A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. Joe Biden announced his refusal to seek a second term on July 21, 2024, at around 11:00 am in Washington D.C. Biden's horoscope is about to get a second transit of Neptune Trine Sun (with Neptune in retrograde motion). I noticed signs of cognitive decline with Biden's first transit of Neptune Trine Sun in late winter to early spring of 2024 (when Neptune Trine Sun was strong). I have also noticed strong connection of dementia with the 12th House and Neptune placement per natal charts (and with transits of Neptune) applying to the horoscope, and these cases seem to be increasing in numbers with Neptune entering the ruling sign of Pisces (and Neptune and Pisces rule the 12th House). An astrology research project on the horoscopes of Sandra Day O'Connor and Rosalynn Carter was done a few months ago, and this hypothesis of Neptune and the 12th House demonstrated strongly the connection of Neptune and the 12th House with dementia (as both women had advanced stages of dementia at the time of their death, and both women also had major transits of Neptune going on with their horoscopes at the time of their death). Thus, there is strong probability of dementia (or advanced stages of dementia [and possible Alzeimers or Parkinsons]) currently going on with Joe Biden based on visible traits seen, recent horoscope transits of Neptune, and natal placements in the 12th House (which include the Sun). Let's look at Joe Biden's chart below:
Now let's look at the day Biden announced he is dropping out of the 2024 race.
Below is the same chart above, but with my notes included. Trines (or any aspects for that matter) involving natal Neptune or transiting Neptune are not necessarily "harmonious" (and especially if involving the Sun natal placement. I broke out with severe psoriasis and a variety of health issues during a Neptune => Sun transit to my own chart).
Biden's reputation and legacy was (in my opinion) "exposed and burned in place" during the recent Full Moon of July 2024. Behind the scenes, arguments and "catfights" about Biden's public standing and job performance (especially with his family present) probably took place in D.C. during the Full Moon weekend in July of 2024 (and such conflict [if it happened] was not [and would not] be covered by the mainstream media because everyone in the U.S.A. knows which side of the political spectrum the mainstream media currently supports and cuddles to per elections in 2024). It was a indeed "a day of disappointment and deception" for Biden's secretive clique of friends and supporters. Nevertheless, it may have actually been a very smart move for Biden to do this at this time with his signs and symptoms of dementia; fall of 2024 looks very bad for Biden's health if dementia is indeed the current health dilemma of Joe Biden.
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,