back up,we need back up

The magic of stones and crystals ,

The Stone and crystal Beings are magical beings. They have been here for aeons, growing within the womb of Mother Earth. Recorded within them are the wisdom and experience of the ages. They know the magic and power of the energy of stillness ... the art of being. I have come to know the experience of listening to the Song of Stones as a co-creation. Two (or more) beings connecting in complete acceptance of one another ... with love. And through this connection a song emerges - a poem, a story, a wisdom, a truth, an idea, a realization ... and it doesn't end there. It happens within the realm of the soul where anything is possible. The stone songs reach us at a personal level, but they are Universal.
Whether you see this as a communication or imagination, inspiration or insanity ... you can still enjoy them. Whether you accept them as truth or fantasy, you can still glean the wisdom from those pieces which touch or move you in some way.
Quartz crystals are what what typically comes to mind when we hear the word crystal. The ancients believed them to be eternally frozen water. I see them as crystallized light. We may think of them as clear, but they come in a variety of color and shapes and sizes.
We, the Earth's children, are in the process of a beautiful creation which is coming together with a rich abundance of colors and textures; sights and sounds. We are not simply living our lives, but we are creating them as we go. The crystal and stone beings are a part of this creation. They are not merely the sparkle and glow to this creation, but they come forth to create with us.

There are more than 15 Archangels

named throughout the many religions of the world. The 15 Archangels named below are the most well-known Archangels. The Archangels whole desire is to create peace and love. Call on the Archangels when you feel afraid or unsure. They will bless you with what you need. Take the time to thank the Archangels for all the love and light they create in your life.


Archangel Ariel gives us courage, bravery, focus and confidence. She is involved in divine magic, manifestation and prosperity. Her color is a pale shade of pink, and rose quartz crystal is her stone. She supports people who are healers, teachers and service workers, and environmental causes. To honor her, participate in environmental work or giving others. Her name means, "Lioness of God."


Archangel Azrael supports grieving or dying people. Creamy yellow calcite is Azrael’s stone. Azrael supports helpers, healers and counselors. He is patient and compassionate. Azrael’s primary role is to help people cross over to heaven. Azrael surrounds you in loving white light. Ask Azrael for assistance contacting deceased loved ones. His name means, "Whom God helps."


Archangel Chamuel helps you find a career best suited for your purpose and passion. Carry a green fluorite crystal to be close to Chamuel’s loving energy. Call on Chamuel to feel more centered and peaceful. Chamuel is the Archangel of personal and global peace. He always sees your true qualities and loves you unconditionally. His name means, "He who sees God."


Archangel Gabriel is the messenger Angel. She supports writers and journalists. Gabriel supports publishing articles and books. Gabriel also helps you tap into the power of God’s love that pores through you. She helps you feel safe in your power and protects you in all ways. Her metal is copper and her stone is crystal citrine. Gabriel also works with mothers and children. She is related to conception, childbirth, adoption and parenting. Gabriel helps you connect with your inner child. Her name means, "Messenger of God."


Archangel Haniel’s crystal is the Moonstone, which is magical and nurturing. She is a nurturing mother able to care for you and create miracles. Haniel shows you how to live up to your highest potential. She can also help you find hidden talents and help you polish your skills. Haniel shows you how to honor your natural cycles, moods and rhythms. Ask Haniel to help you when you feel bad about yourself or unsure about a decision. Her name means, "Glory of God."


Any time you see sparkles of dark purple light, know that Archangel Jeremiel is with you. His crystal is, of course, amethyst. One of Jeremiel’s purposes is to work with crossed over souls in reviewing their lives on Earth. He can also help those living make life reviews. Jeremiel will deliver mercy when asked for, and he helps you act in loving ways towards others. Jeremiel supports people in treating themselves and others with respect and tender loving care. His name means, "Mercy of God."


Archangel Jophiel is a beautiful, loving and caring Archangel. All dark pink crystals are associated with Jophiel’s energy. She helps you clear spaces and make them new. Jophiel sees beauty in everything and everyone and inspires you to do the same. Spend more time outdoors to be close to Jophiel. Jophiel blesses us with grace and peace in our lives. She encourages you to savor and enjoy every moment, slow down, and appreciate life’s everyday miracles. Her name means, "Beauty of God."


Archangel Metatron helps with chakra clearing. Watermelon tourmaline is Metatron’s crystal. Metatron supports those who are drawn to help children. Metatron also protects psychic and sensitive children and adults. Metatron once walked upon the earth as a human man. He was the prophet and scribe Enoch. Metatron assists you with organizing your priorities.


