DOING. .. Give and share yourself with all that is.
HAVING. . .Receive more of yourself from different aspects of you.
Onlyby being your presence can one truly do and have.
We havebeen taught by society, our parents, and the world around us.
Inorder " to be " we must have first,
in order " to have " we must dofirst.
We have been doing it backwardsfor generations after generations because we did
not know better, noone could tell us otherwise; it was and still is a way of life that isslowly
changing back to the original way. . . The way that wasintended from the beginning.
From true Beingness come Doingnessand from true Doingness come Havingness.
It is in each one soulmatrix;
Be your presence,be love in action,be who you were created tobe and the doing, the having will be added unto you... I want to remindeach one of you: You are loved, loving and lovable forever.
Father-Mother God calls you the Beloved.
In theeyes of our creator
Each one of us are so precious, sobeautiful, so amazing and unique!
That the He/She, the IS, our Sourceseeks only to show us this, and give us the love that
is ourheritage. Let's all of us come together and surrender into Love.
Everythinghas been giving to us freely;there is nothing we need to do in order tohave, nothing
we need to have in order to be. . . That's the old andthe way that was taught to us by the world.
Stop trying to make aliving by doing so much so you can have. . . Start by being first andeverything else will follow or fall into place