BASIC ASTROLOGY: The Three Kennedy Brothers And Three Famous Feuds That Each Brother Had .. JFK vs. LBJ, RFK vs. Hoffa, and Ted vs. Nixon.

The three Kennedy brothers (JFK ["Jack'], RFK ["Bobby,"] and Ted ["Teddy"]) all had horoscopes suggesting U.S. government service and/or connections in the United States government. But then so did Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Hoffa, and Richard Nixon. This report will look at three famous feuds involving the Kennedy brothers. First, lets start with JFK versus LBJ.

JFK Versus LBJ


Highlighted in yellow above is the position of the July 4, 1776 natal Sun position. Both Kennedy and Johnson had key star of Sirius positions connected with the natal U.S.A. Sun position and their own natal horoscopes. Drawn in red above is JFK's North Node and LBJ'S Uranus; both are in Opposition aspect with the star of Sirius. Johnson's Uranus ("friends, associates, innovation, television") may represent the freemason friends and associates in Texas that he was connected with. This is because the star of Sirius is considered by some freemason lodges (especially in southern parts of the U.S.A.) to be the most important star to observe in terms of use for rituals and ceremonies. Kennedy's North Node Opposition Sirius may represent JFK's connections to famous people and his connections with people in power (since fame, power, and leadership [and disaster] are associated with the star of Sirius). Below is what my notes say about Sirius:

Sirius *
the Dog Star
the Sun of the Sun
the prime Sun of our Galaxy

Behenian Star

Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth; fires, drought, and danger through impetuosity or selfishness. Sirius was worshipped in many cultures; its heliacal rising signalled the peak of summer, the annual flooding of the Nile and the beginning of the ancient Egyptian calendar.

14° Can 05

14° Can 13


Jupiter/ Mars

α (Alpha) Canis Majoris
A1 (bluish white) Mg. –1.43 var.

Yes, it is true that both JFK and LBJ didn't like each other. LBJ hated the snottiness of "the Irish mafia," and JFK hated (but was also amazed with) the Texas election corruption of Johnson and his non-Catholic associates. And both JFK and LBJ have a strong connection with the natal Sun position of the horoscope of the U.S.A. AND with the star of Sirius  (and astrologers take note: the A.F.A. U.S.A. chart has a star of Sirius at 10 degrees Cancer 59 minutes. This is an important degree station since freemason Ben Franklin [who was head of the Philadelphia Freemason Lodge at that time] may have been responsible for this natal A.F.A. U.S.A. Sun position of 12 degrees Cancer 45 minutes. This is because the A.F.A. U.S.A. Sun position was barely within two degrees of Conjunction with the star of Sirius at that time, and Freemason Benjamin Franklin may have wanted the Sun position to be as close to the star of Sirius as possible [and this favors an early AM hours time, as opposed to a time after sunrise when the Sun would be more than 2 degrees away from the Sirius placement]). But take note of the Squares (drawn in light and dark blue) between LBJ's Ascendant and LBJ's Sun position with JFK's Sun position in the 8th House. JFK has a Royal Star of Persia ("Watcher of the East" [a.k.a. "Archangel Michael"]) near his Sun, and  LBJ has both Alula Boreale and Alula Australe ("The Hind Foot of The Bear" [a.k.a. "teflon coating"]) near his Ascendant. This is a serious political challenge due to the inclusion of Personal Points of both JFK and LBJ in this Square formation between these stars described. Below are what my notes say about these stars; Alula Boreale and Alula Australe are different in terms of one being more fortunate than the other.

Aldebaran *
Bull's South Eye
Behenian Star

A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, fame, integrity, popularity. Courage, war mongering, agitation; danger, loss, violent death.

9° Gem 47

9° Gem 55

Some call it "fortunate", but any honours carry immense risk & responsibility

Brightest star of the Hyades

α (Alpha) Tauri
K5 (pale rose) Mg.0.85 var.

