This is a bedtime story Nursery Crimes | Email this article Printer friendly page ![]() |
S333 - Nursery Crimes
Hello Dear Ones,
I want to tell you a bedtime story:
Once upon a time there were a bunch of Big Bad Boys and Girls, and they were very bad indeed.
They lied, and tortured, and raped, and killed, and stole everyone's money.
Then the Chief Dark Plums said ‘More, we must have more'!
And so even though the people were weary and poor, they lied, and tortured, and raped, and killed, and stole everyone's money, even more.
They found new ways to hurt people, new ways to relieve people of even more of their wealth.
And they started more wars; for they make lots more money with wars.
And they started charity appeals for the poor and the hungry; and stole most of that too.
Then the big Dark Plum Fairy said; Drugs, Guns, Gambling & Porn; and they all rubbed their hands and got busy, and brought it to your neighborhood.
But they kept the best for themselves, for in their temples they put the stolen children, and abused and sacrificed them; and they called it; The Big Secret. If any of them told anyone, they'd be tortured and killed.
Wait though, it gets better. In their big country, they built Concentration Camps, and big silver boxcars to fill them, and big coffins for afterwards. Afterwards? Yes, you know.
Then they dug deep, deep, holes in the ground, and turned them into cities and had ships and trains and trucks and cars down there, and at the deepest level, things so vile it's not nice to discuss in polite company.
And they blew up some office blocks in New York; well they were nearing the end of their useful life, and normal demolition methods were soooooooooo expensive, that was the cheapest option.
Then they sold mortgages to people who couldn't afford to pay for them; wasn't that a clever stunt? They got the commission, and then when the suckers couldn't pay, they were evicted.
But that was only the first part of the scam, because a full scale recession followed just as planned, and the Big Bad Boys and Girls picked up vast assets for less than 10 Cents on the Dollar.
And because the world financial system was in trouble and governments had to borrow even more vast sums of money, all the ordinary people had to pay them even more money, with all the new taxes.
And then, I've left the best bit until last.
God came along; and He huffed, and He puffed; and he blew their house down.
And that was the end of the Big Bad Boys & Girls
This is a message from David S333 of the Spiritual Hierarchy received and transcribed by Vince.
Candace: Must be "curtain call" time Dear Dark Brothers. For our older readers, you see S333 resurrecting my old term for our thugs, the BBB&G's Big Bad Boys & Girls. I am late posting this, every attempt failed on the old computer to so forwarded the mail to another account online that would allow me to post it from this, my new computer Big Bad Boys & Girls. I am late posting this, every attempt failed on the old computer to so forwarded the mail to another account online that would allow me to post it from this, my new computer!
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