Banned Video—Share it and Wake Someone Up [video]
The post I prepared this morning got deleted in error so I’m just sending this excellent video out that conveys the urgency of the situation on our planet at this point. About 8 minutes. ~ BP
Its Time – Video!! Banned Everywhere – Please Watch – Last Hope Video!!
I have completely flamed out on trying to awaken the two people who I thought would, and my lifelong feiends are mostly talking trash with each other about when they did/will get the vaccine.
Sope, I’m sitting back watching a Universe on its precipice…waiting for Godot, or Juan O Savin’s April 1st wager, whichever comes first.
This must be a sin, but I can’t think of single fantastic thing that could not manifest to reality in the days ahead, be it Biblical before or Thunderdome-like after.
Hand to Heaven I would literally not be surprised at this point to see a 1000ft Stay Puft Marshmallow Man stomping over the horizon. An EBS of Frazzledrip is starting to sound about as illuminating as a Friends re-run…pardon the pun. And my personal life hasn’t been much to write about, so if od this DOES go south and they want to torture me, they should probably run a make on my ex to understand the trauma I’ve overcome. They’ll need to pack a lunch.
All of that stated, I have an almost naive level of faith, but that’s how I see it. Not sure if anyone feels the same way. All the best.
I fully support what Nick says in the above comment. And most certainly what the message of the video is. We have been in a time of spreading information, of awakening the sleeping, of making as many people aware of not only what we have unknowingly allowed our world to degenerate to, but also the fact that we have the power to change it. The habit of giving away our power is deeply ingrained, as the ds have ordained it. This awakening is not only about finding the truth and doing something about it, it is about knowing who we are and what we are capable of, of letting those that we thought had our best interests at heart know that we are on to their game. We don’t want this enslavement and we won’t have it anymore.
It is frightening because we have not done this before. A few people have challenged the narrative over the years and have been severely punished as a lesson to us all. But there are so many more of us than them. It is not necessary to take to the streets, although that is one way. It is necessary for each to go into themselves through meditation or prayer to establish sovereignty and remember their own spiritual nature. This gives strength and certainty, courage and hope. Etherically, spirit has won. Physically, we are in the last stages of the process. And trust comes in here, knowing that those entities who have worked against the highest good for humanity have had their day. And now, we get to decide what our highest good is.
We can’t consider this to be “a last “HOPE”,, I removed Hope from my lexicon a long time ago and am spreading the Word/idea/meme/ of TRUST. It’s our Strawman / C’estui que Trust that has resulted in this nightmare/Dream but when we all Trust and Dream the same dream, the power of Humanity’s Collective resolve will manifest as WE ordain,,not those of an “Intermediate ” power. It’s as simple as tasting Freedom in all it’s flavours,,, Hold that you are a Child of the Creator, it is She/He that is our “Soul” arbitor and Judge , that none other can come between,and We are the Beneficiaries of that Great Love and Mercy,, none other can take the Creator’s place,,,and so,,,We en-Trust with All of our Heart that those who would seek to be our “authorities” are granted the opportunity to provide Us with a Remedy to ease our Soul’s trials…Aho!!