He (Bashar) has to come down into a lower vibration & talk (in a human way) to Human people (so that they understand) him... as we know most humans are egotistical; thats why Bashar *APPEARS* egotistical to anyone.
For those who listen to his MESSAGE & not his voice/tone, will find, much love and compassion for humanity....
Bashar is a form of Grey, (not all greys are bad) who are loving beings....
Darryl Anka is the past life version of Bashar... Darryl Anka is channelling his future self...
Here in the US, every night at 9 PM EST we pray for one minute for our country and the world for peace, it would not be a bad idea for everyone to do that. love and light
The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of…
"Glad you guys like these blogs. I still got 8 or 9 more of these blogs to go so plenty more good info coming. I'm surprised Sheldon's book didn't have a section on the Alpha Draconians. They are only mentioned a little bit in the Sigma Draconis…"
lol verysirius, exactly... he is trying to help... us... <3
yes Kelly, Bashar isnt for everybody lol ;)
Ok Regarding Bashar & his ego:
Bashar is a form of Grey, (not all greys are bad) who are loving beings....
Darryl Anka is the past life version of Bashar... Darryl Anka is channelling his future self...
ok hope thats clear to everybody
<3 love!!
Namaste verySirius
He told it. Just search for Bashars origins. It is not a big secret that he is from Zeta agenda.
Bashar is a grey. This race is not friendly for us. They are negative aliens.
marianinia , thank you for comment, I agree with you. Bashar is not a spiritual being, he has a big ego.
Here in the US, every night at 9 PM EST we pray for one minute for our country and the world for peace, it would not be a bad idea for everyone to do that. love and light
Bashar is awesome <3
True Dimas -there are alota fake or misguided channellings; but for me Bashar Resonates (so far so good) aha!