to theinspiration and passion of the " Universe and Mother Earth."
Theinspiration and the passion to want to be, to want to do , to want tolive
an inspirational and passionate life is found within the heart.
Nowhereday we find so many people with no desire to live and why is that?
Becausemost of us live in our head instead of our heart where the desire for
livingresides. . .
Remember the head or the brain attach to the ego analyzes,
judges,separates us to one and other and put a label on all things; while the
heartconnects us all, create a space of coolness and sweetness where one is
receptiveto all that exists and open to all possibilities.
The true actof " Being, Doing and Living " is where one chooses daily andconsciously
to make their living from the heart which informs one'sdaily activities.
Practice being and living from the heart and allowyour consciousness to connect you
with the " Heart of the Universe,Mother Earth, Her children and all that is.