There seems to be some confusion as to what is considered balance. Some people talk about having a balance between light and dark as opposed to concentrating on light.
Balance from the point of view of wisdom is not a licence to indulge in negative behaviour for the sake of gratifying your childish obsessions. It is to be fully aware of the negative aspects of the self and make them positive. Again from this point of view the negative powers can be applied in legality only to maintain harmony.
A human being is designed to reflect and express harmony. Human life is learning the effects of both negativity and positivity. Through much experience, the wisdom is gained that constantly expressing virtue leads to the highest happiness, and constantly expressing negative powers leads in the end to utter suffering and ultimately destruction.
What this means in practical terms is that a mother does not throw her baby against the wall, then cuddle it, to balance the effects of negativity and positivity with regards to the well being of her baby. Although she has the freedom to do this. However the results of such an experiment would have tragic consequences. Instead she constantly nurtures it.
Most people also do not cuf off their limbs to experience the negative effect of having no arms or legs. Nor do they gouge out their eyes to "balance" the negative state of blindness with the positive state of sight.
Having said that, a mother nevertheless disciplines her child. A person sits down to rest their limbs. We close our eyes and sleep to rest. These also could be considered negative states. But these have the express purpose of maintaining harmony with the intention of renewing and increasing positivity. Hence balance.
To engage in negative actions, dark purposes, corrupt intentions, disharmonic states of mind, for nothing more than the freedom to do so. Leads inevitably to endless suffering for yourself and others. This is what the law of karma teaches us.
The intention of the human being to dwell in positive states such as love,compassion and the illumination of conscisouness leads to happiness, peace, bliss, satisfaction and unending joy. What is requisite however is that we become aware of our negative aspects of being, that we do not ignore them and engage in self deception. But that we master their influence over ourselves, so that we may be truly free.