

Forever I Remain But a Wound Covered
Like Sanguinary Kisses In this painting,Christened As that now Called Life
Searching Within Coloured Mirrored Reflections No truths unfold
Do I heed For that Which I see Only pretends To be Me
Within shadows Under the lies Having been Crucified By a time-warp
My corpse Of memories I uncover Within leaves like pages Dead
Deep into This heart Broken On abused Knees In Slowness & Dust...

I crawl Behind me Dragging scars Of my Loneliness
With hands Gloved By distrust Dug,I Feel I dig that grave Unmarked
Where In secret I hide The mutilations I imposed upon myself from Eons Past
I Stand Bleeding Amongst The hurt As all Hope
Forever I abandoned..

Tears fall Burning The flesh Of my Soul As a Seer I Feel it
I hide Beneath And between This mockery of others
Nothing in Life Should be this Ghod-damn hard
I Disappear Amidst This pain Of suffering For no Longer
Am I able With Sadness To kwil it
Begging Answers From The Confusions That haunt Me
Demented Depths Of my stuffed up Thoughts and Of my Earthly fate
I know not What is to be of me at Times
The only Salvation I derive Is from Words
Scratched on this Paper here in Black ink I write them freely,Share them Openly
That In desperation I shall clutch For solace upon pages Colored in black
Is written The Sum Of my Sanity..

While staring Into the Stagnant Eye of My Consciousness
an Intelligent Eye Opening Lyricism Unfolds
all thoughtfully Bound together
by a considerate Unifying aesthetic
Live each role with heart and soul I'm told
The shades of Dark and Light combined
Know Thyself in These things that You are all
The Morbidity of Death as it is The painful Breath of life as Well...

Nevertheless,there is a Crossword-Clue-Style
revelry in this language,theme & meaning thoughout
there's a Mischievious,Pseudo-Mystical Balancing Glass Ball type concept
yet it's also not so thought out that one day someone's
gonna reveal the Secret Magic Messages behind everything that is
The only thing In this Life Of which I Am Certain..
Is that One day I will fully awaken And see Myself whole as My higherself...


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  • Just keep the faith brother.


  • Ahhhh shoot you were there!!..Hello Sister...Shek-na-Krena Nekomei Eckta helu en - tri hek emtri la emokto ta..shenakra emu shena ....do you speak Lumerian at all or can you understand it at least,what other language if you don't.... like any other planets light language??

    Who are your cosmic star Family members your cosmic souls Father & Mother brothers or sisters? I may remember them?

    I don't remember my Cosmic Mothers name offhand I wrote it down somewhere from vision now cant find it LOL I do remember what she looked like wow she was friggin gorgeous like a Goddess [I'm allowed to say that she's my mom] and I know she was from a well honoured royal like family bloodline to..my cosmic fathers name is Archeut Ananuel..And he is the Creator seal from the 13th dimension. 

    and here's my recall memory images of what Lumeria kinda was like back then,much like Maldek was really or if you think of Elvin lands from JRR Tolkins 'Lord of the Rings' then I think were both on the same page there yes!...





    This is what Mars kinda looked like way back then...so it ties in with the Nasa Images good..



  • Lumeria/Atlantis yes... I incarnated there after leaving my home planet,with the Plaidians,from Venus to Mars to Terra...could say I havnt ventured far from homeland in a sense either...as according to Alex Colliers information and my own perception of events that occurred which resonated totally with my souls path & memory recall from descending from Maldek to Venus then Mars then Terra his info rang truths..

     he said: 

    Reptilians wanted control of the new race, the Atlanteans began a severe electromagnetic bombardment of Lemuria. This bombardment caused the bulk of the continent to submerge into the ocean, now called the Pacific Ocean. The only parts left above the water are the Hawaiian Islands, the California coast west of the San Andreas fault, Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific Islands, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and the islands of southeast Asia.

    And I'm still here again this reality you could say years later so something rings true to.

    These are images taken by NASA Rover back in 2009 of the building remains on Mars after the Great Galactic Alliance Battle..much information has been covered up now from the general public eyes..but you cant take my memories away,they are embedded in my DNA as well as in my akaic 11th chakra it was a very traumatic time for me and my Brother & family,and millions of other souls...were you one of them also??


  • Yeah been there before,and watched the ships come down,in fact we called them down..but go back further than Egypt and where do you come from?..

  • Oh Feather Winger now your not telling me anything I don't already know.. I've been here a million times before over eons of time space,I'm just unloading cosmic written mindscape words from the walls of my' Hall of remembrance' to free up space for new words to come forth,releasing them into the ether like tinsel threads to touch who ever needs to receive them for uplifting their vibrations of their soul,kinda like healing invisible hands you could say.

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I was only 8 years old, so I don't remember but I've looked at the pics from that mission and I don't remember seeing 'earthrise' as they call it.https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/apollo-8-earthrise/Two German made  70-millimeter Hasselblad cameras…
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