Archangel Michael’s aura is a royal blue mixed with royal purple. His crystal stone is sugalite, which can help you channel profound and loving messages from Michael. Michael can help you remember who you truly are. He can bless you with love, power, strength and unwavering faith. Michael most likes to communicate with you through your dreams. His chief role is to remove fear from your life. He can clear spaces, thoughts, and people of any negative or lower energies. His name means, "He who is like God."


Archangel Raguel oversees archangels and angels. He can also help you sort your feelings and understand which path to take. Raguel is concerned with divine order, clairsentience and relationship harmony. To be close to Raguel, wear an aquamarine crystal. Raguel resolves disputes and creates harmony and order in relationships. His name means, "Friend of God."


Archangel Raphael can surround anything needing healing with emerald green energy. The crystals associated with Raphael are emerald and malachite. Raphael helps us breathe and create a healthier lifestyle. Raphael can help you heal yourself or find a healer who can help you heal. Raphael is known as the healing angel, and he gives guidance through our intuitions, thoughts, ideas, dreams and other inner impressions. His name means, "He who heals."


Archangel Raziel is the Archangel of clairvoyance, spiritual understanding, and in reclaiming your power. His aura holds all the colors of the rainbow like a beautiful prism of light. Work with clear quartz crystals to magnify clairvoyance and to feel closer to Raziel. He is a wizard and an alchemist. Call on Raziel to soul travel in your dreams. Raziel can also help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. His name means, "Secrets of God."


Archangel Sandalphon can bring gentleness into all areas of your life. He can help you be kind and gentle, yet powerful. He is the Archangel associated with music. His stone is turquoise, which can slow your heart rate and breathing. One of Sandalphon’s principal roles is to help answer our prayers. He can help you allow yourself to receive. Sandalphon once walked upon the earth as a mortal man. He was the prophet Elijah. He can help you live with integrity, bring spiritual gifts of prophecy, allow healing, and support manifestation. Sandalphon can help you speak the truth.


Archangel Uriel is the Archangel of claircognizance. He can enlighten our minds with divine inspiration. If you have repetitive thoughts or ideas that are positive, loving, and helpful, Uriel is speaking to you. Uriel’s crystal is the amber crystal. It guides all ideas and intelligence. Uriel wants you to know that you already know what to do. He will help light each step along the way, one at a time. His name means, "God is Light."


Archangel Zadkiel brings us compassion. He helps us forgive others and ourselves. Zadkiel can bring emotional healing in miraculous ways. He is the Archangel of clairaudience. Lappas Lazuli is Zadkiel’s stone. Zadkiel can help us remember information, teach us new things, and access all knowledge. Ask questions anytime you need help. His name means, "Righteousness of God."

Doreen Virtue Connecting With Angels Online Course

Greenlee's Forest - Meanings of Stones

15 Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Others

moldavite ,for the masters

moldavite attributes ; it is another stone for the new age.a form of tektite,said to have extraterrestrial origins,formed when a giant meteorite struck the earth ,the heat from the impact metamorphosed surrounding rocks, creating a strewn field by flinging the resulting crystals over a vast area. its therefore a fusion of extraterrestrial energies and mother earth.this is a rare stone it is now found only along the banks of the river moldau and is unlikely to be discovered anywhere else in the world. the crystal will become has been used since the stone age times as a talisman and amulet for good fortune and fertility.many people believe that it came to aid in earths transition and healing and that the time has come for using it's energies wisely. it can greatly enhance the effects of other crystals , taking them to their highest vibration.
moldavite brings you into communication with the higher self and with has its own cosmic over soul,which can put you in touch with the ascended masters and cosmic messengers . holding the stone up to the light and gazing into it shifts your consciousness .this stone takes you into the highest spiritual dimensions and facilitates the ascension needs to be grounded or else it can leave you spaced out and rootless a pair of boji stones or smokey quartz works well to gently ground after spiritual experiences with moldavite.and the the energies of clear quartz stabilize its effects.
it has a extremely high vibration , which opens , clears blockages from and aligns the chakras .it integrates the divine blueprint, and accelerates spiritual growth ,it resonates with the crown chakra opening it to receive the highest spiritual guidance placed on the throat it communicates interplanetary messages especially with regard to the state of the ecology of the earth and its needs for healing
this is a stone that transcends time.placed on the third eye it can enable you to go forwards into the future or back into the facilitates journeys to other lives if this is appropriate.rather than going into the past ,relive a life. except to regain spiritual wisdom,or journeying to the before-incarnate state to access purpose.moldavite shows your future potentials . under the influence of moldavite you can go forward to a future to see the results of actions taken in present life to learn what is needed in the present in order to prevent destruction in the future.
Moldavite is a useful stone for sensitive people who find it difficult being in incarnation on earth and who cannot adjust to suffering and deep emotions.many such people are star children who have come to aid the earth in its time of transition to a new vibration ,. they are not used to the heavy energies of earth and find it difficult to integrate the spiritual bodies into the physical , amd need tp ground moldavite,used in conjunction with grounding stones  such as hematite and smoky quartz ,aids this process. placed on the heart , it eases homesickness for those whose origin is not has no crystalline structure and so it takes you way beyond your limits and boundaries.psychologically ,it assists in developing detachment from mundane , earthbound security issues such as money and worries for the future .it provides an overview of reasons for incarnating and contacts spiritual purpose,integrating this into earthly supports qualities such as empathy and compassion.
at the mental level , moldavite is unconventional and inspiring,bringing the unexpected solution can awaken latent memories and access spiritual information through the intellect . it releases fixed ideas and archaic belief systems and can neutralize hypnotic commands
Physically,holding moldavite may trigger a huge rush of energy through the body that has powerful metaphysical effects . it down loades information from the akashic record and the light body which then has to be processed and made conscious. this process may take some time but the process accelerates spiritual growth and the raising of personal vibrations

