Be true to yourself and others, always. Before you share your knowledge and wisdom, ask yourself if your being true to those you are reaching out to and to yourself. Your not doing anything good when you post something misleading, false, ect. your slowing yourself down and your spiritual growth.
And for those of you that don't know what "True" means ? Here's the top 5 dictionary answers to help you resolve that question.
1. being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false.
2. real; genuine; authentic.
3. sincere; not deceitful.
4. firm in allegiance; loyal; faithful; steadfast.
5. being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something.
Veruschka, I always love it when you reply to my posts.
There always filled with so much love and wisdom,
thank you for that beautiful one.