Your life is a spectacular opportunity! There are so many gorgeous things to do! What are you waiting for?
So many souls are suffering from the sad symptoms of safety. They’re waiting for good things to happen so they can get on with enjoying their dreams. Unfortunately for them, life doesn’t work like that.
The concept of safety is defined by the presence of perceived risk. When you’re trying to be safe, you’re actually empowering your fears. Playing it safe isn’t sensible rather you’re waiting, as your anxiety rises inexorably, for the axe that will ultimately fall.
If you wait until everything’s just right before you leap into the presence of divine opportunity you’ll end up waiting for a timorous eternity. In fact you need to prance about playfully as though the party’s already started if you’re ever going dance at all.
I’m not suggesting you do stupidly suicidal things. You’ll obviously need to think clearly as you enact this joyous transformation. However it’s crucial to act upon the passion in your heart as the primary motivator if it’s a lovely life you’re to lead.
If you find that your fears are overwhelming your opportunities it’s smart to get your thinking out of your head. Write down the pros and cons and or find a wise friend to share your thinking with. This’ll help you exorcise your anxieties and thus clarify your true intention.
Better still spend time imagining yourself into the future you desire. As you increasingly enjoy your imaginative construction you’ll find that things fall miraculously into place.
Though you may be used to driving about in a safe, sensible, economical and dull four cylinder vehicle I’m suggesting you find a way to squeeze a big burley V8 under your bonnet. The bureaucrats may resist your inclinations as they tut their tongues in disapproval but do what you dream of anyway! It’s never too late to go V8.