Reader: I have lots of questions for you Ben, mine are in English
- Why do you now stand with, defend and exalt the UN like its peacekeepers have not been charged in Africa (and many other parts of the world) with child rape
Never have I stood with or exalted the UN. My view is it needs to be replaced with something that actually helps the planet. The UN is a privately owned Rockefeller front that should be kicked out of the US ASAP.
- Why are you talking about the “reset” like it doesn’t involve the vaccine, microchip and tracker? We want NESARA – not the same thing
The WDS supports a reset that does not involve vaccines or microchips. It involves ending the current system of debt slavery that rules the West. NESARA was a good idea that has been used by criminals to con people out of their money.
- Why do you talk about redistributing wealth like it does not actually mean stealing from one to give to another – blatant communism
We are talking about a one-time write off of debt and redistribution only of those assets that were stolen from the people through Federal Reserve Board fiat fraud. We are not talking about taking money from genuine entrepreneurs who create value and employment.
- Why talk about the elite pedovores as if they are victims and we should “go easy on them” because you said, they were born into it, and didn’t know any better
What we are saying is that these people were born into a cult and either had to go along or be killed. We advocate eliminating the hardcore members who actually tortured and killed children but re-educating those whose only crime was to be born into these families.
- Why do you talk about Pope Francis as if he has changed his ways and has suddenly decided to help his fellow man, same goes for the Rothschild Family – there are no “good” Rothschilds, they hate us, we are like bugs to them, their words not mine
My father worked with Pope Francies in Argentina during the dirty war and they helped save 20,000 people from the death squads. My father, who was Canadian ambassador to Argentina at the time gave them Canadian passports and Bergoglio (now Francis) helped smuggle them out of the country.
I do not agree with everything that he does but he does talk about saving the environment, world peace, and ending poverty, things I agree with.
- I guess if you were going to turn on us, now would be the time, but to pull this on your own subscribers, to keep calling Trump a child rapist while failing to point it out in every single sick sadist listed above is absolute hypocrisy, I trust my discernment, following someone who makes fun of those who believe in Jesus was where I went wrong.
If the allegations about Trump are false, then I apologize for discussing them. However, if somebody publicly accused me of raping children, I would sue them. Why doesn’t he sue them?
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Dear Ben,
VT has been anti-trump all along.
The report that Trump has cases of pedo, does not check out, or believe me, the left would have used it.
We were very surprised you fell for it.
No one has done a thing re human trafficking, UNTIL trump.
He is a hero in that regard and the only leader who has faced it.
your fan, jw
BF- Point well taken. The original source for these allegations was the Wayne Madsen report but I got it second hand via the virulently anti-Trump Veteran’s today. Staffers there tell me Gordon Duff has recently “gone off the reservation,” with Covid hysteria etc.
In any case, Trump shouldn’t ignore these public allegations but sue and have the truth out in a court of law based on facts.
Finally, about posting video links in Japanese, I just want my readers to know I have people who follow my work in Japan as well as elsewhere and this was intended for them. Japan is a key battleground country because if we can liberate the country, then it will be much easier to liberate the US.