There have been other messages given concerning the solstice for this month, and we are mentioning it again today because it is an extremely important moment in Earth time. You might say that perhaps this is one of the most crucial moments upon Earth that sits on your horizon from now until the end of 2012.
You might call this the precursor or foundation where energies become the building blocks that point towards the Ascension. It is a key marker for humanity from many perspectives. This will be a moment where even greater turmoil will come into the world. It is a moment in history where you will see the beginning of the Earth changes in earnest. If you look at the weather and earthquake activity and volcanism you will see a gradual building up of intensity.
Gaia, along with advanced beings is working with the planet, intending to bring forth these changes in a balanced manner. The changes are necessary for many reasons. There are aging plates upon the surface of your planet and we have discussed this earlier. The Earth only has a few tools that it can use to clear and heal the planet and the most notable one for this is weather. The weather has been used to clear the Earth though you might not see it as such but nevertheless it is.
You, my faithful ones understand spiritual integrity and you don’t always understand the journey but you understand there is a necessity for it to grow spiritually. You are the exception rather than the rule as so much of humanity does not give spiritual information or Source its due consideration. God must be acknowledged as your Creator, and there are many who deny that.
The dark has had its way for so many centuries that humanity for the most part has accepted that God is a myth, and science and the scientific procedures are what govern the growth and evolution of humanity.
It is unfortunate but it is true humanity will be awakened to understand that they have been created by a greater force and that force lives within them. You know that force as it is called a soul. It is an insult to the Creator when an entity lives in that world that denies their soul through their actions. It is even more of an abomination when those individuals intend to control not only the planet, not only humanity, but all forms of life so that those who believe in their Maker are forced to live in abuse and injustice.
Your Creator, the one that we might call the spiritual force is patient, and allows humanity to walk those paths where they can deny their role of spiritual responsibility and progress. But as you know, or might surmise, their patience is growing thin because no matter how much time they are given, those who wish to control and those who follow their power have not changed.
These Earth changes and hardships could have been held back or at least mitigated if those who ignored their Creator would have made an attempt even, to change their direction. Greed is still a big factor in the world and those who are particularly caught up in greed intend to corner all of the assets that they can, no matter that they hold the vast majority of humanity hostage from their right to prosper.
Right now you are seeing the epitome of that attitude within your own country at that place of environmental travesty at the Gulf Coast oil spill. The oil company and your government understand the degree of damage but those who can profit from it are not coming forth and acknowledging the true depth of the disaster. Many are complaining that this big oil company is not treating them fairly, and it is true, they think more of their stock dividends then they think of their responsibility.
This is a big disaster and there is no honour among those who wish to control and dominate and who are totally steeped in greed. There is a coldness of heart and it seems like it cannot be changed. We are not singling out the oil companies though it might seem that way. We are simply giving an example of those who believe that power is king and greed is a virtue.
The Creator’s hand and heart weighs heavy as it seems that there will be no way of changing this attitude and behaviour unless it is demonstrated to people that there is a force greater than they. It has always been the way of the Creator to allow souls to follow their own path and to learn through experience, knowing that good responses will be made along with responses that are not in the soul’s best interest.
But in truth it has been demonstrated through experience that those with the dark agenda do not intend to change and those who teeter along the edge between the light and the dark are moving more towards the dark. This age has become an age where the value of the individual is judged by the amount of wealth that they hold, no matter how that wealth was obtained.
Those who have been abused and who are less fortunate than they are judged as not being worthy of the prosperity that the planet has to offer.
Your Creator holds all souls equal in their sight and abhors any of them being treated like something less than what they hold within; namely a soul reflecting the light and the abilities of the Creator.
These Earth changes of which I speak have always held a mechanism within them to change direction if civilization warranted. Your Creator has exercised much patience in dealing with the conditions on this planet, but that patience is coming to an end. Changes will become more intense, weather will become more erratic, volcanism and earthquakes will also appear to be more frequent and intense.
You will see turmoil in the financial markets and also in the currency markets. You are already starting to see this because these are places where great abuses have originated. Banks and those in the stock market who displayed enough greed to start this currency problem were given the chance. There was a bail out as you call it and to no avail. The profiteers are still harnessing the profits; they are just doing it in a different manner.
So what we are saying is chance was given to progress towards real honour and fair treatment of people but as you can see that also is failing. There will be more hardships on all levels of society and in the planet itself, and it will seem that nature has run amuck and this will continue until people start to wonder why.
Answers are not forthcoming until that “why” question is asked and that doesn’t seem to be happening to those who arrogantly intend to change the entire world to what they desire.
This is the world picture as I perceive it and I wish to say to you that you and others like you who believe in their Maker will be safe from these changes. There will be a moment when all of this turmoil will pass, but it will not happen until humanity has had the opportunity to ask that question “why” and to start to implement changes to honour their fellow human being and to acknowledge that they have a Creator and they pay homage to that Creator.
I say these things to you because you understand, but I also say these things to you to give you encouragement that you will be safe. Those who believe and stay close to their Maker will have nothing to worry about as their desires to advance and move on will bring forth the opportunities to do just that.
You are well aware that there will be great changes in the year 2012 and you have been preparing for that, and because you have been preparing for it you are truly blessed. Understand this is not a message of doom though I realize it could be interpreted as such. Rather it is an opportunity for all because there will be some who will not intend to move forward. Their soul has seen that they have more lessons to learn in a third dimensional culture and they will choose that option to incarnate in a place that offers them more choices in a three dimensional world.
Souls will also be given the opportunity to move on and advance and those who have not made their choices yet, still have time to open their minds and hearts to a spiritual life or refuse to advance at all. This is the time of great blessings as those who wish to regain their spiritual gifts will indeed do so. You might be aware that it is not possible for these greatest gifts to come forward as long as the dark is on your planet and therefore there will be a division of the ways.
This division and the opportunities given to transition to another third dimensional world ensures that every soul receives their future in a certain manner and will be given the opportunities to select their choice.
This message might not seem like a message of comfort as I usually give, but understand that is because what I am saying is that whatever is in your heart will come to pass. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity, this moment in time, for you to make a commitment to whatever desire is in your heart; and if your desire is to move to a spiritually higher plane, then this is the moment to make that decision and to bring forth your Creator into your heart and communicate that desire to them.
This will make a great difference in your life as your intention will be written in the heart of your Creator and you will receive what you are sending forth.
And now for our meditation…
Brought forth by Carolyn Evers