BASIC ASTROLOGY FORENSIC ANALYSIS: a look at five mass shootings during the Venus Retrograde phase of

Above photo from A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Venus Retrogrades take place every 18 months, and last about 40 days. There are two phases of this Venus retrograde: the first phase is the "evening star" phase (also known as "the twin brother [Xoliti] of Quetzalcoatl with the spear down") and then followed later by the "morning star" phase (which is known as "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up" [and also called "Lucifer Rising"]). This morning star phase of Venus Retrograde was a time-frame feared by the ancient Maya. This is because the ancient Maya believed that anyone (including clergy and royalty) could get violently killed due to "bad gods" becoming stronger than "good gods" during this morning star phase of "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up." Bloody human sacrifices for the rising morning star was practiced by Mayan priests and Mayan royalty as a means for strengthening "the good gods" during this phase (and possibly avoiding their own death by unexpected violent means). Mayan priests reportedly grew their fingernails long for this "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up" phase so that blood of a sacrificial victim (usually a young woman) could be collected on their fingernails and then flicked at the morning star (Venus) rising in the sky (and usually right before sunrise). Below is a drawing and a stone carving of this Mayan blood sacrifice:

BBC - Culture - The Templo Mayor: A place for human sacrifices

Human Sacrifice, El Tajin (Illustration) - World History Encyclopedia

This violent blood sacrifice ritual does not take place anymore in Mesoamerica. Nevertheless, violent energies associated with this Venus Retrograde phase known as "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up" may still be present during this Venus Retrograde phase. From a basic astrology perspective, we will look at three mass murder events that featured this Venus phase while rising above the eastern horizon point (or Ascendant) and two mass murder events that did not feature this Venus phase rising over the Ascendant. Let's start with Waco:


It has been strongly pushed by alternative media sources that hired armed mercenaries (possibly of U.S. military origin) surrounded the Waco compound and wouldn't let anyone escape the burning buildings via use of accurate and high-powered rifles. This may fit the definition of the "star" of Vertex in conjunction with the Ascendant ("the environment"). Below are what my notes say about Vertex:


Andromeda Galaxy

Merciless,  uncaring, dispenser of punishment; mercenary; hideous death when afflicted by Mars; blindness; weakness

27° Ari 51

28° Ari 03


Mars/ Moon

M31 Andromeda
spiral nebula Mg.3.4

Now let's look at a mass murder shooting that took place in Pittsburgh, PA at a synagogue. This event fell under a time-frame in which yours truly accurately predicted (in front of several people) that a mass shooting may take place during this time-frame due to this morning star phase of Venus:


Below are what my notes say about Toliman. As noted, Robert Kennedy Sr. did have this "star" in conjunction with his natal Sun position. Also note that Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer also have Toliman in conjunction with their natal Sun positions as well. Finally (and very interestingly), note that both Benjamin Netanyahu and John Wayne Gacy both have Toliman in conjunction with their Ascendant positions on their horoscopes.

Alpha Centauri

Occult and philosophical learning, self analysis, honours; beneficence, friends, refinement; high position; stubborn, cruel; stormy or spoiled relationships with women. Need for freedom from means of control. Potential for attraction of violent tendencies or society conflicts. Sometimes known as Bungula, or Rigel Kentaurus

29° Sco 36

29° Sco 56


Venus/ Jupiter

α (Alpha) Centauri
G2 (yellowish) Mg. –0.27 var.

This next event also had Toliman in conjunction with the Ascendant, and the event took place eleven days after the Pittsburgh shooting. The "star" of Vertex (previously discussed with the Waco siege) also pops up with a conjunction to Uranus (as Uranus retrogrades out of Taurus and back into the sign of Aries). Venus is again in the classic "Lucifer Rising" placement similar to the previous two events.


Now onto two events in which Venus is not in the classic "Lucifer Rising" placement rising over the eastern horizon. We will start with the Willowbrook Shooting.


The notes for the stars of Hyades and Sirius are below:

Hyades *
Prima Hyadum

Scandal, violence, disgrace, imprisonment; bringer of rain. Weapons of the Gods. A nebulous cluster of 7 stars in the face of the Bull

5° Gem 45

5° Gem 53


Saturn/ Mercury
Group of 7 stars in face of Bull

γ (Gamma) Tauri
G9 (yellow) Mg.3.9

Sirius *
the Dog Star;
the Sun of the Sun; the prime Sun of our Galaxy

Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, strong influence on others, danger through impetuosity. Unfortunate events for the public at large. Sirius was worshipped in many cultures; its heliacal rising signalled the peak of summer, the annual flooding of the Nile and the beginning of the ancient Egyptian calendar.

14° Can 05

14° Can 13


Jupiter/ Mars

α (Alpha) Canis Majoris
A1 (bluish white) Mg. –1.43 var.

