BASIC MUNDANE ASTROLOGY & THE JACKSONVILLE SHOOTING..The Return Of Quetzalcoatl With The Spear Up. Yours truly predicted a possible mass shooting for 08/14/23 - 09/04/23 on this website (07/26/23).

The astrology analysis for the Jacksonville Shooting follows this paragraph. From a July 26, 2023 blog on this website (Ashtar Command Crew) about "Quetzalcoatl With The Spear Up" ==> "But overall, watch  August 14, 2023 to September 4, 2023 for any posible signs of mass catastrophes involving guns and gun fighting. And pray that it doesn't happen" AND "Mercury will be Retrograde from August 24, 2023 to September 15, 2023, and I have watched a lot of psychiatric patients (or people having bad times in their life) really lose it and break down during Mercury Retrogrades." The actual article from July 26, 2023 may be found by clicking here

The recent shooting in Jacksonville, Florida took place on August 26, 2023, close to 1:30 pm (per local news of Jacksonville, Florida). The shooter (who killed himself after killing three people) had Nazi symbols on his weapons, wore a tactical vest, and reportedly hated black people. And he committed suicide with weapons having Nazi symbols on them, as if he had to let everyone know that he will not let the Fuhrer down with the call for racial hygeine .. This shooting was a really good way to prove one is a Nazi par none!  From my perspective, the Jacksonville shooter could be one of three categories: (a) someone not in a good state of health from a psychology perspective due to experiences concerning bigotry in younger years (similar to Mark Essex, the black man known as the New Orleans sniper [12/31/72] who reportedly had issues with white people and decided to solve it by shooting white people) or (b) someone who may be weaning off from psychiatric medications (or requiring such meds, depending on mental health status) and finally (c) another MKULTRA or similar government funded experiment in which selected individuals (who are usually from psychiatric hospitals, isolated military commands, or institutions of higher learning) undergo mind-control techniques in which these selected individuals are covertly manipulated (usually with the help of drugs and hypnosis techniques) in a manner that allows these selected individuals to commit violence and murder during certain triggering events or crisis (i.e. Charles Manson, LSD, and a bunch of young hippies who had issues with their parents). For those who didn't go to the link and read the entire article, below is a key portion of my write-up from July 26, 2023 on this website (via blog) concerning a possible mass shooting taking place in the approximate three week time-frame of the "Quetzalcoatl With The Spear Up" portion (08/14/2023 - 09/04/2023) of the Venus Retrograde taking place in 2023:

August 14, 2023 - September 4, 2023

Alex Jones is predicting a major false-flag mass gun shooting in the U.S. in the latter half of 2023. This is especially true if former President Trump triumphs in the legal atmosphere (OR if the Biden family doesn't triumph in the same legal atmosphere). If one were to look at a possible time frame for such a shooting, August 14, 2023 to September 4, 2023 may be a time frame for this due to the bad reputation of "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up." Also note that  Mercury Conjunction Mars applying a Semi-Sextile aspect to Venus will be strong on August 14, 2023. Mercury will be Retrograde from August 24, 2023 to September 15, 2023, and I have watched a lot of psychiatric patients (or people having bad times in their life) really lose it and break down during Mercury Retrogrades. An exact Semi-Sextile between Mercury and Venus takes place September 7, 2023 during this Mercury Retrograde (with both Mercury and Venus in slow motion). But overall, watch  August 14, 2023 to September 4, 2023 for any posible signs of mass catastrophes involving guns and gun fighting. And pray that it doesn't happen.

Jacksonville: Aug. 26, 2023, 1:30 pm


Highlighted in yellow below, Venus is in Retrograde Phase and was rising ahead of the Sun at the time of the shooting. This is known as the "Quetzalcoatl With The Spear Up" phase of the Venus Retrograde. This portion of the Retrograde time-frame (ending Sept. 4th) is notorious for having mass killings take place during the approximate three week time-frame, especially with firearms. Written in black below, the classic Uranian Astrology interpretation for "a sad day" (Sun/Saturn) is within 6 minutes of being exact with the Mc (Midheaven); the Mc defines "the legacy of the event" or "how the event will be remembered." Note (in green below) the star of Alula Borealis culminating with the Mc. There is some aspect of revenge associated with this star, along with one being a victim of revenge (if placed strongly on one's chart). Finally, in pink below, the Neptune Trine Ascendant transit (within 1 degree from being exact) features the star of Unukalhai rising over the Ascendant (Asc). I have noticed that stars rising above the eastern horizon point (the Ascendant) that are a few degrees away from the eastern horizon point bear consideration, and this star is associated with "success followed by fall; suicide; and insanity." The Trine aspect ("harmonious energy") of Neptune applying to the Ascendant cannot always be deemed as harmonious in nature due to the deceptive and disappointing nature of Neptune. 