Alula Borealis

Hindmost foot of Ursa Major. As the northern Alula, it is more fortunate. Associated with female infidelity, luck, and  success in some areas of political or legal involvement, as well as possible victim or possible instigator of revenge. The Great Bear gives a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature, but an uneasy spirit; great anger when roused.

6° Vir 39

6° Vir 47


Mars/ Venus/ Saturn

Alula Australis

Hindmost foot of Ursa Major. The southern Alula, it is less fortunate. Associated with female infidelity, luck, and  success in some areas of political or legal involvement, as well as possible victim or possible instigator of revenge.The Great Bear gives a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature, but an uneasy spirit; great anger when roused.

7° Vir 21

7° Vir 29


Mars/ Venus/ Saturn

Circled in green above, Kennedy's Pluto position in the 9th House may have defined his concern and knowledge with banking laws (since Pluto rules banking and the 9th House rules areas of the law. Also note that JFK's father was a Wall Street invesment banker, and probably taught JFK a lot about how U.S. banking laws work). Jack Kennedy reportedly didn't trust the Federal Reserve, and he wanted the U.S. Dollar to be based on silver content described in the U.S. Coinage Act of 1792. This "slows down the printing presses" used to print dollars, and also prevents expansion of certain desired government payroll and activities. Lyndon Johnson's North Node position in his 10th House is also near this JFK 9th House Pluto placement, and this North Node Placement in the 10th House may represent Lyndon Johnson's connections (North Node) in government (10th House) from his help and work with the post-WWII expansion of the D.C. Industrial Complex that grew before Kennedy was president (and this was also the same time-frame when the dollar was the world's reserve currency, backed by both metal content and military capability). Please note that while in the U.S. Senate, Johnson served as the chairman of the Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee (1958-1960), chairman of the Preparedness Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee (1950-1960), and was a member of the Armed Services Committee (1949-1960). Johnson played a key role with the expansion of the military component within the Post-WWII D.C. Industrial Complex, and this was the same Military Industrial Complex that retiring President Eisenhower was warning us about. These D.C. activities of Johnson were in conflict with Kennedy's concept of government; Kennedy didn't like the expansion of certain areas of government and even advocated tax cuts to stimulate business (in addition to defining the dollar in terms of silver content). JFK's philosophy of limiting certain government powers horrified certain elements of the Democratic party in D.C.; this was especially true regarding those in D.C. who had no intention of ever leaving Washington D.C. But take note: D.C. newcomer JFK learned quick how well activities involving blackmail worked in D.C., especially with post-WWII arrivals of organized crime elements in D.C. These elements were well-known in Washington D.C. due to the mafia compromising F.B.I. chief J. Edgar Hoover via his private affairs. Hoover was reportedly amazed with this use of blackmail by those Catholics involved in gambling and expensive horizontal refreshment. In fact, he was so amazed that he created an F.B.I. that were masters of tape recorders and listening devices, and the F.B.I. would join in with tactics used by organized crime and employ this mafia-inspired blackmail operation in Washington D.C. Favorite targets for this eavesdropping activity were telephones and bedrooms that were used by the President and other elected officials; these sites would feature listening device placements ("bugs") placed for recording purposes. This type of eavesdropping operations (a.k.a. "ops") would later help with securing certain defense contracts from brand new "Johnny-Come-Lately" defense contractors located in Fort Worth, Texas (which happens to be next to Dallas, Texas). Below is what my notes say about the star of Propus, which is in Conjunction with JFK's 9th House Pluto position ("transformation involving law or philosophy") and in Conjunction with LBJ's 10th House North Node position ("government associates") . 

Propus *
Tejat Prior

Overconfidence, pride, naive, shamelessness, violence, eminence, manifest intelligence.

3° Can 26

3° Can 34


Mercury/ Saturn

η (Eta) Geminorum
M3 (red) Mg.3.3 var.

