the human consciousness, reaching from total dependence, serfdom, and a lack of willpower all the way to uncontrolled fanaticism, mental illness, demonic obsession and utter idiocy.
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