MAY 5,2012 -December 21,2012 HOW EARTH BECOMES INNER EARTH |

Gemini Solar Eclipse ~ The Dragons Tail! | [#Occupy] The Galactic Free Press

White Solar Wizard

White World-Bridger Wavespell


The Seven Rays Today


The Rays working through Elementals act as a sevenfold division of archetypes, through the Devas as a sevenfold division of form, and Humans as a sevenfold division of consciousness. We can appreciate the existence of the Elemental and Devic evolutions because together they are responsible for the Seven Planes.

The Seven Planes exist as the archetypal collection of graded impulses stemming from the Absolute�s Divine Will. As such, they are beyond any concept of duality so they alone are aware of their existence, which is their natural condition of beingness. They are the First Primary Cause, the Elemental Lords of Flame. For the Planes to be useful to the Absolute and to aspects of His creation, the Elementals have to be organised into life by the Devic Lords of Form, to create an appearance that can be used by the Human Lords of Mind in their quest to manifest their quality. This demonstrates that the Planes are a combination of Devic and Elemental life, which can only function as part of our reality when balanced with the qualities of the Human Seven Rays.

The Seven Planes are the seven divisions of energy and form, which we confuse with levels of consciousness just because our awareness is able to access them. For example, the Astral Plane exists whether we are conscious of it or not ~ it has its own independent reality which the Elemental and Devic lifestreams are responsible for. Our consciousness can be aware of it through the medium of the Seven Rays, but the Astral Plane is there for purposes other than for us to dream on, it is a reality for other beings existing on other lifestreams as much as the physical Plane exists through our own concept of reality.

Each of the Seven Planes is divided into seven sub-planes, and each Plane and sub-plane relate to the Rays as do their counterparts on the Physical Plane. Our reality exists on the seventh sub-plane of the seventh Plane.

Our normal physical environment is related to the Seventh Ray, because it is composed of solid tangible matter. This is how we are aware of it, through all our senses, from sight to touch. We also know the physical world is composed of intangible forms of matter called molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles. We can equate these three states of matter, which can only be detected with scientific instruments rather than our own senses, with the first three Primary Rays.

Sub-atomic particles are present throughout the universe and have no barriers; they pass straight through everything, including the planet Earth, and we only recognise their existence through their interaction. These particles form the primordial essence of the entire universe, because they belong to the Elemental Kingdom. They exist in their pure unmanifest condition on the highest level of physical reality, but because they are responsible for all physical manifestation they are also the substance of the lower four levels which require co-operation from the Devic Kingdom to produce a physical reality which Human beings and other forms of earthly life can interact with through the agency of the Human quality of conscious awareness.

The difference between the Elemental existence on the highest sub-atomic level and the four lowest levels is that on the highest level the Elemental beings have a separate existence which we can only understand through the idea of archetypes. The First Primary is the level at which the archetypal ideas of physical forms exist, which is the energy that ensures every cat will look like all other cats, to use a simple example. This is the first sub-plane of the Physical Plane, the sub-plane of archetypes, the level of the Absolute�s Divine Will. The lower four levels of Fire, Air, Water and Earth then become the arena through which the Absolute�s Divine Will is made manifest. On these lower four levels the archetypal idea translates into a type of manifestation unique to each level, so that the Fourth level contains form which fits the archetypal category of energy, the Fifth level gases, the Sixth level liquids, and the Seventh level solids.