RFK Versus Jimmy Hoffa   


Similar to JFK and LBJ, RFK has a natal Sun position that forms a Square with Hoffa's natal Ascendant and natal Sun position (AND his Mercury AND his Black Moon Lilith). Robert Kennedy's Sun Conjunction "star" of Toliman (Alpha Centauri) is also in a Square with this Hoffa Ascendant and the star of Gianah (which also happens to be within the same degree as the U.S.A. Midheaven placement). But note that Robert Kennedy's Pluto placement is within 2 degrees of the star of Sirius (at 13 degrees Cancer 03 minutes) AND the natal U.S.A. Sun placement (at 12 degrees Cancer 45 minutes). While Hoffa was no Freemason, RFK had a strong connection with the U.S. government (and please see the definition of Sirius per the previous recent writing of JFK vs. LBJ). Below are what my notes say about Toliman and Gianah:

Alpha Centauri

Occult, legal, and philosophical learnings; self analysis, honours; beneficence, friends, refinement; high position; stubborn, cruel; stormy or spoiled relationships with women; need for freedom from established norms. Sometimes known as Bungula, or Rigel Kentaurus

29° Sco 36

29° Sco 44


Venus/ Jupiter

α (Alpha) Centauri
G2 (yellowish) Mg. –0.27 var.

Epsilon Cygni

Soar to great heights, potential of sudden downfall; "the Swan's Wing."

27° Aqu 45

27° Aqu 53


Venus/ Mercury

ε (Epsilon) Cygni
K0 (yellow-orange) Mg.2.46

Robert Kennedy reported that when he met Jimmy Hoffa he immediately didn't like him. Hoffa was scoring points in the Democratic Party supported labor union movement (a "social cause") via use of organized crime (and was also pocketing some of the money raised in this labor union process that involved interstate transportation). Was this another tale of Italian mafia verus Irish mafia? Maybe. But having Black Moon Lilith on a Personal Point (i.e. Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Nodal Plane, and Aries Point) or a key midpoint is something to watch for. A Black Moon Lilith placement on a Personal Point or a key midpoint appears to be prominent in horoscopes of people involved in secret activities, organized crime, and black arts (and note that Al Capone has Sun Opposition Black Moon Lilith ["attention on organized crime"], Allen Dulles had Black Moon Lilith Conjunction Mc ["reputation or legacy to involve secret activities"], and Aleister Crowley has Black Moon Lilith near an exact midpoint [within 10 minutes of being exact] of his natal Venus/Mars midpoint ["sexual or physical activity"]. Did somebody say "sex magick?" ) But note that Black Moon Lilith also rules charity work. Mother Teresa had a natal Moon Opposition Black Moon Lilith placement on the natal Nodal Plane, and Audrey Hepburn had a near exact (again within 10 minutes) aspect of Sun Sesquiquadrate Black Moon Lilith. Interestingly, comedian Jerry Lewis has a Conjunction of Black Moon Lilith with a natal Neptune Conjunction Part of Fortune placement in his 2nd House (and his annual Muscular Dystrophy telethon was a well-known and  "glamorous" vehicle that raised money for medical charity). Unfortunately, some people believe that sometimes the best charity to give to is to oneself, and this may have been the case with the Black Moon Lilith placements of Al Capone and Jimmy Hoffa. And Robert Kennedy saw this activity of Hoffa, and thus became engaged with the conflict types of energies that are sometimes seen with the Square aspect. Note that Hoffa's Moon Conjunction Saturn placement ("government employees") is within 1 minute of being exact and in Conjunction with the Pleiades cluster (and in Conjunction with the Part of Fortune). These combinations with Moon Conjunction Saturn are also forming a Square with Hoffa's Ascendant AND an Opposition with RFK's natal Sun position. But the real problem for Hoffa's natal horoscope may concern the Pleiades cluster near the natal placements of the Moon, Saturn, and Part of Fortune. Here is what my notes say about the Pleiades Cluster from an astrology perspective:

The Seven Sisters
Behenian Star

Accidents, blindness, and involvement with violence. Homosexuality, feminine sexual power, or sexual identity issues; unusual arts, films, and crafts;  involvement with social causes.