Note that the Willowbrook Ascendant above had no important stars near it and also had little effect relative to the position of Venus. Now onto another event which featured no collaboration of Venus with the Ascendant, and this event was the Big Spring shooting in Birmingham, AL. This shooting featured Venus completing the morning star phase (or ending the morning star retrograde phase, and about to go forward in motion). Venus was not anywhere near the Ascendant. This Big Spring shooting event featured Mars near the Descendant (known as "the area of open enemies"); this event was reportedly started by a road rage incident (and Mars rules both cars and firearms. This was not a good time for both of these Mars ruling areas to be in "the area of open enemies" at that time).

13519568669?profile=RESIZE_710xMercury was retrograde during this shooting. Mercury rules children, and four children were wounded with this event. Mercury was also in conjunction with the star of Sharatan. Below are what my notes say about Sharatan:


Violence, defeat, accidents, injury, danger, honours

3° Tau 49

4° Tau 10


Mars/ Saturn

β (Beta) Arietis
A5 (white) Mg.2.7



Law enforcement must be wary of the strong potential for mass shooting violence events during the morning star phase of the Venus Retrograde time period (which is 03/22/25 - 04/12/25). This is especially true now due to the very heated political confrontations and debates taking place in Washington D.C. (as well as in many U.S. states and municipalties due to the policies of the newly elected administration in Washington D.C.) The addition of Mercury Retrograde (which ends 04/07/25) does not help with the current situation; I have noticed MANY PEOPLE undergoing treatment and care in health care systems who really "lose it" during Mercury Retrogrades (and especially if any psychiatric illness conditions are present). Please be wary of this important observation and plan and prepare accordingly.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


21st Century Astrology Consulting LLC

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  • FOR THE CURIOUS IN REGARDS TO THE WACO SIEGE (and I am promoting information, not FEAR). Check out this video in which it is demonstrated that the Clinton-era FBI blatantly LIED to the public about the Waco siege. Click
  • REVEREND JOSHUA: I teach an ancient craft that helps minimize possibilities of conflict and confusion (and it may also help those of us who have to deal with the public). I DO NOT PROMOTE FEAR. Many on this website teach the dangers of vaccines, the New World Order, and processed foods (and I have yet to see you go on their web sites and accuse them of promoting fear). Also note that people like Manson and Disney also promoted "love," as well as Yogananda, Prabhupada, and Jesus of Nazareth. Thus, LOVE can be a nebulous concept. Love is indeed a many splendid thing, and warning the public (or students of astrology) about potential public hazards (based on astrology) is another way of saying "I care," which is a foundation of love. All you need is love (and caring for others), and it can be promoted in ways other than the traditional Pisces Age ways that you seem to promote on this site. Caring for others safety is love.
  • Why do you continue to promote Fear in your blogs? God knows you can do better than this, Fear mongering that you are doing here.Do you wont to be responsible for soul's lost because they could not Ascend ,FEAR like the ones you produce keep them from ascending. Instead of promoting killing and death, use your skills to present a positive side of Astrology. You and many others will then be able to ascend and that's what this Event is all about , join us in promoting LOVE instead of Fear !.
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Malcolm commented on Malcolm's blog post BASIC ASTROLOGY FORENSIC ANALYSIS: a look at five mass shootings during the Venus Retrograde phase of "Lucifer Rising" (or "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up"). Time-frame: Mar. 22, 2025 - Apr. 12, 2025.
"FOR THE CURIOUS IN REGARDS TO THE WACO SIEGE (and I am promoting information, not FEAR). Check out this video in which it is demonstrated that the Clinton-era FBI blatantly LIED to the public about the Waco siege. Click…"
5 hours ago
Malcolm commented on Malcolm's blog post BASIC ASTROLOGY FORENSIC ANALYSIS: a look at five mass shootings during the Venus Retrograde phase of "Lucifer Rising" (or "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up"). Time-frame: Mar. 22, 2025 - Apr. 12, 2025.
"REVEREND JOSHUA: I teach an ancient craft that helps minimize possibilities of conflict and confusion (and it may also help those of us who have to deal with the public). I DO NOT PROMOTE FEAR. Many on this website teach the dangers of vaccines, the…"
5 hours ago
rev.joshua skirvin commented on Malcolm's blog post BASIC ASTROLOGY FORENSIC ANALYSIS: a look at five mass shootings during the Venus Retrograde phase of "Lucifer Rising" (or "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up"). Time-frame: Mar. 22, 2025 - Apr. 12, 2025.
"Why do you continue to promote Fear in your blogs? God knows you can do better than this, Fear mongering that you are doing here.Do you wont to be responsible for soul's lost because they could not Ascend ,FEAR like the ones you produce keep them…"
8 hours ago