Atoms have a more permanent and tangible existence. They are the basic forms of all physical matter, and group together to form molecules that have entirely different qualities to the atoms of which they are composed. We know that nuclear energy holds them together in a stable condition and that when they are "smashed" they produce a chain reaction which causes other atoms to break down into sub-atomic particles. We also know they have certain qualities which we can use to determine their actions, such as the way they can be grouped into "families" according to the Periodic Table, how these elements can be described by colour through spectrum analysis and by using this method we can determine the elements of distant stars. This ties them in with light and colour, which is the esoteric reason light is used to describe the Second Primary realm of atoms.

Next are the molecules, the basis of our physical existence and of life itself, because DNA is a molecular substance. This makes it easy to see how molecules relate to the Third Primary. The difference between molecules and atoms is that molecules can easily be transformed through chemical reactions, whereas atoms can not. Translating this into esoteric terminology we can see how Second Primary atoms are permanent and dependent only on the First Primary of sub-atomic forces, whereas Third Primary molecules, as a manifestation of angles, are subject to continual change, whether they manifest as genes or something more tangible like flesh and blood.

Therefore the Devas of the Third Primary, which equate with the molecular world, organise the Elementals of the First Primary, which equate with the world of the sub-atomic particles, into appreciable forms through the lower four levels to create physical matter which Humans can interact with through the Second Primary of consciousness awareness. This is accomplished on an atomic level, so that the atoms responsible for our physical form hold the key to our understanding of our physical existence. Atoms are composed of sub-atomic particles, and form into molecules which are responsible for life as we understand it, because they are the physical manifestation of the Primary Rays.

However, before the Elemental, Devic and Human life-streams, acting as the three Primary Rays, can experience life, they have to unite and create a temporary reality as a vehicle of expression, which they do on the fourth or middle sub-plane. This fourth state is the energy field related to the etheric, the element of Fire, and the plasma condition of matter. On this level all three life-streams can unite to act out their role in providing experience for the Absolute.

If further experience is required, from this fourth state of existence three more states can be added, each relating more particularly to one of the life- streams, and which approximately mirror the higher three states which are unable to manifest physically without the co-operation of the other life-streams. These extra three states are the elemental worlds of Air, Water and Earth: Air relating to the Third Primary of form, Water to the Second Primary of consciousness and Earth to the First Primary of will. The fact that the highest condition of life which exists as the First Primary is also inherent in the most dense state of solid matter, the seventh sub-plane related to the Seventh Ray, is a good example of the Quabbalistic concept of Kether in Malkuth.


it's all about you



it's all about the music



it's all about the light


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  • Gratitude for the magnificent lesson you have imparted to us. I am printing out your post and keeping it near me to re-read daily. Your are a gift to us all Obi wan.

  • thanks for the link too Mol, awesome stuff guys!


  • yes the Hiram Abiff story he would never divulge the secret password and was murdered....

    I love that chart Obi! <3

  • 8108787278?profile=original

  • it's all about you


  • it's all about the music


  • it's all about the light


  • 8108782678?profile=original

    The Seven Rays Today


    The Rays working through Elementals act as a sevenfold division of archetypes, through the Devas as a sevenfold division of form, and Humans as a sevenfold division of consciousness. We can appreciate the existence of the Elemental and Devic evolutions because together they are responsible for the Seven Planes.

    The Seven Planes exist as the archetypal collection of graded impulses stemming from the Absolute�s Divine Will. As such, they are beyond any concept of duality so they alone are aware of their existence, which is their natural condition of beingness. They are the First Primary Cause, the Elemental Lords of Flame. For the Planes to be useful to the Absolute and to aspects of His creation, the Elementals have to be organised into life by the Devic Lords of Form, to create an appearance that can be used by the Human Lords of Mind in their quest to manifest their quality. This demonstrates that the Planes are a combination of Devic and Elemental life, which can only function as part of our reality when balanced with the qualities of the Human Seven Rays.

    The Seven Planes are the seven divisions of energy and form, which we confuse with levels of consciousness just because our awareness is able to access them. For example, the Astral Plane exists whether we are conscious of it or not ~ it has its own independent reality which the Elemental and Devic lifestreams are responsible for. Our consciousness can be aware of it through the medium of the Seven Rays, but the Astral Plane is there for purposes other than for us to dream on, it is a reality for other beings existing on other lifestreams as much as the physical Plane exists through our own concept of reality.

