Here is our daily meditation for this week

–4/18 through 4/26 --

to rise up with Mother Earth Gaia… and join our team to ensure ascension Now.

If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and mankind, and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email
                                                      by Archangel Michael
To Begin Monday, April 18, 2011 through April 26, 2011

Greetings to the Eagle Warriors! It is I, Archangel Michael, with you once again. As you know, much is happening on your planet and, of course, even more is to come. These energies, in some cases, are breaking what needs to be changed and it is our job, your job, to ease this chaos through this grid work that we do together. We that oversee this Project are quite please, actually, with the results being had through your dedication to spreading the Light throughout your planetary and personal grids.

As Earth once again during its full moon cycle is gifted with a downloading of Father/Mother God Energies, you are being asked to aid the anchoring of these Energies during your next meditation. Please ground and center yourselves before beginning.

You are asked to begin your meditation by first connecting to what we have termed the God Grid, or Source Grid *. This is done, of course, through your intention to do so. Ask the Energies of this Grid to gently and gracefully anchor into your High Heart.

We ask you to then, for the next five minutes or so, to focus your attention on the grid that connects all lifeforms on planet Earth, and to send this Source Grid Energy that is now anchored in your heart, to the heart of all Earth's inhabitants, both above, within and on the surface of the planet.

For your last five minutes, you are asked to do this same energy work for the Earth, sending these Energies from your heart center to hers. Your Mother desires to know that her Children are lovingly connected to her and are ready to make the journey with her into the higher dimensions, and it is through a strong connection with her that this is/will be accomplished. Therefore, send her your love, your gratitude, and your commitment to work on her behalf until she reaches her maximum Light quotient and arrives at her intended destination.

We understand, my brothers and sisters, that you sometimes feel very overwhelmed by all the changes transpiring on your planet, but we are here to encourage you, to love you, and to support you in all ways. So call upon us; we are here and we are closer than your very breath. I AM Archangel Michael, at your service.

* The Source/God Grid: It is a Grid established by your conscious acknowledgment that `Something BIG' is coming. You can't quite describe it or put your finger on `what' that `something' is but you feel it throughout every cell of your Being. That `something', that Energy, that you feel to be coming is, my friends, quite simply `Creator' or `God', however you wish to express it. And so it is this Source Grid or God Grid to which you are connected, and it is your conscious connection to this grid that helps ease the integration of its Energies into the mass consciousness of Earth humanity.

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Now Recruiting JEDI's, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins,
Crystals, Indigos, Lightworkers, Shamans, Earth Angels, and Light
Bearers of All Kinds!

Here ARE 2 WEBPAGES about how to work for Ashtar NOW:

We need YOU to join ASHTARS TRINITY and our other Ascension Groups
and Grid Project Groups! Write to janisel (at)

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I came into this world with a very specific purpose.
I came to fulfill a Mission.
I came to love life and realize the truth about me.
I came to contribute to the salvation of this world.      

The Purpose and Mission of Ashtar's Trinity, as was explained to us by Sananda, is to unite two 'camps'… those on the ascension path with those connected to the Space Brotherhood. They are related and cannot be separated anymore than 'Heaven' can be separated from 'the Heavenly Hosts'. They are not only one and the same, but neither would exist without the other. The Space Brotherhood, under the direction of the Ashtar Command, ARE, by and large, the 'Heavenly Hosts' referred to in all sacred scripture. Our job, therefore, is to show the correlation and Oneness of these two Realities.
Another of our prime purposes is to bring in higher frequencies of energy and clearer information through our channelings and Services that we offer. Both of us have extended our Contracts on Earth to accomplish this task and are both here to be of service to all. We have worked diligently with Ashtar and the Ashtar Command on preparing ourselves for our Mission and for this work, being committed to the principles of Unconditional Love, Universal Brotherhood and Ascension for the people on this planet and the planet herself. Within the pages of this website, as you read the words, you will feel the energies come upon you. This is by Ashtar's design to assist each person who reads these words and to assist them in their spiritual growth.
One of our first tasks under Ashtar's direction was to inlay a new grid around the Earth which would be anchored here in Sedona, Arizona. This has been accomplished. This new grid, as well as others that have since been established through Project: Eagle Triad, are for the purpose of escalating the Ascension processes on Earth. These 5th dimensional grids, as well as others, will assist in ushering in the needed cleansing of Mother Earth and the mass consciousness of this planet. It is through this cleansing process that Mother Earth will begin her Ascension into the 5th dimension or beyond, and those who are ready shall follow. To help facilitate this, we have been directed by Ashtar to not only coordinate a Light Grid project for the transmutation of mass consciousness negativity, but to become involved in the channeling, publishing, and teaching of Ascension Lessons and Master's Classes from Sananda.
This is a most critical time for this planet, as we are moving higher in vibrational frequency and moving into a new Reality. It is important to remember that the time has come for each and every one of us to begin to 'Walk the Talk'. There is no more time to simply straddle the fence. It is time to make a choice and begin our Missions. Each person who commits to this process has a profound affect on the planet and all those who live upon her.
Both of us have walked our spiritual paths for many, many years, and have prepared ourselves for this moment in time. Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Buddha, Quan Yin, Metatron, El Morya and Melchizedek have all had a hand in bringing us together for this monumental undertaking. We have committed ourselves to our Mission of working together to assist the peoples of Mother Earth and the Earth herself in this process of Ascension. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our Creator in this way.
Love and Blessings, in Oneness,
Rev Janisel and RevDeb