29° Tau 58

0° Gem 06


Group of 7 stars in shoulder of Bull (refer Alcyone as center star)

M45 Pleiades Cluster
B (blue) Mg.1.6

With Black Moon Lilith Conjunction Ascendant, the symbolism of "organized crime and charity activities (to include himself) in the environment" represents an important activity with Jimmy Hoffa and his rise to power within blue collar areas of the  Democratic Party. Robert Kennedy's natal Sun position is the "fly in the ointment" for this "organized crime and charity" activity, and the symbolism of "government employees" represented by Moon Conjunction Saturn placement forming a Square with Hoffa's Ascendant may have added another conflict with Hoffa's secret activities in his environment. Finally, with the star of Toliman near RFK's natal Sun position, Robert Kennedy was very public about really letting Hoffa AND the media know of the legal and philosophical conflict he had with these secret activities (Black Moon Lilith) going on in the environment (Ascendant) of Jimmy Hoffa.

Ted versus Richard Nixon 


Highlighted in yellow above, the natal U.S.A. Midheaven (Mc) placement comes into play again. Ted has Mars near this U.S.A. Mc placement; Nixon has Black Moon Lilith near this U.S.A. MC placement. Teddy is a "fighter for ideas" (represented by Mars in Aquarius), and Nixon's Black Moon Lilith reveals he is a secret part of the  Post-WWII D.C. Industrial Complex (just like Lyndon Johnson). Similar to Johnson, Nixon was also aware of the secret organizations using dirty tricks in D.C. that expanded government (and also knew how to employ such organizations who conduct such dirty tricks). With Black Moon Lilith near the U.S.A. Mc placement, President Nixon was close to D.C.-based "secretive activities" and also close with the very secretive D.C.Industrial Complex connections who had "connections with organized crime" (and in ways that nobody [including the Kennedy brothers] could even imagine). The double star of Alula Boreale and Alula Australis (or Australe) in Conjunction with Ted's natal Moon Conjunction Neptune in the 8th House can offer protection for secret activities involving cocktails and women. BUT HERE'S WHY ROYAL STARS OF PERSIA NEED TO BE MONITORED. It must be noted that incredible responsibility and integrity is demanded when one is born with the natal Sun in Conjunction with any of the Four Royal Stars of Persia. Brother JFK found this out the hard way with his Sun Conjunction Aldebaran, as did John Bonham of Led Zeppelin (who also had Sun Conjunction Aldebaran). Below is what my notes say about the star of Fomalhaut and the star of Skat in Conjunction with Nixon's Chiron placement. Note that Nixon's Chiron is in Chiron's natural ruling 6th House. This gives Nixon a natural ruling Chiron placement; I have noticed that people born with natural ruling Chiron in the 6th House may have key interests or knowledge that concern extraterrestrials, espionage work, healing, or nutrition. And according to rumor, Nixon reportedly didn't want to meet any extraterrestrials because he stated that they can read your thoughts (which would strike terror in any profitable poker player).    

Fomalhaut       The Mouth of the Fish

A Royal Star. Archangel Gabriel, the Watcher of the South. Great & lasting honours; congenital birth defects, magic and ceremonial magic interests, fame, occult knowledge, faith, "Star of Alchemy", drug addiction, undesirable associates

3° Pis 52

4° Pis 00


Venus/ Mercury

α (Alpha) Piscis Austrini
A2 (white) Mg.1.16

Skat The Right Leg of The Water Bearer

Good fortune, personal charm, and lasting happiness; psychic interests, sensitivity, occult and interests of a secretive nature; many friends.

