Dear All,
To assist through a quite strong release-heal-adjust-rise phase within the collective, planetary and personal consciousness levels this month (and year), we’ll speak today about higher frequencies of ‘being’ and ‘seeing’, and grounding those frequencies into our physical, emotional and mental layers of expression and ‘self-creation’.
To illustrate the ‘levels within levels’ of Divine-Being-Seeing in the higher dimensional layers and how they (can) flow through the particular feeling-thinking beingness we each identify with – and through – while embodied in the third dimension, we’d like to introduce a higher dimensional crystal we call the Aahi Crystal, which is the Core Crystal in our lightship, the Meri’Ashar. High Light Crystals like the Aahi contain, amplify and transmit specific frequencies, attributes of Divine Being, Infinite Love…and there are many focused from lightships toward the Earth right now to assist the planetary shift in consciousness. Each one of these crystals within the cores of lightships of various dimensional origins holds and radiates an aspect of Divine Being, and they also work together, radiating and instilling high loving frequencies around the planet.
The Aahi Crystal holds and transmits the vibration of Being within, and viewing from, the Aahi/Ai – the state of Oneness with Source, Oneness within Source, and seeing all that is from Source Oneness…and therefore, co-creating in Oneness, from and with infinite love, insight and wisdom.
The Crystal has this type of long hexagonal form, with six-sided pyramids top and bottom, and six sides in the body/pillar (3×6=18=9). The Aahi Crystal carries the universal frequency of the 3-6-9-12, stepping 12th dimensional frequencies through the 9th, to the 6th, to the 3rd. It’s inner light is golden-white, merged vibrations of the pure white light of Ascension (the 13D light that spirals through the ‘ring and rays of 12’) and the golden Christ Light that, when it flows forth from the 12th dimension, expresses as restoration-renewal-resurrection of the divine ‘goldenprint’ of Love.
There are three main vibrational flows within the Aahi of Source, that we experience when opening our heart to them as ‘states of enlightenment’ in our incarnate Earth-selves. These states are simply alignments of energy, the energy we feel and express as and through our beings, and the states of overview (or inner-view) that radiate from these levels of alignment.
The first frequency is Insight