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a.k.a. The Trinity Project
Below is a very passionate excerpt from a channeling given to Ashtar's Trinity through Debbie Wright. This came just prior to what was being called Y2K and was the basis for the beginnings of Project: Eagle Triad… or the Trinity Project, as it is now known.
"IT IS TIME NOW TO SAVE THIS PLANET! It is time to quit TALKING about it, and DO something about it!
"So many are FEARING TOMORROW that they can't even see what is happening today...and THIS is the most horrendous time in this planet's history of this ever happening! In the past, the majority of the peoples of this planet looked forward to tomorrow with anticipation and for the first time in this planet's history, the majority of the population of this planet is dreading tomorrow!
"The Ground Crew Project will begin immediately. WE HAVE WORK TO DO NOW! We have to countermand this NOW! If we can get enough Beings of Light working on the same project together, their energies WILL connect around this planet, and their energies WILL lighten up this planet."
… From Ashtar's 'Call to Arms'

One of our first tasks under Ashtar's direction was to inlay a new grid around the Earth, and it was to be anchored here in Sedona, Arizona. Project: Eagle Triad was set up by Ashtar as a means for us to work with the Earth grids, aligning them and helping to change the mass consciousness of the planet. In other words, bringing more Light to mankind. This 5th-dimensional grid, as well as the others that have since been established, will assist in ushering in the higher frequencies for the cleansing of Mother Earth as well as transmuting the negative energies of fear, etc., from the mass consciousness grid. It is through this cleansing process that Mother Earth will begin her Ascension into the 5th dimension or beyond.
This Project, which is compliant with all Spiritual Paths, consists of doing three 5-minute meditations/visualizations each day, which are given to us from Ashtar, Sananda or others of the higher realms who are assisting us in this endeavor. These are not full-blown 'alpha' meditations, and are designed for even those who are new to meditation in general. These meditations may also be done at one 15-minute sitting if that is more convenient for you. At present, Sananda and Ashtar have everyone working on the same meditation each week, with each meditation being done for 7 days, after which time we are given a new one. As of now, we start each new set of visualizations on Mondays.
All those participating in this Project are grouped into 'trinities' (three people working together), however, the members of each trinity do NOT need to do the meditations at the same time as the others. Through their 'intent', their energies will all be sent 'together' to the appropriate grid. It is asked, however, that the members of each trinity stay in touch with each other via email or other means in order to facilitate the higher energetics of Group Mind/Group Heart. At the end of two months, all trinity members are then placed into Quartets and do specific meditations, three times each week, which are given to us by Metatron. This is a very high level of energy work and is the equivalent of going from kindergarten directly into high school. All Quartet members, however, continue to do the trinity work.
If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and mankind, and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email

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  • newj.jpg
  • excellent post,thankyou,our thoughts are very powerful now at this time,and even just going outdoors and standing in the open air of mother earth,sending out your loving thoughts of healing and light,is magnifing the light and grids across the earth,creating the star merkaba,as the one above,one below comes together,for zero point,star merkaba energy flow,blessings eve(solaena)
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