8° Pis 52

9° Pis 00


Saturn/ Jupiter

δ (Delta) Aquarii
A2 (white) Mg.3.5

Ted liked alcohol (ruled by Neptune) and was fond of young women (ruled by the Moon). As mentioned, Alula Boreale and Alula Australis are in Conjunction with this Moon Conjunction Neptune placement, and this Conjunction complex may have worked out well for a while with cocktail parties and secret sexual adventures (which is ruled by the 8th House). But the 8th House also rules espionage activities and death in addition to secret sexual activities.  And alcohol (ruled by deceptive Neptune) is sometimes used as a vector by espionage people as a way to place people in a compromising position. This is especially true if such people require a sober state of mind at certain important times, such as driving on a narrow bridge (with no guard rails) about 8-10 minutes away from a party serving cocktails. The natal composite symbols of possible use of espionage personnel by Nixon appears to be well-symbolized with Nixon's natal Chiron placement (which can rule "intelligence agencies; espionage work or activities") in Opposition aspect with Ted's natal Moon Conjunction Neptune placement ("women and alcohol/drugs"). Below is a transiting composite chart of the event with Ted Kennedy's horoscope that seeks to analyze if it is fair to say that espionage employees played a role with the Chappaquiddick incident (that took place sometime between 11:15 pm on July 18, 1969 [when Ted Kennedy reportedly left a party on Chappaquiddick Island] and 12:00 am on June 19, 1969). The story goes that Senator Kennedy negligently drove his car off a narrow bridge and causing it to overturn in a 6-7 foot tidal pond. This resulted in the drowning death of his 28-year-old passenger Mary Jo Kopechne, who was trapped inside the vehicle. Below is the composite chart of this event relative to Ted Kennedy's chart:


Highlighted in yellow above, transiting Black Moon Lilith is in Conjunction with the natal Descendant of Ted Kennedy. Astrologer Robert Hand described this Descendant area as "the area of open enemies," and Black Moon Lilith ("secret activities, organized crime") is within 10 minutes of being exact with the Descendant. Highlighted in orange above, Ted Kennedy's Moon Conjunction Neptune ("women and alcohol") natal placement gets a transiting T-Square formation with a transiting Mercury ("local travel") and a transiting Mars Conjunction Mc ("an event involving cars, sports, or physical action"). Note that because the Mc moves about 1 degree every 4 minutes, this transiting midpoint/Conjunction of Mars and the Mc (at 05 degrees Sagittarius 42 minutes) would feature a Mars/Mc midpoint forming a perfect red hot transiting T-Square (with transiting Mercury) to Ted's natal Moon Conjunction Neptune placement about 8-10 minutes after Kennedy left the party with Mary Jo Kopechne. Transiting Chiron (highlighted in orange) forms a Quincunx to Kennedy's natal Moon Conjunction Neptune placement as well. Chiron does rule "intelligence agencies and espionage work," and since  two astrology transits involving espionage work (Black Moon Lilith and Chiron) affect two different Personal Points (which are the Ascendant and the Moon), there is a strong possibility that this explains how Tricky Dick got his name in more ways than one (and with a little help from his friends in D.C.) Note that whenever Nixon was asked (after 1972) who would be the next U.S. President he always said "Ted Kennedy."  And he would say this with a grin on his face. Finally, highlighted in pink above is the Neptune Square Mars transit going on (within two degrees of being exact). And with a Mars Square Neptune transit 1-2 days away, this weak Neptune Square Mars transit may indicate that having the inverse transit of Mars Square Neptune going on at the same time may define a dangerous time to be driving a car with any alcohol or drug intoxication going on. This is because Mars rules cars and Neptune rules alcohol and drugs. And Squares rule conflicts and issues.



The three Kennedy Brothers may have all been victims of organized crime factions of the Post-WWII D.C. Industrial Complex that still flourishes today (and you will be labeled as a terrorist by this same D.C. Industrial Complex today if you ever question the reason for their existence or how they got to reside in D.C.) One problem with government is that it is known to attract the wrong kind of people, and this is especially true if these individuals who are new to government service share the same philosophy of Willie Sutton ("I rob banks because that is where the money is") and also follow the same concept as Frank Zappa ("We're Only In It For The Money" [1967]). I don't know if the inclusion of Robert Kennedy Jr. in the 2024 U.S. Presidential race will help to address this problem in government, but we know one thing: RFK Jr. hasn't lived in Washington D.C. for longer than twenty years. This is unlike some elected members of the Democratic party AND the Republican Party who seem to never leave D.C. (and also don't want to leave D.C.) 

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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