    Each of the Seven Planes is divided into seven sub-planes, and each Plane and sub-plane relate to the Rays as do their counterparts on the Physical Plane. Our reality exists on the seventh sub-plane of the seventh Plane.

    Our normal physical environment is related to the Seventh Ray, because it is composed of solid tangible matter. This is how we are aware of it, through all our senses, from sight to touch. We also know the physical world is composed of intangible forms of matter called molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles. We can equate these three states of matter, which can only be detected with scientific instruments rather than our own senses, with the first three Primary Rays.

    Sub-atomic particles are present throughout the universe and have no barriers; they pass straight through everything, including the planet Earth, and we only recognise their existence through their interaction. These particles form the primordial essence of the entire universe, because they belong to the Elemental Kingdom. They exist in their pure unmanifest condition on the highest level of physical reality, but because they are responsible for all physical manifestation they are also the substance of the lower four levels which require co-operation from the Devic Kingdom to produce a physical reality which Human beings and other forms of earthly life can interact with through the agency of the Human quality of conscious awareness.

    The difference between the Elemental existence on the highest sub-atomic level and the four lowest levels is that on the highest level the Elemental beings have a separate existence which we can only understand through the idea of archetypes. The First Primary is the level at which the archetypal ideas of physical forms exist, which is the energy that ensures every cat will look like all other cats, to use a simple example. This is the first sub-plane of the Physical Plane, the sub-plane of archetypes, the level of the Absolute�s Divine Will. The lower four levels of Fire, Air, Water and Earth then become the arena through which the Absolute�s Divine Will is made manifest. On these lower four levels the archetypal idea translates into a type of manifestation unique to each level, so that the Fourth level contains form which fits the archetypal category of energy, the Fifth level gases, the Sixth level liquids, and the Seventh level solids.

    Atoms have a more permanent and tangible existence. They are the basic forms of all physical matter, and group together to form molecules that have entirely different qualities to the atoms of which they are composed. We know that nuclear energy holds them together in a stable condition and that when they are "smashed" they produce a chain reaction which causes other atoms to break down into sub-atomic particles. We also know they have certain qualities which we can use to determine their actions, such as the way they can be grouped into "families" according to the Periodic Table, how these elements can be described by colour through spectrum analysis and by using this method we can determine the elements of distant stars. This ties them in with light and colour, which is the esoteric reason light is used to describe the Second Primary realm of atoms.

    Next are the molecules, the basis of our physical existence and of life itself, because DNA is a molecular substance. This makes it easy to see how molecules relate to the Third Primary. The difference between molecules and atoms is that molecules can easily be transformed through chemical reactions, whereas atoms can not. Translating this into esoteric terminology we can see how Second Primary atoms are permanent and dependent only on the First Primary of sub-atomic forces, whereas Third Primary molecules, as a manifestation of angles, are subject to continual change, whether they manifest as genes or something more tangible like flesh and blood.

    Therefore the Devas of the Third Primary, which equate with the molecular world, organise the Elementals of the First Primary, which equate with the world of the sub-atomic particles, into appreciable forms through the lower four levels to create physical matter which Humans can interact with through the Second Primary of consciousness awareness. This is accomplished on an atomic level, so that the atoms responsible for our physical form hold the key to our understanding of our physical existence. Atoms are composed of sub-atomic particles, and form into molecules which are responsible for life as we understand it, because they are the physical manifestation of the Primary Rays.

    However, before the Elemental, Devic and Human life-streams, acting as the three Primary Rays, can experience life, they have to unite and create a temporary reality as a vehicle of expression, which they do on the fourth or middle sub-plane. This fourth state is the energy field related to the etheric, the element of Fire, and the plasma condition of matter. On this level all three life-streams can unite to act out their role in providing experience for the Absolute.

    If further experience is required, from this fourth state of existence three more states can be added, each relating more particularly to one of the life- streams, and which approximately mirror the higher three states which are unable to manifest physically without the co-operation of the other life-streams. These extra three states are the elemental worlds of Air, Water and Earth: Air relating to the Third Primary of form, Water to the Second Primary of consciousness and Earth to the First Primary of will. The fact that the highest condition of life which exists as the First Primary is also inherent in the most dense state of solid matter, the seventh sub-plane related to the Seventh Ray, is a good example of the Quabbalistic concept of Kether in Malkuth.

  • I think fish do know they're in water lol There are some fish who go out of the water, and catch prey....some can stay out of water for like 20 minutes lol And they know where to go to get back in the water. I have a fish too, and I think it's clear he can tell the difference between what's in the water, and what's outside the water. So I think fish do know they're in water, or at least are aware that there's a difference between being in water, and not being in water lol

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