I can only hope that this doesn't happen again. As a nurse, I am seeing people in my environment with unstable grasps of reality (and possibly taking antidepressants) becoming angry very easily (and over stupid stuff) during this month of August 2023. Also note that these same angry people are usually of a liberal - Marxist - leftist persuasion (and with a Democratic party voting political identity) who like to watch CNN and MSNBC a lot (and maybe too much). Interesting note: it's true that a significant majority of mass shooters of the 21st century were Democratic Party voters (and yes, this is the same Democratic Party identity in the 20th century that was usually required for membership with the Ku Klux Klan). Thus, we may be witnessing an attempt to return to this same pre-MLK age of violence based on bigotry, and news coverage of such violence is spearheaded by the cable television media if such violence involves white people committing violence on black people (as opposed to black people committing violence on white people [known as black-on-white crime], which happens as well [and in greater numbers]). The past four years have BLATANTLY revealed that cable television media news sources do not have as many news reports of black-on-white shooting incidents compared to the number of news reports of white-on-black shooting incidents, even though the statistics reveal that black-on-white shooting incidents (and especially black-on-black shooting incidents, which lead the shooting categories per racial incidents) are in greater percentage per racial incident compared to white-on-black shooting incidents. This flies in the face of the logic of the U.S. Justice Department and the FBI, as both of these U.S. government agencies consider "white supremacy" (or white racism) to be the biggest problem in the United States today. This same inaccuracy concerning "white supremacy" has been stated by Joe Biden at a college graduation commencement speech in 2023. And yes, this is also the same Joe Biden who recently called the prime minister of Japan "president." Oh, what interesting times we live in.


Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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  • The fact that these libtard idiots are driven by occult forces (and yes, some are non-occult force$ driven) are ignoring the writing on the wall that is being read by EVERYONE indicates that these libtards will hurt themselves very bad in 2023 via their own actions and activities.

    Hope springs eternal

  • I feel that the main reason evil is getting exposed is the current limitations of necromancy and the black arts. We are watching evil get BLATANTLY exposed, and an exposure of one's practice of dark forces for one's advantage seems to be manifesting in the public eye (and didn't an angry Kenneth Anger once tell Jimmy Page "you are like a Full Moon, Jimmy" due to such public exposure of Page's involvement with secret activities [concerning the black arts]?) Necromancy and alchemy are limited this summer due to a retrograde Saturn forming a Conjunction with the Royal Persian Star of Fomalhaut ("star of alchemy; Archangel Gabriel; Watcher of the South"). The last time this Saturn Conjunction Star of Fomalhaut placement happened, Prince Charles became King Charles (which leads me to believe that there may be some sort of planned end of alchemy and secret black arts practices for the royal family [but don't bet the ranch on it]). Overall, these are not good times for those involved in black magick or secretive activities with bad and evil associates (and note that Fomalhaut can also represent "bad or evil associates." Johnny Cash had Mars Conjunction Fomalhaut ["activities with bad associates"] and Robert Plant has a natal Black Moon Lilith Conjunction Star of Fomalhaut [in the 4th House of "one's home"] and Plant may have lost a son due to his involvement with the black arts [which may or may not have resulted in his obtaining great fortune]). Thus, for this summer of 2023, it is best to be isolated from "bad associates" and not engage in secret activities of "alchemy and necromancy." The fact that these libtard idiots are driven by occult forces (and yes, some are non-occult force$ driven) are ignoring the writing on the wall that is being read by EVERYONE indicates that these libtards will hurt themselves very bad in 2023 via their own actions and activities.
  • there are disembodied evil spirits at work
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