OCTOBER 2024 BASIC ASTROLOGY ANALYSIS .. Transits to the horoscope of President Trump. Current theme of

A basic conclusion of the analyzed transits to President Trump's horoscope (for late September 2024 through mid-October of 2024) is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The July 13, 2024 photo above is from usatoday.com. At the time of that event, the transit of Uranus Square Mars ("accident; injury; exciting action") was within one degree (or 60' minutes) of equality. The transit of Neptune Quincunx Ascendant ("deceptive tension in the environment") was within 07' minutes of equality. The bullet trail circled above and to the right of Trump's head suggests that if this assassination attempt was a staged event (as one journalist at MSNBC had claimed it to be), then President Trump must be given an academy award for Hollywood performance stunts involving live fired projectiles. Another interesting idea (if this was indeed a Hollywood-style stunt) is that President Trump must be given a job as a Hollywood stuntman for any future Bond film for willing to flirt with this type of danger. This actually makes sense; Trump may just be perfect for a Bond-character stuntman in a "Bond-villian confrontation scene." This is also providing that Trump dyes his hair black and loses A LOT of weight (and also gets rid of that bronze-tone makeup). He may just look like James Bond somehow.  OKAY, ENOUGH .. Per horoscope analysis, a lot has changed with the horoscope of President Trump since the assassination attempt on July 13, 2024. Trump is about to get the super lucky transit of Jupiter Opposition Moon from September 30, 2024 through October 1, 2024. This defines "good luck with the public," as well as "happiness with the family." BUT THE JULY 2024 TRANSIT OF URANUS SQUARE MARS RETURNS (via retrograde of Uranus) IN OCTOBER OF 2024. This exact Uranus Square Mars transit is displayed below for October 5, 2024 (with transiting Uranus in the 10th House and natal Mars in the 12th House):


And below is the same chart above, but with my notes. Another July 13, 2024 "secret military-style" ambush assassination attempt (with firearms or explosives) is possible, but this would be like telling the same joke twice. President Trump now has protective glass surrounding him at speeches and he now has some U.S. Secret Service people who know that a rifle muzzle sticking out of a shrubbery is not a Monty Python joke. Also note that natal Uranus in the 10th House is prominent in horoscopes of fighter pilots and people with interests in aviation, and thus an aviation accident or planned air incident (especially concerning "surface-to-air" or "air travel") is also possible with this "accident" transit. Otherwise, President Trump may expect more exciting action or exciting activity similar to the 2024 Republican convention that took place right after the July 13th shooting.  

12963168664?profile=RESIZE_710xThe second transit that looks troubling is North Node Opposition Neptune. This transit takes place on October 10, 2024. Because of much astrology debate concerning the actual position of the Nodal Plane, it is overall fair to say that this transit will be very strong for Trump during the first two weeks of October 2024 . This transit (along with the transit of South Node Conjunction Neptune) defines a crossover of the transiting Nodal Plane applying to Trump's natal Neptune on his horoscope. The transiting North Node is in the 8th House, and natal Neptune is in the 2nd House. This chart is presented below.12963200086?profile=RESIZE_710xBelow is the same chart above, but with my notes.12963230868?profile=RESIZE_710xI have noticed health issues and important connections/separations with others to be prominent with both crossovers and T-square formations involving the transiting Nodal Plane (and applying to natal horoscope points). This is troubling; Neptune rules drugs and poisons (as well as deception and disappointment). Prisons and institutions of health service are also prominent with Neptune, as well as service industries. I am aware of the sophisticated strategies that President Trump uses to avoid getting poisoned by others, but Mr. President (if you are reading this), please eat healthy if possible. I am convinced this fast food that is advertised on CNN and MSNBC (followed by advertisements from pharmaceutical giants) is possibly a type of slow-kill bioweapon (along with some pharmaceuticals) that is designed to keep medical-surgical hospitals full and their staff overworked (and also keep personnel at Medicare busy). Also noteworthy with this North Node Opposition Neptune transit is a possible connection with (or a separation from) someone or some people in one's "inner circle" due to betrayal. The second shooter of Trump waited 12 hours in golf course shrubbery prior to Trump arriving and playing golf near this snipers nest of this shooter, and thus the shooter obviously got advanced information from someone regarding Trump's schedule.


President Trump's public victory lap of September 2024 may hit major speed bumps in October of 2024. There is a real probability of another assassination attempt similar to July 13, 2024 taking place during October of 2024. There are various possibilities for defining the two types of astrology events I analyzed and discussed in this report. Some of these possibilities include firearms or explosives (natal Mars in the 12th) as well as aviation incidents (transiting Uranus in the 10th). Another threat is poisoning; connections (transiting N. Node) with poisons (natal Neptune) are a real possibility (and may be either intentional or non-intentional). Also possible is medical service needed due to the types of poisons President Trump may be ingesting (which includes fast food). Trump is noted for eating the same foods that many of my medical-surgical clients ingest (or is brought in by family). If President Trump is not careful with his lifestyle, he may find himself becoming an inpatient or needing to get important (and interrupting) medical advice due to his unhealthy lifestyle during October 2024. I don't know if Trump buys this so-called food from a certain very major pizza home-delivery franchise establishment, but this noted pizza delivery franchise establisment reportedly places fluoride (a.k.a. poison) in the flour they use to keep mice and roaches away. Fluoride is also the active ingredient in the drug Prozac (which was the antidepressant Robin Williams was taking before he killed himself). Finally, note that there is also a real probability of a secret traitor (or traitors) within Trump's inner circle (per transit of North Node Opposition Neptune transit). Trump may have to realize that due to his enemy knowing his movements, he may be required to replace many of his long-term staff (especially if they have direct connections with the government that he seeks to renovate and overhaul). As depicted in a public Central Park play many years ago, Brutus was also an honorable man (as was Benedict Arnold). Government simply attracts the wrong kind of people.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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